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That is the ()(易碎的) cargo.









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更多 “单选题That is the ()(易碎的) cargo.A flammableB dangerousC fragileD poisonous” 相关考题
考题 We must ( ) the immediate replacement of the cargo. A、acquireB、respondC、request

考题 This is the deck cargo. ________ stow it in the holdsA.NotB.Can’tC.Doesn’tD.Don’t

考题 品质好的稻米米粒均匀、整齐,没有碎米和爆腰米,无腹白,( )。A.硬度低、易碎B.硬度高、不易碎C.硬度低、不易碎D.硬度高、易碎

考题 A "dangerous cargo manifest" is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this "manifest" from the ______.A.manufacturerB.ABSC.Coast GuardD.shipper

考题 Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo. This survey is usually performed by the ______.A.MSAB.CCSC.CCIQD.local port authority

考题 fragile;hard;sharp(  )。 A.锋利的;易碎的;硬的 B.硬的;锋利的;易碎的 C.易碎的;锋利的;硬的 D.易碎的;硬的;锋利的

考题 轻质易碎屋盖的轻质易碎部分单位面积重量最大为()kN/㎡。A2.0B1.5C3.8

考题 轻质易碎屋盖由轻质易碎材料构成。A对B错

考题 轻质易碎屋盖的轻质易碎部分单位面积重量最大为()kN/㎡。A、2.0B、1.5C、3.8

考题 易碎商品的打包方法,以下说法正确的是()A、易碎商品不用装箱,直接用京东袋打包B、易碎商品需要装箱,装完后直接扔流水线C、易碎商品用京东新纸箱或者符合包装要求的二次纸箱,然后用红色易碎胶带识别D、易碎商品用京东袋包装,然后用红色易碎胶带识别

考题 炮制后的明矾的质量要求是()A、白色B、质轻松,手捻易碎C、使质地酥脆易碎D、蜂窝状

考题 易碎产品应主动提醒客户选择易碎保,如客户不愿选择,则无法收取

考题 This is deck cargo. ()stow it in the holds.A、NotB、NottoC、Don’tD、Can

考题 It is flammable cargo. Keep it away from the ().A、gangwayB、bowC、boilerD、stern

考题 Tell your stevedores to handle with care the fragile cargo.()A、告诉装卸工易燃货要小心轻放。B、告诉装卸工要小心装卸易腐蚀货。C、告诉装卸工易碎货要小心轻放。D、告诉装卸工要小心装卸危险货。


考题 易碎系数

考题 下列选项中,对于易碎贴的使用不正确的是()。A、第一现场不能拆检估损的案件,对外表损坏配件加贴易碎贴B、对易产生调包和可能损坏的配件加贴易碎贴C、对需要监督拆解的车辆,无需加贴易碎贴D、水损事故中对持疑问的配件,如电脑板等加贴易碎贴锁定配件

考题 植物细胞细胞悬浮培养的材料一般选择()A、疏松不易碎的愈伤组织B、疏松易碎的愈伤组织C、疏松不易碎的离体组织块D、紧密不易碎的离体组织块

考题 轻质易碎屋盖由轻质易碎材料构成。

考题 单选题Tell your stevedores to handle with care the fragile cargo.()A 告诉装卸工易燃货要小心轻放。B 告诉装卸工要小心装卸易腐蚀货。C 告诉装卸工易碎货要小心轻放。D 告诉装卸工要小心装卸危险货。

考题 单选题Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo. This survey is usually performed by the().A MSAB CCSC CCIQD local port authority

考题 单选题A dangerous cargo manifest is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to mark this manifest from the().A manufacturerB CCSC HASD shipper

考题 单选题A fire has damaged 20 bales of cotton on a freighter loaded with general cargo. This claim would come under().A constructive total lossB general averageC particular averageD total loss of a part

考题 判断题轻质易碎屋盖由轻质易碎材料构成。A 对B 错

考题 单选题A “dangerous cargo manifest” is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this “manifest” from the().A manufacturerB ABSC Coast GuardD shipper

考题 判断题DANGEROUS CARGO.────危险品。A 对B 错

考题 单选题下列选项中,对于易碎贴的使用不正确的是()。A 第一现场不能拆检估损的案件,对外表损坏配件加贴易碎贴B 对易产生调包和可能损坏的配件加贴易碎贴C 对需要监督拆解的车辆,无需加贴易碎贴D 水损事故中对持疑问的配件,如电脑板等加贴易碎贴锁定配件