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Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.

had better to 




must not


don't have to


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更多 “单选题Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.A had better toB don'tC must notD don't have to” 相关考题
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考题 听力原文:W: Hello, Jack! Do you think you can give me a lift to the station? I must go there to pick my sister.M: I'm terribly sorry, but I can't. I have to be at work by 8:30. I can call you a taxi, though.What is the woman doing?A.Asking for information.B.Asking for an apology.C.Asking for help.D.Asking for a taxi.

考题 Waiter: Hello, sir. ?Customer: Could you give us a second, please?Waiter: Sure.A. Are you ready to orderB. How can I help youC. Ready to take my orderD. Can I do you a favor

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考题 -- Can I help you with the bag?-- _____A. No, thank you. I can take it myself.B. Thank you.C. Sorry, you can't.D. No, I am all right.

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考题 Can you go skating with us this afternoon?Sorry,I can't. I()take care of my little sister at home.A. couldB. mayC. have to

考题 —Hello, Mr.Snyder.What can I do for you? — () . A.My car sounds like a motorboat at full speed.B.It looks as if you need a new radio.C.We'll take a closer look, and get back to you later today.

考题 –– Jerry: Hi, mom. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Tanya Trench. Tanya, this is my mother.–– Tanya: How do you do, Mrs. Miller.–– Mother: How do you do?–– Tanya: I' m glad you can join us. ————.A: Take is easyB: Make yourself at homeC: Please feel naturalD: Feel all right here

考题 Steve:Can I get you a cup of coffee?Julia:______A、I don't take sugar, thank you.B、You can, please.C、Thank you for the coffee.D、That's very nice of you.

考题 I can ____ you to the railway station in my car. A、rideB、sendC、takeD、bring

考题 I can ______you to the supermarket in my car.A. sendB. pickC. rideD. take

考题 You must take__for granted that I will help you.A.it B.that C.this D.its

考题 I′m sorry I can′t see you immediately;but if you′d like to take a seat,I′ll?be with?you__________.A.for a moment B.in a moment C.for the moment D.at the moment

考题 Can I take your order now?()AThank you for you offer.BSorry, it‘s beyond my order.CBy no means.DJust a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 You are welcome to take my taxi next time.的意思是:()。

考题 In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off.()A、I‘ll take your adviceB、Let me seeC、Never mindD、I‘m afraid so

考题 Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.A、had better toB、don'tC、must notD、don't have to

考题 Can I take your order now?()A、Thank you for you offer.B、Sorry, it‘s beyond my order.C、By no means.D、Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ()A、You can take a taxi.B、It‘s about thirty miles.C、I‘ll fly to Sidney.D、It‘s only six hundred dollars.

考题 单选题You can't afford to let the situation get worse.You must take______to put it right.A decisionsB directionsC sidesD steps

考题 单选题You can’t afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _____ to put it right.A decisionsB directionsC sidesD steps

考题 单选题Careth: Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out?  Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven’t finished, you can renew them.  Careth: How do I do that? ________  Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.  Eunice: These two books have been lended.A Why can’t I keep them for a longer time?B Must I visit the library?C How much could I be fined?D Can I lend them to my friends?

考题 单选题You must take the()steps by yourself; after you have begun, I will help you.A primitiveB preliminaryC primaryD practicable

考题 单选题Can I take your order now?()A Thank you for you offer.B Sorry, it‘s beyond my order.C By no means.D Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 单选题Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.A had better toB don'tC must notD don't have to

考题 单选题Jane:Oh, that was a delicious meal!  Bill:What would you like for dessert?  Jane:Nothing, thank you.  Bill: Are you sure you don’t want any?  Jane:Yes, I’m sure._____  Bill: You look fine to me.A I must take care of my teeth.B But I don’t mind some ice-cream.C I’m too full to eat anything more.D I must watch my figure, you know.

考题 单选题—Hello! Can I speak to Alice, please?  —Sorry. She isn’t in at the moment.  — ______ ? Please tell her to call me back on my mobile.A Could I leave a messageB Can you hold the lineC Will you put me throughD May I take a message