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C.no room
D.no house


更多 “_________A.nothing B.nobody C.no room D.no house” 相关考题
考题 ― Hello.How is everything? ― _________________. A.Nothing muchB.Fine, thanks.How about you?C.I’m pleased to meet youD.I’m fine, thanks

考题 ________, its very tidy. A.As her room is smallB.Small as her room isC.As small her room isD.Small as her room

考题 Before he arrived at the farmer's house, the writer expected to see Milly lying_______?A. on the floor of a roomB. on the ground of a barnC. in bed in a barnD. in bed in a room

考题 Passage Two"Yes, I'll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again. "It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robson hated to admit (承认) that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had prided herself on her independence (独立生活 ). She had continued to live in their little house, alone.On this evening, however, she was standing at her living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Naturally she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale (出售) of the house, she had bought a little flat there.She turned from the living room window, and looked round at the room. One or two pieces of furniture remained, covered with sheets (被单). The floor was bare boards, and all her pictures had been taken from the walls. There was a small fish-tank, with two goldfish circling in it. When asked why, her husband used to say, "It's nice to have something alive in the room." Since he had passed away, she had always kept some goldfish, had always had "something alive in the room".Tim next morning, as her train was pulling out of the station, Mrs. Robson called to her daughter, "Kate, you won't forget to collect the goldfish, will you? The children will love them. It's...""I know," Kate interrupted (打断) gently. "It's nice to have something alive in the room."But in the little house, the two goldfish had stopped their circling. They were floating (漂浮) on the water, in the room with its bare boards and silent walls.40. Mrs. Robson ______.A. was a very proud personB. was helplessC. did not like asking people for favorsD. wanted to live without her husband

考题 George went house-hunting for a week but still he didn’t find a room ____.A、to liveB、to be livingC、for livingD、to live in

考题 The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____. A.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC.the Queen, the House of CommonsD.the Queen, the House of Lords

考题 We’ve got a full house, so if you really want to keep your room this afternoon, we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price. (翻译)

考题 勿偏左。A.Nothing to port.B.Nothing to bow.C.Nothing left.D.Nothing leave

考题 YouwanttomigrateanapplicationthatwasdevelopedforOAS/OC4JtoWebLogic.TheapplicationusesOracleStreamsAdvancedQueuing(AQ).YouconfiguredaForeignJMSServer andDataSourcebutyouarenotabletosendmessagestotheAQdestinationandseethemreachthedatabase.Whichtwothingsaremissinginthisconfiguration?()A.nothing,theremaybeanetworkconnectionissueB.aForeignJMSConnectionFactoryC.aJMSBridgetomaptheJNDIoftheLocalJMSDestinationtotheremoteAQdestinationD.amappingoftheForeignJMSConnectionFactorytotheDataSourcewhereAQisconfiguredandinstalledE.OracleAQJavaEESharedLibrariesnotdeployedandreferencedbyyourapplication

考题 Whatisrequiredtoenabletheuseofmetricslargerthan63fortrafficengineeringinIS-IS?() A.Nothing,widemetricsareusedbydefaultinIS-ISB.Enablewide-metrics-onlyunderprotocolIS-ISC.Enabletraffic-engineeringunderprotocolsIS-ISD.DisableTVL’s2and128whichcarrythe6-bitmetrics(0-63).

考题 Whatisrequiredduringtheinitialcreationofacluster?() A.Nothing,becauseHACMPwilldiscovertheconfigurationB.TheclusternameandaTCP/IPpathtoeachofthenodesC.TheclusternameandID andaTCP/IPpathtoeachofthenodesD.TheclusternameandID nodenames andaTCP/IPpathtoeachofthenodes

考题 Aclusterscriptfailedbecauseitwasunabletosetthehostname,andtheClusterManagerreportedtheeventfailure.Whatmustbedonepriortosuethe"HACMPProblemDeterminationTools"->"RecoverFromScriptFailure"tohavetheClusterManagerresumeclusterprocessing?()A.Nothing,theRecoverFromScriptFailurewillcorrecttheissue.B.Disableandre-enabletheeffectedEthernetadapterbyusingifconfig.C.Correcttheerrorbysettingthehostnameontheeffectednodefromthecommandline.D.Verifythattheclinfodaemonisrunningpriortoexecutingtherecoverfromscriptfailure.

