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3、若有如下定义,则选项中不正确的语句是_________。 Structure student Dim Name As String Dim score As Integer End Structure Dim s1,s2 as Studen


B.s1 = s2‍

C.s1.score = s2.score

D.Student.Name = s2.Name

更多 “3、若有如下定义,则选项中不正确的语句是_________。 Structure student Dim Name As String Dim score As Integer End Structure Dim s1,s2 as StudenA.s2.Name="zhang"B.s1 = s2‍C.s1.score = s2.scoreD.Student.Name = s2.Name” 相关考题
考题 下面可以正确定义2个整形变量和1个字符串变量的语句的是( )。A.Dim n,m AS Interger,s AS StringB.Dim a%,b$,c AS StringC.Dim a AS Integer,b,c AS StringD.Dim x%,y AS Integer,z AS String

考题 设在工程中定义了下列类型: Type Stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 Strsex As String*1 Smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作 A. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End Sub B. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub C. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End Sub D. Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub

考题 下面可以正确定义两个整型变量和—个字符串变量的语句是______。A.Dim n,m As Integer,s As StringB.Dim a%,b$,c As StringC.Dim a As Integer,b,c As StringD.Dim x%,y As Integer,z As String

考题 ( 11 )下面可以正确定义 2 个整形变量和 1 个字符串变量的语句的是( )A ) Dim n,m AS Interger,s AS StringB ) Dim a%,b$,c AS StringC ) Dim a AS Integer,b,c AS StringD ) Dim x%,y AS Integer,z AS String

考题 假设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.Student. name="" s. name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s. Dame="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s. name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s. name="张红"

考题 如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号、姓名、三门课程成绩(百分制)组成。 Type Stud no As Integer name As String*10 score(1 To 3) As Single End Type 若对某个学生的各数据项进行赋值,下列程序段正确的是( )。A.Dim S As Stud Stud.no=0201 Stud.name="李平" Stud.score=78,88,96B.Dim S As Stud S.no=0201 S.name="李平" S.score=78,88,96C.Dim S As Stud S.no=0201 S.name="李平" S.score(1)=78 S.score(2)=88 S.score(3)=96D.Dim S As Stud Stud.no=0201 Stud.name="李平" Stud.score(1)=78 Stud.score(2)=88 Stud.score(3)=96

考题 设有如下的用户定义类型: Type Student number As String name As string age As Integer End Type 则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是______。A. Student name="李明”B.Dim s As Student s.name="李明"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="李明"D.Dim s As Type s.name="李明"

考题 如下数组声明语句,正确的是( )。A. Dim a[3, 4] As IntegerB. Dim a(34) As IntegerC. Dim a(n,n) As IntegerD. Dim a(3,4) As Integer

考题 设有如下的记录类型: TypeStudent number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是( )。A.Student.name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s.name="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s.name="张红"

考题 设在工程中有一个标准模块,其中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 strsex As String*1 smark As Single End Type 在窗体上画一个名为Connnand1的命令按钮,要求当执行事件过程Command1_Click时,在c:\的随机文件student..dat写入一条记录。下列能够完成该操作的事件过程是( )。A.Sub Command1_C1ick() Dim student As studtype Dim record_no As Integer record_no=1 With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With Open" c:\student.dat" For input As # 1 len=len(student) Put # 1,record_B.Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim student As studtype Dim record_no As Integer record_no=1 With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With Open"c:\student.dat" For random As #1 len=len(student) Put #1,record_nC.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As studtype Dim record_no As integer record_no=1 With student .ino=12 .stmame="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With Open"c:\student.dat" For random As #1 len=len(student) Write #1,record_nD.Sub Command1_Click() Dim Student As studtype Dim Record_no As Integer record_no=1 With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With Open"c:\student.dat"For output As #1 len=len(student) Put #1,record_no,

考题 以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是A.Static arrl(3) arr1(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)=123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click() size=InputBOX(“输入:”) ReDim arr2(size) ┄ End SubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer ┄ End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer ┄ End Sub

考题 以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是 ______。A.Static arrl(3) arrl(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_click() size=InputBox("输入:") ReDimarr2(size) End SubC.Option Base1 Private Sub Command3_click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer End Sub

考题 设有如下的记录类型: Type Student Number As String Name As String Age As Integer End Sub 则能正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是( )。A.Student.name=""B.Dim s As Students.name=“张红”C.Dims As Tye Students.name=“张红”D.DimsAsTypes.name=“张红”

考题 有如下语句: Type Student Name As String Age As Integer Sex As String End Type Dim Stu As Student With Stu .Name="张红" .Age=22 .Sex="女" End With 执行Print Stu.Age语句后的结果是A.张红B.22C.“女”D.Age

考题 设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer stmame As String*20 strsex As String*1 smark As Single End Type 在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Command1_click() Dimstudent As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname=smith .strsex=男 .smark=89 End With End SubB.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubC.Sub Command1_Click() Dim student As Stutype With Stutype .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1_click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino=12 .strname="smith" .strsex="男" .smark=89 End student End Sub

