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Green Energy

1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.
2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.
3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.
4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.

The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes______.
A:global warming
B:carbon emission
C:lower waste output
D:a green energy source
E:fossil fuels
F: clean fuels


解析:文中第一段第一句中Green energy is energy that is…这种表述方法符合科学说明文的记叙方式,首先对一个名词进行科学定义,所以本题答案为D。
文中第二段第二句:Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution, but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not.任何形式的能源收集都会产生一定程度的污染,但是绿色能源比其他能源造成的污染要少。可以推测出这一段是在讲绿色能源的优点,也就是说为什么要发展绿色能源,所以选择A。
文中第三段第一句:It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields.可以得出,本段主要讲述了我们传统认为的新能源,还有其他种类的新能源,所以选择F。
文中第四段第一句:One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly.可以得出,该段主要是在讲新能源的目标和意义。
第一段最后一句:There are several more, even including nuclear energy, that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.可知,核能经常被视作绿色能源,因为相比煤和石油,它的能源输出效率更高。由此可以得出选项C正确。
文中第二段最后一句:Greenhouse gases, a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.温室气体,一种诸如化石能源的传统能源产生的副产品被认为会导致全球变暖,甚至使地球自转速度加快。因此可以得出A选项正确。
第三段最后两句:The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes,itself,a green energy source .Similarly,many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.通过自身的建筑设计来保存能源本身就是一种绿色能源的来源。同样道理,许多绿色能源可以直接来源于有能源需求的地区内部而不是外部。由此可以得出D选项正确。
最后一段最后两句:The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient, but by being cost efficient as well.这些清洁能源技术的成功取决于人们从化石燃料中排除有害副产品、高效利用能源、同时降低成本的能力。由此可以得出E选项正确。
更多 “共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.The conservation of energy through architectural design becomes______.A:global warmingB:carbon emissionC:lower waste outputD:a green energy sourceE:fossil fuels F: clean fuels” 相关考题
考题 Besides climate change, developing countries like China need to deal with energy【21】and environmental issues: the development of sources of clean energy needs to be【22】line with their interests. Clean energy has been given greater prominence than ever before; it is seen as a new industrial【23】and【24】of economic growth for the new century. The time for clean energy has come.In China, clean energy is moving ahead at full speed. Take wind power as an example: by the end of last year, China had【25】wind power generating capacity of 12. 21GW, making China the largest wind power generator in Asia and fourth in the world. But according to the research, one-third of wind power capacity is running【26】due to an inability to get the power to the national【27】.India-like China—relies【28】on coal for its energy needs. This will only change if the funds and technology to develop clean energy, such as wind and nuclear power, are【29】. India will not choose clean energy【30】. Nuclear power is currently the most【31】of clean energy sources.【32】, if it is to be【33】on a large scale by developing nations, technological advances will be needed to make it competitive with coal.Compared【34】developed countries, developing countries have more【35】choices when it comes to energy structure. Promoting economic growth requires【36】energy—and coal, the cheapest and most【37】source of energy for many countries—is the【38】choice. Cheap coal means cheap electricity and a competitive economy. Rising electricity prices would cause public【39】and impact on standards of【40】.(21)A.scarceB.scareC.scarcityD.scary

考题 共用题干 第一篇Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles.Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years.Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution."Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy,suDDIvina around 20%of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five times the size of the US's Hoover Dam, its 26 turbines(涡轮机)will generate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3% of China's entireelectricity demand.In 2003. the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the torm ofturbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation一quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enoucih wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally harmless一they can interfere with radar, alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind tarm,wnicn will power 200.000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreiiable.According to the passage,resources like wind areA:renewable. B:recyclable.C:damaging. D:scarce.

考题 共用题干 第一篇Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles.Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years.Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution."Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy,suDDIvina around 20%of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five times the size of the US's Hoover Dam, its 26 turbines(涡轮机)will generate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3% of China's entireelectricity demand.In 2003. the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the torm ofturbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation一quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enoucih wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally harmless一they can interfere with radar, alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind tarm,wnicn will power 200.000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreiiable.According to the passage,which of the following is the most polluting energy resource?A:Petroleum. B:Coal.C:Natural gas. D:Water.

