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The Internet House
A leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future.The new design,______(51)as the“Internet House”,has five bedrooms,plenty of bathrooms and a double garage.But these are not the main selling______(52),for it is the £25000______(53)of automation that makes this house really different.
It will be______(54),for people who have plenty of money,but not a great ______(55)of time:young professionals in other words.They are likely to be______(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook______(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.
All the appliances in the house,______(58)the heating and lighting controls,are linked together ______( 59 ) means of a gadget(小装置)called a “ router”.Using what's called a“webpad”,a kind of portable lap-top computer,the owners of the house tap in commands from ______(60)they may be. The Webpad______(61)a signal to the router,which ______(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example,the owners can switch on the lights or______(63)the central heating working, and so______(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they______(65)into their home.

A: accurate
B: model
C: precise
D: ideal


解析:“名叫...”用named as。

selling points,卖点。



考查固定搭配。a great deal of意为“大量的”。

to be attracted意为“被......吸引”。本句是说,那些喜欢这样的房子的人被房子里的设备吸引。


as well as意为“除……之外也……,此外”。本句意思是,房间里的所有装置,连同暖气和照明设备的控制键都由一个叫路由器的小装置连在一起。

by means of意为“经由,通过”。





考查固定搭配。make sure意为“确保”。其他选项无此搭配。

此处是说,屋主在回家的路上就可以打开灯和加热装置,这样当他们踏入房间时,就能感受到温暖。step into意为“踏入……”。
更多 “共用题干 The Internet HouseA leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future.The new design,______(51)as the“Internet House”,has five bedrooms,plenty of bathrooms and a double garage.But these are not the main selling______(52),for it is the £25000______(53)of automation that makes this house really different.It will be______(54),for people who have plenty of money,but not a great ______(55)of time:young professionals in other words.They are likely to be______(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook______(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.All the appliances in the house,______(58)the heating and lighting controls,are linked together ______( 59 ) means of a gadget(小装置)called a “ router”.Using what's called a“webpad”,a kind of portable lap-top computer,the owners of the house tap in commands from ______(60)they may be. The Webpad______(61)a signal to the router,which ______(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example,the owners can switch on the lights or______(63)the central heating working, and so______(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they______(65)into their home.54._________A: accurateB: modelC: preciseD: ideal” 相关考题
考题 The design of the Sydney Opera House has been taken as a myth because ______.A.it was the workpiece of the famous architectB.it met most of the rules for architectural design at that timeC.the design project suggested by Utzon was unbuildableD.it was designed by an unknown architect and was thought unbuildable at that time

考题 A company that makes Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software has, within its application, some utility classes that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. The company‘s chief scientist has just improved the performance of one of the utility classes‘ key rendering algorithms, and has assigned a programmer to replace the old algorithm with the new algorithm. When the programmer begins researching the utility classes, she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one class. The programmer reviews that class‘s API, and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm, being careful that her changes adhere strictly to the class‘s API. Once testing has begun, the programmer discovers that other classes that use the class she changed are no longer working properly.What design flaw is most likely the cause of these new bugs?()A.InheritanceB.Tight couplingC.Low cohesionD.High cohesionE.Loose couplingF.Object immutability

考题 A company has recently received a new ADSL backup Internet connection. Which of the followingwill MOST likely be used between the modem and the ISP?() A.PPPoEB.RASC.IPSecD.MSCHAP

考题 A new company has been given one public IP address. The company employs 200 users requiring Internet access from the headquarters.Which of the following can be implemented to provide Internet access for all the employees?()A. MulticastingB. Proxy serverC. NATD. Subnetting

考题 An ISP has provided a DSL Internet connection with a static IP address. A technician is setting up a small office home office (SOHO) wireless router and needs to provide Internet access to five PCs on the network. Which of the following should be enabled?()A. NATB. WPSC. MAC filteringD. Port forwarding

