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What is “the Monitor” in Paragraph 1 most likely to be?


推理题。根据题干定位至原文第一段。该段第一句说到:“My grandmother cut a recipe sometime in the 1940s or 1950s for ‘Mrs. Orr’s Chocolate Cake’ from the Monitor.”分析该句句意可知,因此该句中提到的“Mrs. Orr’s Chocolate Cake”应该是一个名人做蛋糕的专栏,报纸除了新闻还有其他栏目,由此可判断出奶奶应该是从“报纸”上的食谱专栏里剪贴下烹饪方法,因此原文中的the Monitor应该是一份报纸,故本题的正确答案为Newspaper。
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考题 问答题What is “the Monitor” in Paragraph 1 most likely to be?

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