考题 共用题干 Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum provides around 40%of the world's energy needs,mostly fuelling automobiles.Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel.Natural gas reserves could plug(填补)some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either.Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years.We could fast reach an energy crisis.We need to rapidly develop sustainable solutions to fuel our future.Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution.They may benefit the world's poor too."Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.The Chinese and Romans used watermills over 2,000 years ago.But the first hydroelectric dam was built in England in 1870.Hydroelectric power is now the most common form of renewable energy,supplying around 20%of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam,which has just been completed, is the largest ever.At five times the size of the US ' s Hoover Dam , its 26 turbines(涡轮机)will generate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3%of China's entire electricity demand.In 2003,the first commercial power station to harness tidal currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill,but others take the form of turbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation-quadrupling worldwide between 1999 and 2005.Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enough wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally benign-they can interfere with radar and leave a significant ecological footprint,altering climate and killing sea birds.Migrating birds may have more luck avoiding them.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind farm,which will power 200 ,000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreliable.Which is the country with the first commercial power station that makes use of ocean currents produced by tides?A:China. B:Norway.C:England. D:America.

考题 共用题干 Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources. Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing (租赁)both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas,and 37 percent of coal were pro-duced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases. Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undis-covered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State Government. In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury,and non-India coal leases accounted for over$304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to State governments. Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery. Each year , federal land managers authorize(许可)rights of way for transmission lines , rail systems , pipe-lines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy pro-duction , though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal(地热)re-sources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year,47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower (水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with depend-ence on foreign off sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demand is becoming more intense. Public lands are available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process.If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restrictions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral be banned altogether.Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U. S.?A: Half of US energy is produced there.B: Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.C: Most energy resources are reserved there.D: The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.

考题 共用题干 Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum provides around 40%of the world's energy needs,mostly fuelling automobiles .Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel.Natural gas reserves could plug some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either.Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years.We could fasi reach an energy crisis.We need to rapidly develop sustainable solutions to fuel our future.Lesspolluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution.They may benefit the world's poor too."Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.The Chinese and Romans used watermills over 2,000 years ago. But the first hydroelectric dam was built in England in 1870.Hydroelectric power is now the most common form of renewable energy,supplying around 20%of world electricity. China's Three Gorges Dam,which has just been completed,is the largest ever. At five times the size of the US's Hoover Dam,its 26 turbines will generate the equivalent energy of 1 8 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3%of China's entire electricity demand.Surprisingly,some argue that hydroelectric dams significantly contribute green- house gases.In 2003,the first commercial power station to harness tidal currents in the open sea opened in Norway .It is designed like windmill,but others take the form of turbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation-quadrupling worldwide between 1999 and 2005 .Modern wind farms consist of turbines that gener- ate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enough wind to provide the world's entire energy needs. Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally benignthey can interfere with radar and leave a significant ecological footprint,altering climate and killing sea birds.Migrating birds may have more luck avoiding them.Scotland is buildingEurope's largest wind farm,which will power 200,000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one- fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020 .But this may cause problems,be- cause wind is unreliable. Which is the country with the first commercial power station that makes use of ocean currents produced by tides?A: China.B: Norway.C: England.D: America.

考题 共用题干 Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources. Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing (租赁)both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas,and 37 percent of coal were pro-duced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases. Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undis-covered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State Government. In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury,and non-India coal leases accounted for over$304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to State governments. Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery. Each year , federal land managers authorize(许可)rights of way for transmission lines , rail systems , pipe-lines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy pro-duction , though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal(地热)re-sources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year,47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower (水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with depend-ence on foreign off sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demand is becoming more intense. Public lands are available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process.If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restrictions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral be banned altogether.Geothermal resources,wind turbines,and hydropower facilities in Paragraph 4 are ci-ted as examples to illustrate that______.A: alternative energy production is no less than conventional energy productionB: they are the most typical conventional energy resources from public landsC: geothermal resources are more important than the other twoD: the amount of alternative energy production from public lands is huge

考题 Passage Four How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth. The best title for the passage may be______A.Garbage and the Earth B.Fossil Fuel and Garbage C.Land and Garbage D.Garbage?Energy Source

考题 Passage Four How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth. According to the passage,using garbage is______A.for heating in France each year B.a new way in a modern society C.a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage D.too expensive as an energy source

考题 Passage Four How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth. What is the author's attitude?A.Delighte B.Sad C.Agree in D.Disagree in

