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2、4.白鹤亮翅,跟步抱球时重心应在什么位置() In the movement of White Crane Spreads its Wings, where should the center of gravity be when holding the ball with following up step ()

A.后腿 hind leg

B.前腿 front leg

C.两腿之间 between legs

D.不知道 unaware

更多 “2、4.白鹤亮翅,跟步抱球时重心应在什么位置() In the movement of White Crane Spreads its Wings, where should the center of gravity be when holding the ball with following up step ()A.后腿 hind legB.前腿 front legC.两腿之间 between legsD.不知道 unaware” 相关考题
考题 白鹤亮翅:单于向上亮掌或向内亮掌;臂部都要保持弧形,另于按于体侧。此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 When birds ____, the air under their wings helps push them up. A、mirrorB、sinkC、glideD、wet

考题 以下不属于太极拳功法操作的是()。 A.预备式、起势、左右野马分鬃B.左揽雀尾、抱球、左下势独立、高探马C.白鹤亮翅、左右搂膝拗步D.左右倒卷肱、左揽雀尾

考题 When the________is large, the ship is stiff;and when it is small,she is tender.A.GMB.Free surfaceC.Longitudinal center of gravityD.transverse center of gravity

考题 A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water ______.A.should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps and leaning backwardsB.should be righted by standing on the life line,holding the righting straps leaning backwardsC.will right itself when the canopy tube inflatesD.must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself

考题 Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument ______.A.Over an electrically heated platinum filamentB.Where it is mixed with nitrogenC.Where it is ignited by a sparking deviceD.Where its specific gravity is measured

考题 A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the ______.A.keelB.center of buoyancyC.tipping centerD.amidships section

考题 What should you be concerned with when loading and securing vehicles aboard a Ro-Ro vessel ________.A.That all fuel is drained from the vehicles' tanks to prevent fire hazardB.The size,weight,and center of gravity of vehicle/cargo unitC.The preferred stowage of vehicles is athwartships wherever possibleD.The vehicles' brakes should not be set to allow for adjusting the lashings

考题 A virtual rise in the center of gravity may be caused by ______.A.filling a partially filled tankB.using an on board crane to lift a freely swinging heavy objectC.emptying a partially filled tankD.transferring ballast from the forepeak to the after peak

考题 四十二式太极拳第五式是()。A、提手B、左单鞭C、白鹤亮翅D、搂膝拗步

考题 简化太极拳24式第四式是()A、左右野马分鬃B、白鹤亮翅C、左右搂膝拗步

考题 单选题简化太极拳24式第四式是()A 左右野马分鬃B 白鹤亮翅C 左右搂膝拗步

考题 单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().A Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityB Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityC Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyD Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

考题 单选题四十二式太极拳第五式是()。A 提手B 左单鞭C 白鹤亮翅D 搂膝拗步

考题 单选题A circle with center A has its center at (6, -2) and a radius of 4. Which of the following is the equation of a line tangent to the circle with center A ?A y=3x+2B y=2x+1C y=-x+5D y=-2E y=-6

考题 单选题The center of gravity of a freely swinging load suspended from a pedestal crane acts as if it were located at the().A counterweightB pedestalC longitudinal centerlineD point of suspension

考题 单选题A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be ().A dynamically balancedB statically balancedC counter balancedD resonantly balanced

考题 单选题How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom and lower the load?().A Extend arm with the palm down and and hold this position rigidlyB Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing outward each otherC Clasp hands in front of you bodyD Extend arm with the thumb pointing up, and flex the finger s in and out for as long as the load movement is desired

考题 单选题A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be() Ⅰ.statically balanced Ⅱ.dynamically balancedA Ⅰ onlyB Ⅱ onlyC both Ⅰ and ⅡD neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

考题 单选题When launching an open lifeboat by falls,the boathooks should be().A secured forward and aft where readily availableB secured amidships where they will not hinder the personnelC used for fending offD used for picking up survivors in the water

考题 单选题Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stabilit?().A The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclinationB The center of gravity shifts due to inclinationC The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclinedD The mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined

考题 单选题When the()is large, the ship is stiff; and when it is small, she is tender.A GMB free surfaceC longitudinal center of gravityD transverse center of gravity

考题 多选题以下哪两种动作不属于太极拳()()A如封似闭B白鹤亮翅C单蝶步D麒麟步

考题 单选题When bilge water is heated in a holding tank, which one of the following statements is not accurate?()A The high temperature facilitates primary gravity separationB Most of the oil and organic solvents are raised to the top layerC The high the temperature is, the more the top oil will be collectedD The high temperature has little use on the separation of emulsified oil

考题 单选题A virtual rise in the center of gravity may be caused by().A filling a partially filled tankB using an on board crane to lift a freely swinging heavy objectC emptying a partially filled tankD transferring ballast from the forepeak to the after peak

考题 单选题Which of the devices listed, when used on an electro-hydraulic steering gear, keeps the movement of the redder closely in step with the steering wheel?()A The follow-up gearB The rudder angle indicatorC The synchronous electric transmitterD A rudder angle limit switch

考题 单选题A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the().A keelB center of buoyancyC tipping centerD amidships section

考题 单选题When possible,what should be the FIRST step in combating a fire on deck resulting from a cargo overflow or a leaking cargo line?()A Blanket the cargo spill with foamB Prevent the spread of fire with a foam damC Apply CO2 on burning fuel at its sourceD Shut off the transfer of cargo