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更多 “单选题_____A rememberB argueC discussD keep” 相关考题
考题 单选题Keeping a diary is _____ good habit. Stick to it, and you will make _____ great progress in writing.A a; /B a: aC the; aD /; a

考题 单选题He was becoming fat, _____ bothered him very much.A thatB whatC thisD which

考题 单选题The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that _____.A they want to see historic remains or religious spotsB they are interested in different cultural traditions and social customsC they would like to take pictures in front of famous sitesD they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home

考题 单选题_____A ButB SoC HoweverD Because

考题 单选题_____A UntilB AfterC UnlessD Before

考题 单选题In the passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT _____.A saving employees’ moneyB making employees more attractiveC improving employees’ motivationD making employees happier

考题 问答题他连自己都养不活,更别说养家了。

考题 单选题The _____ of their success in the new year are good.A perspectiveB propertyC prospectsD future

考题 单选题_____A dreamerB strangerC flyerD settler

考题 单选题All medicines should be kept out of _____ of children.A touchB reachC getD attain

考题 单选题_____A addingB stimulatingC increasingD raising

考题 单选题The flowers _____ often.A must be waterB must be wateredC must wateredD must water

考题 单选题I don’t think it’s important, _____?A doesn’tB is itC do ID isn’t

考题 单选题He sat _____ the sunlight was enough.A whereB whenC thatD the place where

考题 单选题Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services?A To sell a bicycle for $20.B To get some money for old books at a garage sale.C To buy things you need or want.D To get paid for your work.

考题 单选题We were not prepared for _____ the violence of his towards Sandy.A impressionB responseC relationD reaction

考题 单选题His decision was _____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.A arbitraryB ordinaryC casualD accurate

考题 单选题The _____ of their success in the new year are good.A perspectiveB propertyC prospectsD future

考题 单选题_____A SlowlyB ImmediatelyC CarefullyD Meanwhile

考题 单选题_____A in whichB theyC whenD which

考题 单选题Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.A the; theB /; /C the; /D /; the

考题 问答题Practice 3  The condition most helpful to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people consider that they are reasonable, they are likely to buy. (1) Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology(心理学).

考题 单选题One of the _____ of belonging to the club is that you can use its tennis courts on weekends.A implicationsB advantagesC profitsD privileges

考题 单选题_____A wrappedB restedC gatheredD packed

考题 单选题I’m feeling sick. I _____ so much chocolate.A needn’t have eatenB couldn’t have eatenC mustn’t have eatenD shouldn’t have eaten

考题 单选题Not only he but also we _____ right. He, as well as we, _____ right.A are; areB are; isC is; isD is; are

考题 单选题_____A WhenB SinceC ThoughD Unless

考题 单选题I decided to stop and have lunch, _____ I was feeling quite hungry.A forB moreoverC consequentlyD whereas