考题 Passage Four How can we get rid of garbage?Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today.Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time,They suggest using garbage as an energy source,and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage. For a long time,people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land.Now,empty land is scarce.But more and more garbage is produced each year.However,garbage can be a good fuel to use.The things in garbage do not look like coal,petroleum,or natural gas;but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels.As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies,we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.Burning garbage is not a new idea.Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby,buildings.In Paris,France,some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year.The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited.Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.This method could also reduce the amount if garbage piling up on the earth. What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?A.The shortage of energy and air pollutio B.The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbag C.Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fue D.Air pollution and the shortage of land to hold garbag

考题 Text 2 While fossil fuels—coal,oil,gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply,it's clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources.But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example,wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.While the rest of the world takes the lead,notably China and Europe,the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift.In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth.In a recent speech in Iowa,he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source.But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question“what happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics.But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers,who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles.Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now,this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there’s a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking.The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought. It can be learned that in Iowa,_____A.wind is a widely used energy source B.wind energy has replaced fossil fuels C.tech giants are investing in clean energy D.there is a shortage of clean energy supply

考题 Text 2 While fossil fuels—coal,oil,gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply,it's clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources.But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example,wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.While the rest of the world takes the lead,notably China and Europe,the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift.In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth.In a recent speech in Iowa,he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source.But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question“what happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics.But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers,who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles.Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now,this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there’s a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking.The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought. Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?A.Its application has boosted battery storage. B.It is commonly used in car manufacturing. C.Its continuous supply is becoming a reality. D.Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult.

考题 Text 2 While fossil fuels—coal,oil,gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply,it's clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources.But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example,wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.While the rest of the world takes the lead,notably China and Europe,the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift.In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth.In a recent speech in Iowa,he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source.But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question“what happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics.But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers,who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles.Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now,this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there’s a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking.The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought. The word“plummeting”(Line 3,Para.2)is closest in meaning to_____A.stabilizing B.changing C.falling D.rising

考题 Text 2 While fossil fuels—coal,oil,gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply,it's clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources.But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example,wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.While the rest of the world takes the lead,notably China and Europe,the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift.In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth.In a recent speech in Iowa,he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source.But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question“what happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics.But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers,who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles.Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now,this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there’s a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking.The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought. According to Paragraph 3,the use of renewable energy in America____A.is progressing notably B.is as extensive as in Europe C.faces many challenges D.has proved to be impractical

考题 Text 2 While fossil fuels—coal,oil,gas—still generate roughly 85 percent of the world’s energy supply,it's clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growth stems from a commitment by governments and farsighted businesses to fund cleaner energy sources.But increasingly the story is about the plummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example,wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.While the rest of the world takes the lead,notably China and Europe,the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift.In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels—especially coal—as the path to economic growth.In a recent speech in Iowa,he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source.But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state’s electricity generation—and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.The question“what happens when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine?”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics.But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers,who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles.Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now,this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there’s a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking.The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy____A.will bring the US closer to other countries B.will accelerate global environmental change C.is not really encouraged by the US government D.is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.Greenhouse gases are thought to be causing______.A:global warmingB:carbon emissionC:lower waste outputD:a green energy sourceE:fossil fuels F: clean fuels

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.Paragraph 3______A:Why Do We Develop Green Energy?B:What Is the Goal of Green Energy?C:What Is the Weakness of Green Energy?D:What Is a Green Energy?E:How Much Does the Green Energy Cost Every Year?F: How Many Kinds of Green Energy We Can Take Use of?

考题 共用题干 第一篇Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources?Federal lands provide。good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing(租赁),both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural ga9,and 37 percent Of coal were produced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases.Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State government,In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury,and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues, of which 50 percent were paid to State governments,Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery.Each year,federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines,rail systems,pipelines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production,though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal (地热)resources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year , 47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy.There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300 ,000 people. Federal hydropower(水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demnand is becoming more intense.Public lands areavailable for energy development oniy after they have been evaivated through the land use planning process. If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restric- lions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral production may he banned altogether.Ceothermal resources,wind turbines,and hydropower facilities in Paragraph 4 are cited as examples to illustrate that______.A:alternative energy production is no less than conventional energy productionB:the amount of alternative energy production from public lands is hugeC:they are the most typical conventional energy resources from public landsD:geothermal reoourceg are more important than the other two