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Genera has increased the number of its employees recently.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.The British government is helping Dr. Parton to sell the tests abroad.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Genera Technologies has developed a method that determines whether water is clean.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.The new product has been a commercial success in the USA.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Each of the tests costs$42,500.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 New Product Will Save livesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton, who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11 of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Before he set up Genera,Dr. Parton had worked for a British water company.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 The Internet HouseA leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future.The new design,______(51)as the“Internet House”,has five bedrooms,plenty of bathrooms and a double garage.But these are not the main selling______(52),for it is the £25000______(53)of automation that makes this house really different.It will be______(54),for people who have plenty of money,but not a great ______(55)of time:young professionals in other words.They are likely to be______(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook______(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.All the appliances in the house,______(58)the heating and lighting controls,are linked together ______( 59 ) means of a gadget(小装置)called a “ router”.Using what's called a“webpad”,a kind of portable lap-top computer,the owners of the house tap in commands from ______(60)they may be. The Webpad______(61)a signal to the router,which ______(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example,the owners can switch on the lights or______(63)the central heating working, and so______(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they______(65)into their home.52._________A: plotsB: plans C: pointsD: paths

考题 共用题干 The Internet HouseA leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future.The new design,______(51)as the“Internet House”,has five bedrooms,plenty of bathrooms and a double garage.But these are not the main selling______(52),for it is the £25000______(53)of automation that makes this house really different.It will be______(54),for people who have plenty of money,but not a great ______(55)of time:young professionals in other words.They are likely to be______(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook______(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.All the appliances in the house,______(58)the heating and lighting controls,are linked together ______( 59 ) means of a gadget(小装置)called a “ router”.Using what's called a“webpad”,a kind of portable lap-top computer,the owners of the house tap in commands from ______(60)they may be. The Webpad______(61)a signal to the router,which ______(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example,the owners can switch on the lights or______(63)the central heating working, and so______(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they______(65)into their home.62._________A: decodesB: discountsC: decidesD: deserves

考题 共用题干 The Internet HouseA leading British building and design company has just announced their plans for the home of the future.The new design,______(51)as the“Internet House”,has five bedrooms,plenty of bathrooms and a double garage.But these are not the main selling______(52),for it is the £25000______(53)of automation that makes this house really different.It will be______(54),for people who have plenty of money,but not a great ______(55)of time:young professionals in other words.They are likely to be______(56)to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook______(57)via the Internet and cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.All the appliances in the house,______(58)the heating and lighting controls,are linked together ______( 59 ) means of a gadget(小装置)called a “ router”.Using what's called a“webpad”,a kind of portable lap-top computer,the owners of the house tap in commands from ______(60)they may be. The Webpad______(61)a signal to the router,which ______(62)the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example,the owners can switch on the lights or______(63)the central heating working, and so______(64)sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they______(65)into their home.51._________A: entitledB: knownC: referredD: named

考题 A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables reports, payables reports, revenue projects, and so on. The company has just purchased somenew, state-of-the-art, wireless printers, and a programmer has been assigned the task of enhancing all ofthe reports to use not only the company’s old printers, but the new wireless printers as well. When the programmer starts looking into the application, the programmer discovers that because of the design of theapplication, it is necessary to make changes to each report to support the new printers. Which two designconcepts most likely explain this situation? ()A、InheritanceB、Low cohesionC、Tight couplingD、High cohesionE、Loose couplingF、Object immutability

考题 A company needs to connect seven of their Windows-based servers to a DS4000 storage server.   The DS4000 only has two host-side connections, and each server has two HBAs.  Which of the following is the lowest cost solution to provide no single points of failure?()A、Implement two 8-port switches design with ISLsB、Implement two 16-port switches design with ISLsC、Implement two 8-port switches design without ISLsD、Implement two 16-port switches design without ISLs

考题 A new company has been given one public IP address. The company employs 200 users requiring Internet access from the headquarters. Which of the following can be implemented to provide Internet access for all the employees?()A、MulticastingB、Proxy serverC、NATD、Subnetting

考题 The technician has suspicions that a browser has been hijacked. Which of the following should the technician look for in this situation?()A、A new default gateway has been setup.B、A new Internet shortcut has been added.C、A new web browser has been installed and is now the default.D、A proxy server has been enabled.

