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The United States is a typical country _____.

which encourages free trade at home and abroad


which people’s chief concern is how to make money


which all businesses are managed scientifically


which normally works according to the federal budget


更多 “单选题The United States is a typical country _____.A which encourages free trade at home and abroadB which people’s chief concern is how to make moneyC which all businesses are managed scientificallyD which normally works according to the federal budget” 相关考题
考题 The United States has two major Political Parties: One is the Democratic Party, which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson’s party, formed before 1800. The other is the Republican Party, which was formed in the 1850s.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Passage FourEvery culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year, but not everyone does it the same way. The countries in North America and Europe welcome New Year on January the first. This practice began with the Romans in the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in China and Vietnam celebrate it on the first day of the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish (犹太人的) New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus (印度教教徒 ) in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.In all these cultures, there is a practice of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits (妖精) from their homes. Today making noise is more of a custom than a religious rimIn the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year's Eve, and when the new year comes, all ring bells, blow' whistles, sing songs, and kiss each other. A favorite Scottish song which everyone sings together is Auld Lang Sync. The words tell of old friends and good times.In all cultures, New Year's Day is a time when people think of new beginnings. They want to make the coming year better than the last one. Many people in the United States make New Year resolutions. These are specific promises that they make to improve their behavior, change their habits, and become better people. There are many jokes about how a person keeps his or her New Year resolutions.48. In ancient times, the practice of making noise was meant ______.A. to keep the evil spirits awayB. to have funC. to celebrate the coming of the new yearD. to keep to a custom

考题 In the 1930s, the United States experienced the Great Depression which first began with the New York stock market crash.()

考题 Humble ____ it may be, there’s no place like home, where he may go.[A]although[B]as[C]how[D]which

考题 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Some companies in the United States moved to Sweden, Germany and Belgium.B. Fresh air, spacious room and being away from others attract people to move to the suburbs.C. People wouldn't pay tax when they moved out of cities.D. The neighborhood should be maintained by old and poor people.

考题 Which is the best title of this passage?A. The Earliest People in North America.B. The Earliest Immigrants to North America.C. The People of the United States.D. Europeans Were the Earliest People Coming to the North America.

考题 In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people. 57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age. Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education,living without a settled home,being parentless,sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc. There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not.Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc. ?The author intends to tell the readers that__________.A.the United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist there B.crime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous one C.despite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperity D.in spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

考题 In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age. Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc. There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc. The author intends to tell the readers that_________.A. the United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist there B. crime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous one C. despite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperity D. in spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing r

考题 Questions 76-80 refer to the following information. Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching. Why the International free trade, economists agree,, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe. The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners’ benefits, otherwise they wouldn't trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spend, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong (or anywhere else). The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces companies to improve quality and cut costs. By contrast, protectionism encourages monopoly, lower quality and higher prices. Americans pay an enormous price for protection over $60 billion a year, or $1000 for a family of four. Thanks to protectionism, for example, American consumers pay twice the world price for sugar. Free trade also makes the world economy more efficient, by allowing nations to capitalize on their strengths. The United States has an advantage in food production, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has an advantage in oil. The Saudis could undertake massive irrigation to become self-sufficient in food, but it is more economical for them to sell oil and purchase food from us. Similarly, we could become self-sufficient in petroleum by squeezing more out of oil shale. But it is much less costly to buy some of our oil from Saudi Arabia. Tarde between our two countries improves the standard of living in both. Protectionism is both wasteful and unjust. It taxes most heavily the people who can least afford it. Thus, tariffs that rise the price of shoes burden the poor more than the rich. Despite the powerful case for free trade, the United States and the rest of the world have always been protectionist to some degree. This is because free trade benefits the general public, while protectionism benefits special interest group, which are better organized, better financed and more informed. To make matters worse, much of what we hear on this issue is misinformation spread by the special interests themselves. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. International free trade may improve the standard of living all over the world. B. Economists are all in favor of the free trade policy. C. International free trade may create international competition. D. Protectionism has been abolished due to encouraging monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.