考题 共用题干 第三篇Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs , mostly fuelling automobiles.Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one一quarter of our energy needs,but it is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil, but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years.Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution. "Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy, supplying around 20%of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five times the size of the US's Hoover Dam , its 26 turbines(涡轮机)will generate theequivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations.It will satisfy 3% of China's entire electricity demand.In 2003, the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the form of turbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation一 quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1999 and 2005. Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity.Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enough wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents.And turbines are not totally harmless一they can intertere with radar,alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind farm,which will power 200,000 homes.The UK's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources, mainly wind,by 2020.But this may cause problems,because wind is unreliable.According to the passage,resources like wind areA:renewable. B:recyclable.C:damaging. D:scarce.

考题 共用题干 第一篇Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources?Federal lands provide。good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing(租赁),both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural ga9,and 37 percent Of coal were produced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases.Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State government,In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury,and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues, of which 50 percent were paid to State governments,Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery.Each year,federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines,rail systems,pipelines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production,though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal (地热)resources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year , 47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy.There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300 ,000 people. Federal hydropower(水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demnand is becoming more intense.Public lands areavailable for energy development oniy after they have been evaivated through the land use planning process. If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restric- lions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral production may he banned altogether.Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U.S.?A:Half of US energy is produced there.B:The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.C:Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.D:Most energy resources are reserved there.

考题 共用题干 Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles .Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs, but it is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years. Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution. "Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy , supplying around 20% of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five times the size of the U. S. 's Hoover Dam,its 26 turbines (涡轮机)will generate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations. It will satisfy 3%of China's entire electricity demand.In 2003,the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the form of turbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation-quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1 999 and 2005 . Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity. Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enough wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms. They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents. And turbines are not totally harmless-they can interfere with radar,alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind farm,which will power 200 ,000 homes. The U.K. 's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020 .But this may cause problems, because wind is unreliable. According to the passage,which of the following is the most polluting energy resource?A: Petroleum.B: Coal.C: Natural gas.D: Water.

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.The success of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from______.A:global warmingB:carbon emissionC:lower waste outputD:a green energy sourceE:fossil fuels F: clean fuels

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.Nuclear energy is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its______.A:global warmingB:carbon emissionC:lower waste outputD:a green energy sourceE:fossil fuels F: clean fuels

考题 共用题干 Renewable Energy SourcesToday petroleum(石油)provides around 40% of the world's energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles .Coal is still used,mostly in power stations,to cover one-quarter of our energy needs, but it is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel(矿物燃料).Natural gas reserves could fill some of the gap from oil,but reserves of that will not last into the 22nd century either. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years. Less-polluting renewable energy sources offer a more practical long-term energy solution. "Renewable"refers to the fact that these resources are not used faster than they can be replaced.Hydroelectric(水力发电的)power is now the most common form of renewable energy , supplying around 20% of world electricity.China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest ever. At five times the size of the U. S. 's Hoover Dam,its 26 turbines (涡轮机)will generate the equivalent energy of 18 coal-fired power stations. It will satisfy 3%of China's entire electricity demand.In 2003,the first commercial power station to use tidal(潮汐的)currents in the open sea opened in Norway. It is designed like windmill(风车),but others take the form of turbines.As prices fall,wind power has become the fastest growing type of electricity generation-quadrupling(翻两番)worldwide between 1 999 and 2005 . Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity. Though it will be more expensive,there is more than enough wind to provide the world's entire energy needs.Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms. They can often end up at spots of natural beauty,and are often unpopular with residents. And turbines are not totally harmless-they can interfere with radar,alter climate and kill sea birds.Scotland is building Europe's largest wind farm,which will power 200 ,000 homes. The U.K. 's goal is to generate one-fifth of power from renewable sources,mainly wind,by 2020 .But this may cause problems, because wind is unreliable. One of the problems with wind farms is that______.A: there is not enough windB: wind is not reliableC: they can only be built on the seaD: they might influence the world economy

考题 Which of the following standard symbols signifies that a packaged item was produced using hazardous materials industry guidelines?()A、Energy StarB、Energy Star 2.0C、PCI-ED、RoHS

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following should be considered sources of renewable energy?A Petroleum, sunlight and wind power.B Gas, water and fossil fuels.C Coal, natural gas and hydropower.D Sunlight, water and wind power.