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What are two important considerations when using 2- or 4-channel 15216 OADMs?() (Choose two.)

All Add channels require uniform power levels.


The flexibility of wavelengths per OADM is limited.


It is easier to balance Pass-Through and Add channels.


There is lower pass-through loss using multi-channel OADMs.


You can extract a single channel without dropping other channels.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题What are two important considerations when using 2- or 4-channel 15216 OADMs?() (Choose two.)AAll Add channels require uniform power levels.BThe flexibility of wavelengths per OADM is limited.CIt is easier to balance Pass-Through and Add channels.DThere is lower pass-through loss using multi-channel OADMs.EYou can extract a single channel without dropping other channels.” 相关考题
考题 What are two instances when a WX device route carves? ()(Choose two.) A. It occurs every 29 hours.B. Packet interception mode is enabled.C. The host is unreachable on the local subnet.D. The subnet is unreachable using the advertised router.

考题 What are three key pre-installation/configuration considerations when deploying a WX device?() (Choose three.) A. cablingB. community topologyC. requires a license keyD. requires two IP addressesE. registration server designation

考题 What are three relevant design considerations when using the 15216 EDFA? ()(Choose three.) A. dispersionB. Optical SNRC. span attenuationD. four wave mixingE. receiver sensitivity

考题 What are two considerations to using IP Multicast delivery? () A. no congestion avoidanceB. not for bandwidth intensive applicationsC. no guaranteed delivery mechanismD. source sends multiple data streams out each interface

考题 What are two important guidelines to follow when implementing VTP?()A、 CDPmust be enabled on all switches in theVTP management domain.B、 All switches in the VTPdomain must run the same version of VTP.C、 When using secure mode VTP, only configure management domain passwords onVTP servers.D、 EnablingVTP pruning on a server willenable the feature for the entire management domain.E、 Use of theVTPmulti-domain feature should be restricted to migration and temporary implementation.

考题 What are two important considerations when using 2- or 4-channel 15216 OADMs?() (Choose two.)A、All "Add" channels require uniform power levels.B、The flexibility of wavelengths per OADM is limited.C、It is easier to balance "Pass-Through" and "Add" channels.D、There is lower pass-through loss using multi-channel OADMs.E、You can extract a single channel without dropping other channels.

考题 What are two considerations to using IP Multicast delivery? ()A、no congestion avoidanceB、not for bandwidth intensive applicationsC、no guaranteed delivery mechanismD、source sends multiple data streams out each interface

考题 What are three relevant design considerations when using the 15216 EDFA?()A、 dispersionB、 Optical SNRC、 span attenuationD、 four wave mixingE、 receiver sensitivity

考题 What two situations could require the use of multiple routing protocols? ()A、when all equipment is manufactured by CiscoB、when there are multiple paths to destination networksC、because having multiple routing protocols confuses hackersD、when migrating from an older Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) to a new IGPE、when using UNIX host - based routersF、when smaller broadcast domains are desired

考题 What are two instances when a WX device route carves? ()(Choose two.)A、It occurs every 29 hours.B、Packet interception mode is enabled.C、The host is unreachable on the local subnet.D、The subnet is unreachable using the advertised router.

考题 What are three key pre-installation/configuration considerations when deploying a WX device?() (Choose three.)A、cablingB、community topologyC、requires a license keyD、requires two IP addressesE、registration server designation

考题 What are three relevant design considerations when using the 15216 EDFA? ()(Choose three.)A、dispersionB、Optical SNRC、span attenuationD、four wave mixingE、receiver sensitivity

考题 多选题What are three relevant design considerations when using the 15216 EDFA?()AdispersionBOptical SNRCspan attenuationDfour wave mixingEreceiver sensitivity

考题 问答题Practice 7  Task Sheet:  A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Aiming to improve career prospects  ● Reading business articles  ● Learning a foreign language  ●…______  B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHE...?  Deciding how to transport goods  ● Destination  ● Speed______  ●…  C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Purchasing new machinery  ● Level of automation  ● Maintenance requirements  ●…

考题 多选题What are two important considerations when using 2- or 4-channel 15216 OADMs?()AAll Add channels require uniform power levels.BThe flexibility of wavelengths per OADM is limited.CIt is easier to balance Pass-Through and Add channels.DThere is lower pass-through loss using multi-channel OADMs.EYou can extract a single channel without dropping other channels.

考题 问答题Practice 4  A: What is important when...?  Choosing a conference center  ●Facilities  ●Accommodations  ●Location  B: What is important when...?  Selecting an employee  ●Qualification  ●Personality  ● Creativity

考题 问答题Practice 7  A: What is important when...?  Maintaining customer interest in a company’s products  ●Quality goods  ● Excellent after-sales service  ●Feedback  B: What is important when...?  Considering transport management  ●Timing  ●Cost

考题 问答题Practice 6  A: What is important when...?  Keeping excellent staff  ● Attractive salary  ● Comfortable company culture  ●Opportunities to improve  B: What is important when...?  Selling a new product  ●Discount  ●Quality  ● Advertising

考题 问答题Practice 2  A: What is important when...?  Choosing a business-training course  ●Fees  ●Size of group  ●Subjects covered  B: What is important when...?  Choosing a magazine to buy regularly  ●Contents  ●Cost  ●Printing quality

考题 多选题What are two important considerations when using 2- or 4-channel 15216 OADMs?() (Choose two.)AAll Add channels require uniform power levels.BThe flexibility of wavelengths per OADM is limited.CIt is easier to balance Pass-Through and Add channels.DThere is lower pass-through loss using multi-channel OADMs.EYou can extract a single channel without dropping other channels.

考题 多选题What are two instances when a WX device route carves? ()(Choose two.)AIt occurs every 29 hours.BPacket interception mode is enabled.CThe host is unreachable on the local subnet.DThe subnet is unreachable using the advertised router.

考题 问答题Follow up questions:  Q1: What do you think are the most important qualification considerations when you recruit a receptionist?

考题 多选题What are three key pre-installation/configuration considerations when deploying a WX device?() (Choose three.)AcablingBcommunity topologyCrequires a license keyDrequires two IP addressesEregistration server designation

考题 多选题What are three relevant design considerations when using the 15216 EDFA? ()(Choose three.)AdispersionBOptical SNRCspan attenuationDfour wave mixingEreceiver sensitivity

考题 多选题What are two considerations to using IP Multicast delivery? ()Ano congestion avoidanceBnot for bandwidth intensive applicationsCno guaranteed delivery mechanismDsource sends multiple data streams out each interface

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考题 问答题Practice 6  Task Sheet:  A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Planning a presentation  ● Audience  ● Equipment needed  ●…  B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients  ● Experience  ● Reliability ·  ●…  C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Introducing a new product range onto the market  ● Timing  ● Advance publicity  ●…

考题 问答题题目要求:  In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the two below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.Practice 1  A: What is important when...?  Attending an interview  ●Punctuality  ●Manner  ●Appearance  B: What is important when...?  Working in a team  ●Having a team leader  ●Deciding people’s responsibilities  ●Sharing information