考题 共用题干 Scotland:A Land of WisdomIn the 1740s,the famous French philosopher Voltaire said,"We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization."That's not a bad advertisement for any country when it comes to attracting people to search for a first-class education.According to the American author Arthur Herman,the Scots invented the modern world itself.He argues that Scottish thinkers and intellectuals worked out many of the most important ideas on which modern life depends一everything from the scientific method to market economics.Their ideas did not just spread among intellectuals,but to those people in business,government and the sciences who actually shaped the Western world.It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment(启蒙运动),which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800.Before that, philosophy was mainly concerned with religion. For the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment,the proper study of humanity was mankind itself.Their reasoning was practical.For the philosopher David Hume,humanity was the right subject for philosophy because we can examine human behavior and so find real evidence of how people think and feel.And from that we can make judgments about the societies we live in and make concrete suggestions about how they can be improved for universal benefit.Hume's enquiry into the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for the scientific method一the pursuit of truth through experiment. His friend and fellow resident of Edinburgh,Adam Smith,famously applied the study of mankind to the ways in which mankind does business.Trade,he argued,was a form of information.In pursuing our own interests through trading in markets,we all come to benefit each other.Smith's idea has dominated modern views of economics.It also has wide applications. He was one of the philosophers to point out that nations can become rich,free and powerful through peace,trade and invention.Although the Scottish Enlightenment ended a long time ago,the ideas which evolved at that time still underpin(构成······的基础)our theories of human exchange and enquiry. Italso exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combines academic excellence with orientation(方向). According to Arthur Herman,the Scots developed many important ideas which modern life depends on.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Scotland:A Land of WisdomIn the l740s,the famous French philosopher Voltaire said“We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization.”That's not a bad advertisement for any country when it comes to attracting people to search for a first-class education.According to the American author Arthur Herman,the Scots invented the modern world it-self. He argues that Scottish thinkers and intellectuals worked out many of the most important ideas on which modern life depends-everything from the scientific method to market economics.Their ideas did not just spread among intellectuals,but to those people in business,government and the sciences who actually shaped the Western world.It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment(启蒙运动), which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800.Before that,philosophy was mainly concerned with religion.For the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment,the proper study of humanity was mankind itself.Their reasoning was practical.For the philosopher David Hume,humanity was the right sub-ject for philosophy because we can examine human behavior and so find real evidence of how peo- ple think and feel.And from that we can make judgments about the societies we live in and make concrete suggestions about how they can be improved for universal benefit.Hume's enquiry into the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for the scientific method- the pursuit of truth through experiment. His friend and fellow resident of Edinburgh,Adam Smith, famously applied the study of mankind to the ways in which mankind does business.Trade,he ar- gued,was a form of information.In pursuing our own interests through trading in markets,we all come to benefit each other.Smith's idea has dominated modern views of economics.It also has wide applications.He was one of the philosophers to point out that nations can become rich,free and powerful through peace,trade and invention.Although the Scottish Enlightenment ended a long time ago,the ideas which evolved at that time still underpin(构成……的基础)our theories of human exchange and enquiry. It also exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combines academic excellence with orientation(方向). According to Arthur Herman,the Scots developed many important ideas which modern life depends on.A:.RightB: WrongC:.Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 The United States is a federal union of 50 states.The capital of national government is in Washington,D.C.The federal constitution sets up the structures of the national government and lists its powers and activities.The constitution gives Congress the authority to make laws which are necessary for the common defense and the good of the nation.It also gives the federal government the power to deal with national and international problems that involve more than one state._________(46)_________(47)The legislative branch makes the laws;the executive branch carries out the laws;and the judicial branch interprets the laws.The President heads the executive branch and the Supreme Court heads the judicial branch.The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress一 the Senate and the House of Representatives._________(48)For example,Congress can pass a law; the President may sign it. Nevertheless,the Supreme Court can declare the law unconstitutional and nullify(取消)it.__________(49)The President and the members of the Congress are elected directly.But the heads of federal departments and Supreme Court judges are appointed by the President. Every citizen votes in secret.__________(50)The people believe that their government should provide a framework of law and order within which they are left free to run their own lives._________(46)A:The election of government takes place every four years.B:The federal government has three branches:the executive,the legislative,and the judicial.C: All the powers that are not given to the federal government by the constitution are the responsibility of the individual states.D:The United States government is based on the principle of federalism,in which power is shared between the federal government and state governments.E:Consequently,no one knows for sure whether his neighbor actually votes for or against a particular candidate.F:The constitution limits the powers of each branch and prevents one branch from gaining too much power.

