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更多 “单选题A bookB coolC cookD good” 相关考题
考题 下列() 是不合法的标识符。 A.bookB.3fileC.$goodD.a$2

考题 If you are interested in our products, we can sign ________ .A.the time bookB.the names of our managersC.an international cooperation documentsD.an intentional contract

考题 23. From the passage, we can learn that "Magic Sunflower Club" is a _______in Eng-lishA. bookB. cityC. storyD. club

考题 9.A.drinkB.eatC.cookD.buy

考题 下列英语单词中文意思是“一水”的是_______。A.A.B.oilerC.cookD.sailer

考题 What is most probably a “town guide “in the conservatism?A. A bookB. A personC. A shop

考题 If a spill occurs,where would you log it? ______.A.Oil Record BookB.Bell bookC.Smooth logbookD.Official Logbook

考题 When carrying a cargo of asphalt or molten sulfur,which are carried at temperatures of over 300°F,one of the biggest dangers is ______.A.water in the tanks or pipelinesB.having the cargo too coolC.explosion of vapors after dischargeD.inadequate ullage space

考题 Which is supplied to the vessel by the MSA ________.A.Bell bookB.Cargo gear registerC.Official LogbookD.Rough Logbook

考题 This article most probably appears in__________.A.a story book B.a newspaper C.a literary magazine D.a textbook

考题 Who would be the best person to provide the product’s sales information? A. Emilie Green B. Ron Evans C. Nancy Cook D. Lois Peterson

考题 My doctor said I should vary my diet more.A:change B:prepare C:cook D:choose

考题 __________A.food B.cool C.school D.flood


考题 菜单的英文是()。A、BookB、menuC、BillD、note

考题 下列元素定义中正确的是()。A、book/BookB、BOOK/bookC、book/bookD、Book/bOOK

考题 西餐中账单的英文是()。A、BookB、MenuC、BillD、Note

考题 Please fill in this visitor’s ().A、registry bookB、exercise bookC、seaman’s bookD、record book

考题 下列英语单词中文意思是“一水”的是().A、A˙B、oilerC、cookD、sailer

考题 下列词组中全都属于述宾结构的一组是()A、太阳红;月儿明;I read the bookB、吃干净;放在一边;the sun risesC、看电影;种庄稼;to play footballD、金色的年华;红五月;to leave a good memory

考题 单选题A good beginning makes _____good ending.A aB anC theD /

考题 单选题下列词组中全都属于述宾结构的一组是()A 太阳红;月儿明;I read the bookB 吃干净;放在一边;the sun risesC 看电影;种庄稼;to play footballD 金色的年华;红五月;to leave a good memory

考题 单选题The garden()while the Greens were away from home.A took good care ofB was taken good careC was taken good care ofD was taking good care

考题 单选题Newly-born babies _____ in hospital.A are taken good careB are taken good care ofC take good care ofD take good care

考题 单选题The goods under L/C No.1234 left here().A in a good conditionB in good conditionsC in good conditionD in the good condition

考题 单选题To study a foreign language,()A a good dictionary should be boughtB buying a good dictionary is necessaryC you should buy a good dictionaryD it is necessary that you will buy a good dictionary

考题 单选题The goods under L/C No.1234 left here().A in agood conditionB in good conditionsC in good conditionD in the good condition

考题 单选题I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. ______! We had together there.A What good timeB What a good timeC How good timeD How a good