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Going to bed at 10 p.m. is a order that must be obeyed by everyone here.



an order


be obeyed




更多 “单选题Going to bed at 10 p.m. is a order that must be obeyed by everyone here.A GoingB an orderC be obeyedD here” 相关考题
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考题 My order is that everyone ___ their own work in time. A.must completeB.completedC.completesD.complete

考题 You look very tire You must ( ) to bed very late last night. A、have goneB、have been goneC、be goneD、be going

考题 There are many ______ here.A、boxB、boxsC、boxesD、boxies

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考题 Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here.A:prevents B:receives C:deserves D:accepts

考题 Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here.A:receives B:deserves C:accepts D:prevents

考题 I suggest_______for an outgoing this Sunday.A.us going B.we are going C.to go D.our going

考题 —I usually travel by train. —Why not________by plane for a change A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going

考题 I never()to bed so late.A、got used to goingB、used to goingC、got used to goD、used going

考题 A:Do you know our company at all? B:No, it's the first time()here.A、IhadbeenB、IamcomingC、IwasD、Ihavebeen

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考题 Sally's parents()come and stay with her soonA、are goingB、are going toC、is going to

考题 It()aroundsixo’clockwhenIdrovebackyesterdaybecauseitwasalreadydark.A、must have beenB、must heC、was to beD、had to be

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考题 单选题The man next door has a good______of going to bed at 10 p.m. every day.A habitB customC traditionD thing

考题 单选题I never()to bed so late.A got used to goingB used to goingC got used to goD used going

考题 单选题The man next door has a good _____ of going to bed at 10 p.m. every day.A habitB customC traditionD thing