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_____ , the pay isn't attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.

Generally speaking


On the contrary


In particular


To be honest


更多 “单选题_____ , the pay isn't attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.A Generally speakingB On the contraryC In particularD To be honest” 相关考题
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考题 , the pay isn’t attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.AGenerally speaking B On the contraryCIn particular D To be honest

考题 Now it isn’ t difficult to() a job in our city. A. findB. find outC. look forD. search

考题 It just isn’t fair I was working as a waiter last month; my friends were lying on the beach. .A whenever B. though C. for D. while

考题 Unsatisfiedwith the payment, he took the job just to got some work experience.A. though was he B, though he wasC. he was though D. was he though

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考题 There isn't enough room for us, _______ six dogs and one cat.A、not to sayB、 not tomentionC、let it goD、let alone

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考题 Ron was an engineer.He planned a change and tried the new job of teaching kids how to swim.Ron′s easy?manner soon made him a full-time employee at the swim school. Now,the 40 hours he works a week takes in weekends,early mornings and late afternoons.He earns around?25%less than he did in engineering.But,at 49,he says he has never been happier."I′ve had a drop in pay,but I′ve?cut back on spending,too.I seldom drive to work so don′t have to pay as much for petrol(汽油).I don′t drink as much.I go walking in my lunch break and I′ve lost 20 kilos.I love going to work.The whole family is a lot happier." When one of his brothers called,offering to help him find"a real i oh",he answered,"I don′t care.I know what?I′m doing is good." He admits it was fearful making such a big change when there was the mortgage(分期付款)to pay and kids to clothe and feed,but in the end he feels it is a simple choice."If you′re in a job you don′t like,get out.Money′s not?everything.If you don′t like it,change—find something you′re going to be happy with." What′s Ron′s advice to the readers?A.Stick to the job if you have kids to raise. B.Change the job if you don't like it any more. C.Stick to the job if you have mortgage to pay. D.Change the job if you don't get enough money.

考题 Help yourself to the steak, Maggie? ()ASorry, I‘ve had enough.BThank you, Helen.CYes. But it isn‘t cooked wellDHelp yourself to it, too.

考题 Help yourself to the steak, Maggie? ()A、Sorry, I‘ve had enough.B、Thank you, Helen.C、Yes. But it isn‘t cooked wellD、Help yourself to it, too.

考题 设字段变量job为字符型,pay为数值型,能够表达"job是处长且pay不大于1000元"的表达式是().A、job="处长".AND.pay=1000B、job=处长.AND.pay1000C、job="处长".AND.pay1000D、job=处长.AND.pay=1000

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考题 单选题设字段变量job为字符型,pay为数值型,能够表达"job是处长且pay不大于1000元"的表达式是().A job=处长.AND.pay=1000B job=处长.AND.pay1000C job=处长.AND.pay1000D job=处长.AND.pay=1000

考题 单选题Help yourself to the steak, Maggie? ()A Sorry, I‘ve had enough.B Thank you, Helen.C Yes. But it isn‘t cooked wellD Help yourself to it, too.

考题 填空题What is the problem with working at home only?There isn’t enough ____ interaction.