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The book raised a storm of controversy.



解析:本句意思:这本书激起了一场辩论的风暴。controversy(公开的)争论,辩论,论战。 damage损害,危害;voice嗓音,说话声,歌唱声;doubt怀疑,疑惑;argument争论,辩论。
更多 “The book raised a storm of controversy.A:damage B:voice C:doubt D:argument” 相关考题
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考题 假定有“structBOOK{chartitle[40]floatprice}book”,则正确的语句为( )。 A.BOOK&x=&bookB.BOOK&x=bookC.BOOK&x=newBOOKD.BOOK&x=BOOK

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考题 The book raised a storm of controversy.A:damage B:voice C:argument D:doubt

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考题 The book raised a storm of controversy.A:damage B:voice C:argument D:doubt

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK x= book;Bstruct BOOK *x=book;Cstruct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);Dstruct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK *x=malloc(book);Bstruct BOOK x={"C++ Programming",27.0};Cstruct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));Dstruct BOOK *x=book;

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考题 《书经》(《尚书》)的英文翻译是?( ) A、Book of SongsB、Book of RitesC、Book of ChangeD、Book of Documents

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考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK *x=malloc(book);B struct BOOK x={C++ Programming,27.0};C struct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));D struct BOOK *x=book;

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK x= book;B struct BOOK *x=book;C struct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);D struct BOOK *x=BOOK;

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