考题 On which of the following did the Justices agree,according to Paragraph 4?( ) A.Federal officers’duty to withhold immigrants’information. B.States’independence from federal immigration law. C.States’legitimate role in immigration enforcement. D.Congress’s intervention in immigration enforcement.

考题 On which of the following did the Justices agree,according to Paragraph 4?( ) A.Federal officers’duty to withhold immigrants’information B.States’independence from federal immigration law C.States’legitimate role in immigration enforcement D.Congress’s intervention in immigration enforcement

考题 In a typical production environment, which server(s) hosts the application ?()A、 Node ServerB、 Administration ServerC、 Managed ServerD、 Configuration Server

考题 单选题Which of the following would make the most appropriate title for this passage?A The Long Way Home: Ulysses and Finnegan’s WakeB James Joyce, Ulysses, and the Battle against CensorshipC The Works of James Joyce, Ireland’s Literary GeniusD The Hidden Value of James Joyce’s Great NovelsE A Portrait of James Joyce as a Young Man

考题 单选题According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the _____.A degree to which policies were based on traditionB form of economic interdependency between different cultural groupsC treatment of the native inhabitantsD relationship between the military and the settlers

考题 单选题Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A Types of Doctors in the United StatesB Health Care in the United States and BritainC Treatment of Sick Children in the United StatesD Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain

考题 单选题The modern Internet, first established in the mid-1980s, is based on the technology developed for the ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s.A ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of DefenseB ARPANET; it was created by the United States Department of DefenseC ARPANET, which was created by the United States Department of DefenseD ARPANET, being created by the United States Department of DefenseE ARPANET; the United States Department of Defense created it

考题 单选题During regular database operation, which background process will take smaller blocks of free space in a dictionary-managed tablespace and move things around to make bigger pieces of free space?()A DBW0 B LGWR C ARCH D SMON E PMON

考题 单选题It is important to provide an environment _____ people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of the company.A from whichB on whichC in whichD for which

考题 单选题According to the writer, Britain is a country______.A which has regular snowB which is not well prepared for snowC for which snow is a catastropheD for which snow is a wonder

考题 单选题In which of the following aspect can the “sea turtles” make contributions to their homeland?A They return home with knowledge and contracts to set up new businesses.B They help companies in their home country operate in their host country.C They work harder for less pay.D They help to achieve a lower unemployment rate.

考题 单选题In a typical production environment, which server(s) hosts the application ?()A  Node ServerB  Administration ServerC  Managed ServerD  Configuration Server

考题 单选题The United States is a typical country _____.A which encourages free trade at home and abroadB which people’s chief concern is how to make moneyC which all businesses are managed scientificallyD which normally works according to the federal budget

考题 问答题Practice 3  The United States is a federal union of 50 states. The District of Columbia is the seat of the national government. The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and activities. Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitutions and laws. Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.  All government in the United States is “of, by and for the people”. Members of Congress, the President, state officials, and those who govern counties and cities are elected by popular vote. Heads of federal departments are named by the President, and judges are either elected directly by the people or are appointed by elected officials. Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting. Public officials may be removed from office for failing to perform their duties properly as well as for serious violations of law.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States? _____A BaseballB TennisC BasketballD American football

考题 单选题According to the passage, the International Trade Commission is involved in which of the following?A Investigating allegations of unfair import competitionB Granting subsidies to companies in the United States that have been injured by import competitionC Recommending legislation to ensure fair tradeD Identifying international corporations that wish to build plants in the United States