考题 You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at Company.com.The Company.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Company.com.Company.com has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.Due to circumstances, Company.com has acquired a new Internet domain name.This results in that the employees cannot receive e-mail that is sent to the new Internet domain name.The new Internet domain name is set up as an e-mail address suffix.The Company.com employees need to receive e-mail sent from the new Internet domain name. What should you do?()A、You should consider using an External Relay Accepted Domain.B、You should consider using an Authoritative Accepted Domain.C、You should consider using a remote domain.D、You should consider using a new Receive connector.

考题 Your company has 250 client computers connected to the office LAN. The company has a pool of five public IP addresses. All client computers have dynamically assigned IP addresses. You need to provide all client computers with Internet access.  What should you use?()A、 DHCP Relay AgentB、 Routing Information Protocol (RIP)C、 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)D、 Network Address Translation (NAT)/Basic Firewall

考题 A company has recently received a new ADSL backup Internet connection. Which of the followingwill MOST likely be used between the modem and the ISP?()A、PPPoEB、RASC、IPSecD、MSCHAP

考题 An ISP has provided a DSL Internet connection with a static IP address. A technician is setting up a small office home office (SOHO) wireless router and needs to provide Internet access to five PCs on the network. Which of the following should be enabled?()A、NATB、WPSC、MAC filteringD、Port forwarding

考题 A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables reports, payables reports, revenue projects, and so on.The company has just purchased some new, state-of-the-art,wireless printers, and a programmer has been assigned the task of enhancing all of the reports to use not only the company’s old printers, but the new wireless printers as well.When the programmer starts looking into the application, the programmer discovers that because of the design of the application, it is necessary to make changes to each report to support the new printers.  Which two design concepts most likely explain the situation?()A、InheritanceB、Low cohesionC、Tight couplingD、High cohesionE、Loose couplingF、Object immutablility

考题 A company that makes Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software has, within its application, some utility classes that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. The company's chief scientist has just improved the performance of one of the utility classes' key rendering algorithms, and has assigned a programmer to replace the old algorithm with the new algorithm. When the programmer begins researching the utility classes, she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one class. The programmer reviews that class's API, and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm, being careful that her changes adhere strictly to the class's API. Once testing has begun, the programmer discovers that other classes that use the class she changed are no longer working properly. What design flaw is most likely the cause of these new bugs?()A、InheritanceB、Tight couplingC、Low cohesionD、High cohesionE、Loose couplingF、Object immutability

考题 A company that makes Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software has, within its application, some utilityclasses that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. The company’s chief scientist has just improved theperformance of one of the utility classes’ key rendering algorithms, and has assigned a programmer toreplace the old algorithm with the new algorithm. When the programmer begins researching the utilityclasses, she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one class. The programmer reviews that class’s API, and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm, being carefulthat her changes adhere strictly to the class’s API. Once testing has begun, the programmer discovers thatother classes that use the class she changed are no longer working properly. What design flaw is mostlikely the cause of these new bugs?()A、InheritanceB、Tight couplingC、Low cohesionD、High cohesionE、Loose coupling

考题 单选题The author’s company was engaged in ______.A furniture design and productionB online home-design serviceC traditional home designingD home decoration business

考题 单选题The technician has suspicions that a browser has been hijacked. Which of the following should the technician look for in this situation?()A A new default gateway has been setup.B A new Internet shortcut has been added.C A new web browser has been installed and is now the default.D A proxy server has been enabled.

考题 多选题A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables reports, payables reports, revenue projects, and so on. The company has just purchased somenew, state-of-the-art, wireless printers, and a programmer has been assigned the task of enhancing all ofthe reports to use not only the company’s old printers, but the new wireless printers as well. When the programmer starts looking into the application, the programmer discovers that because of the design of theapplication, it is necessary to make changes to each report to support the new printers. Which two designconcepts most likely explain this situation? ()AInheritanceBLow cohesionCTight couplingDHigh cohesionELoose couplingFObject immutability