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The road will be blocked if there_______another snow.

B.will be
C.to be
D.will have


更多 “The road will be blocked if there_______another snow.A.is B.will be C.to be D.will have” 相关考题
考题 – It’s starting to snow. – Starting to snow?(). (A) They are ready for the snow(B) It is typical December weather(C) Once it starts, it’ll snow a lot(D) It has been snowing for some time

考题 Areas ____ of the city are covered with snow. A、in northB、to northC、at northD、north

考题 ____ is covered with heavy snow. A.The earth's surfaceB.The surface of earthC.The surface earthD.The earth surface

考题 The young seedlings remained alive _____ the protecting snow. A、underB、belowC、beneathD、beyond


考题 The heavy rain()the road.AhurtBinjuredCdamagedDhazard

考题 路演(Road show)

考题 Switch R1 has been configured with the root guard feature.  What statement is true if the spanning  tree enhancement Root Guard is enabled? ()A、 If BPDUs are not received on a non-designated port, the port is moved into the STP loop- inconsistent blocked stateB、 IF BPDUs are received on a PortFast enabled port, the port is disabled.C、 If superior BPDUs are received on a designated port, the interface is placed into the root- inconsistent blocked state.D、 If inferior BPDUs are received on a root port, all blocked ports become alternate paths to the  root bride.

考题 When configuring Cisco IOS login enhancements for virtual connections, what is the "quiet period"?()A、The period of time in which virtual login attempts are blocked, following repeated failed login attemptsB、The period of time in which virtual logins are blocked as security services fully initializeC、A period of time when no one is attempting tolog inD、The period of time between successive login attempts

考题 Waiting to screen blocked表示()


考题 Liquid goods are transported by road in ().A、tank trucksB、tanker lorriesC、road-tankersD、special tank-containers for intermodal transport

考题 What does the appearance of the ACL tag BLOCK_WBRS in the access log mean?() A、 the proxy blocked an outbound request because the client is infected with malwareB、 the proxy blocked access to a site with a low reputation scoreC、 the proxy blocked access to a site because of a suspicious server responseD、 your appliance or the WBRS key is out of support

考题 In the access log,what does an ACL tag beginning with BLOCK_ADMIN indicate?() A、 the destination was manually added to the block listB、 the malware category is set to blocking modeC、 the transaction was blocked because of application or object propertiesD、 the transaction was manually blocked by the administrative user

考题 单选题As they pertain to the near road mentioned in line 29, the life cycles mentioned in line 28 are those of ______.A the plants that are destroyed by road constructionB the animals that may be displaced by a new roadC economic and industrial trendsD the substances that constitute the roadE the companies involved in constructing the road

考题 单选题The shutter of the evaporator was blocked with (), it means there was too much evaporation.A iceB wooden boardC iron plateD cotton waste

考题 问答题LCC柜上“断路器储能闭锁CB Spring Blocked”报警如何处理?

考题 单选题A drivers should be polite to cyclistsB road accidents can actually be avoidedC the pedestrians are a threat to road safetyD walking while using phones hurts one's eyes

考题 单选题When configuring Cisco IOS login enhancements for virtual connections, what is the "quiet period"?()A The period of time in which virtual login attempts are blocked, following repeated failed login attemptsB The period of time in which virtual logins are blocked as security services fully initializeC A period of time when no one is attempting tolog inD The period of time between successive login attempts

考题 单选题The writer saw people ______ in Shanghai that day.A crossing the road in a messB waiting for the green light patientlyC crossing the road with chickensD hurting each other in the street

考题 单选题______hundreds of pieces of litter.A Were lying beside the roadB Were beside the road lyingC Beside the road lying wereD Lying beside the road were

考题 单选题Which statement is true?()A  If only one thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the modify on that same object, then the first thread immediately resumes execution.B  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, it is still possible that the first thread might never resume execution.C  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole  consequence of the notify call.D  If two threads are blocked in the wait method of one object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread that executed the wait call first definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole consequence of the notify call.

考题 单选题What does the appearance of the ACL tag BLOCK_WBRS in the access log mean?()A  the proxy blocked an outbound request because the client is infected with malwareB  the proxy blocked access to a site with a low reputation scoreC  the proxy blocked access to a site because of a suspicious server responseD  your appliance or the WBRS key is out of support

考题 单选题In the access log,what does an ACL tag beginning with BLOCK_ADMIN indicate?()A  the destination was manually added to the block listB  the malware category is set to blocking modeC  the transaction was blocked because of application or object propertiesD  the transaction was manually blocked by the administrative user

考题 单选题Switch R1 has been configured with the root guard feature.  What statement is true if the spanning  tree enhancement Root Guard is enabled? ()A  If BPDUs are not received on a non-designated port, the port is moved into the STP loop- inconsistent blocked stateB  IF BPDUs are received on a PortFast enabled port, the port is disabled.C  If superior BPDUs are received on a designated port, the interface is placed into the root- inconsistent blocked state.D  If inferior BPDUs are received on a root port, all blocked ports become alternate paths to the  root bride.

考题 单选题A real source of road dangerB ways to improve road facilitiesC measures to punish road offencesD increased awareness of road rules

考题 填空题Waiting to screen blocked表示()