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It is()to interrupt the others while they are talking.






更多 “It is()to interrupt the others while they are talking.AroughBrudeCpoliteDtroublesome” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following postures or gestures are the indicators of friendliness and sincerity?A.Holding head high while standing.B.Making eye contact while communicating with others.C.Holding the other person’s hands firmly.D.Smiling while speaking to others.

考题 While watching TV with others, women Usually talk a lot because they ( )A.are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friendsB.can both talk and watch the screen at the Same timeC.think they can have a good time and develop relationshipsD.have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands

考题 随意打断别人的话是不礼貌的行为。It-s not polite t o___ ___ others' talking.

考题 【l4】A) informationB) exceptionC) trapD)interrupt

考题 It’s ________ to interrupt the others while they are talking. A.roughB.rudeC.politeD.troublesome

考题 You shouldn’t ______ to others while working.A、stop talkingB、stop to talkC、stop talkD、stop over talk

考题 Cindy likes telling jokes. She never stops talking. She is___________.A、seriousB、quietC、shyD、outgoing .

考题 You should not try to ____ while others are talking.A. interruptB. deliverC. extendD. pretend

考题 市内交通被暴风雪阻断。 ( interrupt)

考题 请阅读下面程序 publicclassThreadTest{ publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[])throwsException{ inti=0; Hellot=newHello(); ______, while(true){ System.out.println("GoodMoming"+i++); if(i==2t.isAlive()){ System.out.println("MainwaitingforHello!"); t.join();//等待t运行结束 } if(i==5)break;} } } classHelloextendsThread{ inti; publicvoidrun(){ while(true){ System.out.println("Hello"+i++); if(i==5)break;}}} 为使该程序正确执行, 下划线处的语句应是( )。A.t.sleep()B.t.yield()C.t.interrupt()D.t.start()

考题 Interrupts are an important part of embeddedsystems. Consequently, many compiler vendorsoffer an extension to standard C to support interrupts.Typically, the keyword is __interrupt. The followingcode uses __interrupt to define an interrupt serviceroutine (ISR). Point out problems in the code.__interrupt double compute_area (double radius){double area = PI * radius * radius;printf("\nArea = %f", area);return area;}

考题 Several users have recently been calling the helpdesk about a recent network outage. These calls have increased in the last hour and are all by different users calling about the same issue. Which of the following types of communication skills should the helpdesk technicians MOST likely exercise while answering each call? ()A. Talk to co-workers while interacting with customers to help diagnose the issuesB. Be culturally sensitiveC. Provide each user with a complete, detailed report of the current outage statusD. Listen and do not interrupt a customer and then provide a brief status update

考题 WhichtwoofthefollowingoptionsarecategoriesofNetworkMaintenancetasks?() A.FirefightingB.Interrupt-drivenC.Policy-basedD.StructuredE.Foundational

考题 Students are offered with opportunities to integrate what they learned from the text into their existing knowledge and communicate with others using the information in the listening text. This description belongs to __________ stage.A.pre-listening B.while-listening C.post-listening D.none of them

考题 While a manager communicates mostly to( )information,a leader uses communications to build relationships.A manager overwhelms others with details and still leaves them cold.A.transport B.carry C.convey D.express

考题 An operating system also has to be able to service peripheral( ),such as timers,motors,sensors,communicationdevices,disks,etc.All of those can request the attention of the OS( ),i.e.at the time that they want to use the OS,theOS has to make sure it's ready to service the requests.Such a request for attention is called an interrupt.There are twokinds of interrupts:Hardware interrupts and Software interrupts.The result of an inteiTup:is also a triggering of theprocessor,so that it jumps to a( )address.Examples of cases where software interrupts appear are perhaps a divide by zero,a memory segmentation fault,etc.So this kind of interrupt is not caused by a hardware event but by a specificmachine language operation code.Many systems have more than one hardware interrupt line,and the hardwaremanufacturer typically assembles all these interrupt lines in an interrupt(请作答此空).An Interrupt( )is a piece of hardware that shields the OS from the electronic details of the interrupt lines,so that interrupts can be queued and none of themgets lost.A.vector B.array C.queue D.ist

考题 The empirical evidence suggests that______extra working hours can have positive effects on labor market outcomes, while others reporting zero or negative effects.A.absorbing B.adopting C.abolishing D.abandoning

考题 It is()to interrupt the others while they are talking.A、roughB、rudeC、politeD、troublesome

考题 Several users have recently been calling the helpdesk about a recent network outage. These calls have increased in the last hour and are all by different users calling about the same issue. Which of the following types of communication skills should the helpdesk technicians MOST likely exercise while answering each call? ()A、Talk to co-workers while interacting with customers to help diagnose the issuesB、Be culturally sensitiveC、Provide each user with a complete, detailed report of the current outage statusD、Listen and do not interrupt a customer and then provide a brief status update

考题 The BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameter is set to FALSE for the database instance. Which statement is true while performing a tape backup in an RMAN session?()A、The tape I/O performed is asynchronousB、The tape buffer is allocated from the System Global Area (SGA)C、The tape buffer is allocated from the Program Global Area (PGA)D、Oracle I/O uses an interrupt mechanism to determine when each I/O completes

考题 填空题We Chinese sometimes ____ (借) words from English when talking.

考题 单选题Mariners should ensure correct()of aids to navigation during twilight periods when some lighted aids to navigation are lit while others are not.A identificationB distinctionC discriminationD clearly seeing

考题 单选题According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A Every epitaph on the tomb is overstated.B Some epitaphs are modest while others are exaggerated.C There are accounts on the monuments.D The owners of some monuments are not clear.

考题 单选题The BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameter is set to FALSE for the database instance. Which statement is true while performing a tape backup in an RMAN session?()A The tape I/O performed is asynchronousB The tape buffer is allocated from the System Global Area (SGA)C The tape buffer is allocated from the Program Global Area (PGA)D Oracle I/O uses an interrupt mechanism to determine when each I/O completes

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考题 单选题Oxford is a city with such a mind-blowing reputation that many who come herefind themselvs ______ by the place and can’t wait to leave, while others, who take to it like a duck to water, find themselves returning again and again.A threatenedB intimidatedC deprivedD maltreated