考题 如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号、姓名和三门课程成绩(百分制)组成。 TYPE STUD NO AS INTEGER NAME AS ATRING SCORE(1 TO 3) AS SINGLE END TYPE 若对某个学生的各个数据项进行赋值,下列程序段中下确的是A.DIM S AS STUD STUD. NO=1001 STUD. NAME="舒宜" STUD. SCORE=78,88,96B.DIM S AS STUD S. NO=1001 S. NAME="舒宜" S. SCORE=78,88,96C.DIM S AS STUD STUD. NO=1001 STUD. NAME="舒宜" STUD. SCORE(1)=78 STUD. SCORE(2)=88 STUD. SCORE(3)=96D.DIM S AS STUD S. NO: 1001 S. NAME="舒宜" S. SCORE(1)=78 S. SCORE(2)=88 S. SCORE(3)=96

考题 如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号,姓名和三门课程成绩百分制.组成。 Type Stud no As Integer name As String score1 to 3. As Single End Type 若对某个学生的各个数据项进行赋值,下列程序段中正确的是 A.Dim S As Stud B.Dim S As Stud Stud.no =1001 S.no =1001 Stud.name =” 舒宜” S.name =”舒宜” Stud name =78,88,96 S.score =78,88,96 C.Dim S As Stud D.Dim S As Stud Stud.no =1001 S,no =1001 Stud.name =” 舒宜” S.name=”舒宜” Stud.score1. =78 S.Score1.=78 Stud.score2.=88 S.Score2.=88 Stud.score3.=96 S.Score3.=96

考题 有如下用户定义类型及操作语句: Tyoe Student SNo As String Sname As String SAge As Integer End Type Dim Stu As Student With Stu SNo=”200609001” SName=”陈果果“ A ge=19 End With 执行MsgBox Stu,Age 后,消息框输出结果是 【13】

考题 编写如下事件过程: Private sub sub1 (ByVal x1 As String, y1 As String) Dim xt As String Dim i As Integer i = Len(x1) Do While i>= 1 xt = xt + Mid(x1, i, 1) i=i-1 Loop y1 = xt End Sub Private Sub Form. Click() Dim s1 As String, s2 As String s1= "teacher" sub1 s1, s2 Print s2 End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,则窗体上显示的内容是A.rehcaetB.tahreeeC.themeeD.eerthea

考题 下列数据类型定义中,正确的是A.Type Student Num As Long Name As String End TypeB.Type Student Num As Integer Name As String * 10 End TypeC.Private Type Num As Long Score As Single End TypeD.Private Type Student Name As String Score(10)As String * 10 End Type

考题 设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name As String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.StUdent.name=""B.Dim s As StUdent s.name="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s.name="张红"

考题 单击窗体时,下列程序的执行结果是 Private Sub Invert(By Val xstr As String,ystr As String) Dim tempstr AS String Dim I AS Integer I=Len(xstr) Do While I>=1 tempstr=tempstr + Mid(xstr,I,1) I=I - 1 Loop ystr=tempStr End Sub Private Sub Form_Click( ) Dim s1 As String,s2 As String S1="abcdef" Invert S1,S2 Print S2 End SubA.abcdefB.afbecdC.fedcbaD.defabc

考题 如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号、姓名和三门课程成绩(百分制)组成。 Type Stud no As Integer name As String score(1 to 3) As Single End Type 若对某个学生的各个数据项进行赋值,下列程序段中正确的是______。A.Dim S As Stud Stud. no=1001 Stud. name=“舒宜” Shld. score=78,88,96B.Dim S As Stud S.no=1001 S.name=“舒宜” S. score=78,88,96C.Dim SAs Stud Stud. no=1001 Stud. name=“舒宜” Stud. score(1)=78 Stud. score(2)=88 Stud. score(3)=96D.DimSAsStud S. no=1001 S. name=“舒宜” S. score(1)=78 S. score(2)=88 S. score(3)=96

考题 设在工程中定义了如下类型: Type stutype ino As Integer strname As String*20 strsex As String* 1 smark As Single End Type在窗体上正确使用这个类型的是下列哪个操作( )。A.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 . strname = smith .strsex = .smark = 89 End With End SubB.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strscx = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubC.Sub Commandl_Click0 Dim student As Stutype With Stutype ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End With End SubD.Sub Command1 _Click() Dim student As Stutype With student .ino = 12 .strname = "smith" .strsex = "男" .smark = 89 End student End Sub

考题 以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是( )。A.Static arr1(3) arr1(1)=100 arr1(2)="Hello" arr1(3)=123.45B.Dim arr2() AsInteger Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click () size=InputBox("输入:") ReDim arr2(size) …… EndSubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3 Click() Dim art3(3) As Integer …… End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4 Cliok() Dim arr4(n)As Integer …… End Sub

考题 下列程序的执行结果为 Private Sub Commandl_Click() Dim s1 As String ,s2 As String s1= "abcd" Call Transfer(sl,s2) Print s2 End Sub Private Sub Transfer (ByVal xstr As String,ystr As String) Dim tempstr As String ystr=tempstr End SubA.dcbaB.abdcC.abcdD.dabc

考题 在VB语言中,下列定义变量语句格式正确的是()。A、Dim As String xuehaoB、Dim xuehao As StringC、Dim String As xuehaoD、Const xuehao As String

考题 如下数组声明语句,正确的是()。A、Dim a[3,4] as IntegerB、Dim a(3,4)as IntegerC、Dim a(n,n)as IntegerD、Dim a[3][4]as Integer