考题 Onanexistingtwo-nodecluster,thesystemisconfiguredwithRAID5SSAastheshareddisk.Whenaddinganewnodetothecluster,whatmustbetakenintoconsideration?() A.Nothing,SSAcansupportamaximumof8initiatorsperloop.B.TheRAID5implementationonSSAwillonlysupporttwoinitiatorsperloop.C.SSAcanonlysupportfourinitiatorsperlopwhenusingthefatwriteoption.D.TheRAIDimplementationcanbeusedwiththreeinitiatorsonlyifthefastwritecacheoptionisusedonalladapters.

考题 将E1端口设置为非信道化方式的命令是()。 A.E1 unframed、B.E1 framed、C.no unframed、D.no framed。

考题 --Have you moved into the new house? --Not yet.The room__.A.is being painted B.are painting C.are painted D.are being painted

考题 George and Margaret and their children?21?at 140 Davis Street,22?the street from a small park.Their house is just off the main road.George usually goes to work by bus,but sometimes he goes?23?his car.The children usually go to school by bus. The Glenns′house is?24?hidden among the trees.It has small bushes(灌木)planted around it.There is a fence?25 it and the house next door.It is a two-storey house,26 the living room,dining room andkitchen(厨房)on the first floor,and the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor. The Glenns spend a lot of time at home.27 now they are at dinner.Conversation(谈话)at the Glenns′house is usually lively at meal time.The children are discussing trips they would like to take.Susan,who has never?28?on a plane,says,"I′d like to?29 a plane to California."Henry,who is elder,thinks it would be fun to be on a?30,heading for adventure(冒险)in Africa.Teddy,the youngest child,says,"I want to go around the world on a train."His elder brother and sister are still trying to?31 to him why this is not possible?32?their mother says,"Children,you′ve spent too much time at the table.Henry and Susan,go and?33 your homework.Teddy,it′s time you were in bed." Soon there is silence throughout the?34.Teddy is in bed,Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying,and Mr.and Mrs.Glenns are in their living room,35George is sitting in his favorite(最喜欢的)chair,reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa,doing some sewing. 第31题答案是查看材料A.explain B.say C.tell D.speak

考题 The Parliament of Australia consists of the House of Representatives and( ) A.the House of Commons B.the House of Lords C.the Senate D.the General

考题 The heart is( )intelligent than the stomach,for they are both controlled by the brain. A.not so B.not much C.much more D.no more

考题 客房服务员敲门通报时,正确的英文是()。A、House keepingB、Room cleaningC、Room serviceD、May I come in

考题 服务员要求打扫客房时,必须轻敲客房门,并说()。A、Is there any body inside?B、Good eveningg.C、House keeping.May I come in?D、I’m room attendant

考题 The current data center has run out of space. A room that is located next to the existing data center is then used to house two racks containing six servers. Six months later, physical housekeeping is performed as part of a mid-year maintenance plan. Which environmental condition discovered in the room is LEAST critical?()A、 There are discolored ceiling tiles near the middle of the room.B、 Large amounts of dust have accumulated in the corners of the room.C、 The anti-static carpet has been removed resulting in a bare painted concrete floor.D、 A wet pipe water-based sprinkler system has been installed above the racks.

考题 房间送餐的英文是()。A、House keepingB、Room serviceC、BanquerD、Catering

考题 Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels.  How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()A、 Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.B、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.C、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.D、 A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

考题 服务员提供夜床服务时,应通报()A、House KeepingB、May I Come inC、Turn Down ServiceD、Room Service

考题 单选题The current data center has run out of space. A room that is located next to the existing data center is then used to house two racks containing six servers. Six months later, physical housekeeping is performed as part of a mid-year maintenance plan. Which environmental condition discovered in the room is LEAST critical?()A  There are discolored ceiling tiles near the middle of the room.B  Large amounts of dust have accumulated in the corners of the room.C  The anti-static carpet has been removed resulting in a bare painted concrete floor.D  A wet pipe water-based sprinkler system has been installed above the racks.

考题 问答题Over the course of a year, a certain house appreciated in value by 10 percent while the house next door decreased in value by 10 percent as a result of foundation damage. At the end of the year, the reduced price of the second house was what percentage of the increased price of the first house?  (1) The amount by which the first house increased in value was half as much as the amount by which the second house decreased in value.  (2) At the end of the year, the second house was worth $70,000 more than the first house.

考题 单选题Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels.  How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()A  Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.B  The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.C  The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.D  A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

考题 单选题In their house there are four rooms, the largest of that is used as a drawing room.A theirB there areC the largestD that