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The most important thing to understand about Americans is probably their_______(51)to "individualism".They have been trained_______(52)very early in their lives to consider them-selves as_______(53)individuals who are responsible for their own situation in life and their own destiny.They have not been trained to treat themselves as members of a tightly_______(54)family,religious groups or nation or other_______(55).
You can see it in the way American treat their children.Even young children are given _______(56)to make their own decision and express their own opinions.A parent will ask a one-year-old child which candy bar he would_______(57),or_______(58)he wants to sits next to mommy or daddy.The child's_______(59)will normally be recognized.
_______(60)this practice,Americans come to consider themselves as separate human beings
who have their own opinions.
_______(61),many American books on how to_______(62)kids state that the parents'
objective is to_______(63)their kid a responsible,independent individual who,by the age of 18,is ready to_______(64)the parents' house and make their own_______(65),and this advice is taken so seriously by Americans that every person beyond the age of 20 is supposed to lead an independent life.



解析:词义辫析题,devotion的意思是“热爱”。例如:His devotion to work is highly appreciated.人们很欣赏他对工作的热爱。trust“信任”、faith“信仰”、belief“信仰”均不合适。
family , religious groups , nation都是collectivity,即“集体”的一种形式,所以选择C。
这里需要一个表示在两者间选择的词,所以whether表示“其中的一个” 合适。本句的意思是“他是想坐在妈妈身边还是爸爸身边”。
前面提到的是让孩子选择更喜欢什么或更想要怎么做,这些都可以用 preference来归纳。其意思是“偏爱”,放在此句中最符合逻辑。
这里考查的是词汇的使用。此处是“关于如何抚养孩子的书”,raise意为 “养育”用在,这里是正确的。feed意为“喂养”,grow意为“成长”,而bring若要表示“养育”的意思,通常需要和up搭配。例如:It must have been very difficult to manage to bring up four children.
前面提到在美国家长均志在培养出“a responsible, independent individual",所以根据逻辑孩子到了18岁就应该做好搬出父母家的准备。move out:搬出,符合句意。 withdraw:撤退,abandon:抛弃,give up:放弃,均不符合句意和使用习惯。
固定搭配题。这里要表达的意思是“靠自己谋生”。 make a living为固定搭配,而其他各项均无此意,因此选C。
更多 “共用题干 Self-relianceThe most important thing to understand about Americans is probably their_______(51)to "individualism".They have been trained_______(52)very early in their lives to consider them-selves as_______(53)individuals who are responsible for their own situation in life and their own destiny.They have not been trained to treat themselves as members of a tightly_______(54)family,religious groups or nation or other_______(55).You can see it in the way American treat their children.Even young children are given _______(56)to make their own decision and express their own opinions.A parent will ask a one-year-old child which candy bar he would_______(57),or_______(58)he wants to sits next to mommy or daddy.The child's_______(59)will normally be recognized._______(60)this practice,Americans come to consider themselves as separate human beingswho have their own opinions._______(61),many American books on how to_______(62)kids state that the parents'objective is to_______(63)their kid a responsible,independent individual who,by the age of 18,is ready to_______(64)the parents' house and make their own_______(65),and this advice is taken so seriously by Americans that every person beyond the age of 20 is supposed to lead an independent life._________(63)A:establish B:makeC:build D:train” 相关考题
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