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Mr. Green _____ my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now.

must have received


must have failed to receive


must receive


must fail to receive


句意:格林先生一定没收到我的信,否则他应该已经回信了。据此可以排除A、C。这里是对过去没有收到信进行推测,应该用must have done,故为B。
更多 “单选题Mr. Green _____ my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now.A must have receivedB must have failed to receiveC must receiveD must fail to receive” 相关考题
考题 Had he worked harder, he () the exams. A、must have got thoughB、would get thoughC、would have got throughD、could get through

考题 He said she must have been out of town for weeks; otherwise he ____________ her in office. (A) would see(B) should see(C) must have seen(D) would have seen

考题 At the sports track meet, Tomthe champion if he had reached the finish one second earlier. A.would have beenB.must beC.would beD.must have been

考题 Where is my pen? I ______ it.A. might loseB. would have lostC. should have lostD. must have lost

考题 He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could expressB. would expressC. could have expressedD. must have expressed

考题 Bob was fully occupied yesterday, otherwise he _______ to the meeting.A. would comeB. had comeC. must have comeD. would have come

考题 The Browns _______ the trains; if not, they would have been at the get-together as scheduled.A、must missB、must have missedC、should missD、should have missed

考题 Be quick ! They ( ) for us at the school gate now. A、ought to have waitedB、must waitC、must have waitedD、must be waiting

考题 He must have had an accident, or he _____ thenA:would have been hereB:would be hereC:should be hereD:had just had

考题 He didn't do well in the exam. He______hard at his lessons A、must have workedB、ought to have workedC、would have workedD、has worked

考题 If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you ______ much better now.A、must have feltB、might have feltC、would have feltD、would feel

考题 The light is on. He ___________________ at home. A、must have beenB、would beC、must beD、will be

考题 He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he it differently.A. could express B. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed

考题 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ________ our chairman now.[A] must have been[B] would have been[C] were[D] would be

考题 John's score on the test is the highest in his class, he ______ very hard.A. must have studiedB. should have studiedC. must studyD. should study

考题 He must have had an accident,or he ______ then.A.would have been hereB.should be hereC.had to be hereD.would be here

考题 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he _____ last night.A.must study B.should have studieD C.must have studieD D.is sure to study

考题 Had he worked harder, he ___________ the exams.A.must have got through B.would get through C.would have got through D.could get through

考题 "The lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair.""Then it( )Dr.Firld because he is short and fat.It Dr.Jones;he is thin."A.can’t be...must be B.couldn’t have been...might have been C.must be...can't be D.can't have been...must have been

考题 Had he worked harder,he__the exams.A.must have got through B.would have got through C.would get through D.could get through

考题 Since the road is wet this morning,__last night.A.it must rain B.it must be raining C.it must have rained D.it must have been rain

考题 Jack described his father,who__________a brave boy many years ago,as astrong-willed man.A.would be B.would have been C.must be D.must have been

考题 Not until this morning()your delayed letter of credit.A、we receivedB、did we receiveC、we have receivedD、had we received

考题 You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. In your production  database, the size of Database Buffer Cache needs to be increased immediately for the current as well as future instances of the database. The Oracle instance has been configured to accommodate any changes in the size of the memory structures. At this is production database, you want to accomplish this task with no impact on the user’s connections.  Which activity must you have completed before accomplishing this task?()A、You must have started the database instance in restricted mode.B、You must have started the database instance inNORMALmode.C、You must have started the database instance with server parameter file.D、You must have started the database instance but must not have mounted.E、You must have started the database instance but must not have opened.

考题 单选题Since the road is wet,() last night.A it must have rainedB itmust rainC it must be rainingD it must have been raining

考题 单选题Alice() my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.A oughttohavereceivedB haven’treceivedC hasbeenreceivedD couldn’thavereceived

考题 单选题You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. In your production  database, the size of Database Buffer Cache needs to be increased immediately for the current as well as future instances of the database. The Oracle instance has been configured to accommodate any changes in the size of the memory structures. At this is production database, you want to accomplish this task with no impact on the user’s connections.  Which activity must you have completed before accomplishing this task?()A You must have started the database instance in restricted mode.B You must have started the database instance inNORMALmode.C You must have started the database instance with server parameter file.D You must have started the database instance but must not have mounted.E You must have started the database instance but must not have opened.

考题 单选题Mr. Green _____ my letter, otherwise he would have replied before now.A must have receivedB must have failed to receiveC must receiveD must fail to receive