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In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be()such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,including the conditions consisting of lightweight plus segregated ballast only,the ship’s draughts and trim can meet the necessary requirements.

at least


at most


so big as


as large as


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更多 “单选题In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be()such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,including the conditions consisting of lightweight plus segregated ballast only,the ship’s draughts and trim can meet the necessary requirements.A at leastB at mostC so big asD as large as” 相关考题
考题 Pump out No. 2 port ballast tank to ______.A.keep vessel afloatingB.refloat vessel listing to starboardC.make vessel all-rightD.bring vessel upright

考题 A segregated ballast system is a system whereA.all ballast is processed through the oily water separatorB.ballast is taken on and discharged through a separate main deckC.ballast and cargo tanks are separated by cofferdamsD.all ballast lines, tanks, and pumps are independent of those used for oil

考题 An oil tanker with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall have adequate tank capacity dedicated solely to the carriage of ______ as defined.A.clean ballastB.crude oilC.fresh waterD.fuel oil

考题 You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker and will carry cargoes of allyl alcohol,benzene,and propanolamine. Which of the following is true?A.All of these cargoes are mutually compatibleB.Benzene may not be carried in a tank adjacent to either of the other two cargoesC.Allyl alcohol is incompatible with propanolamine but both are compatible with benzeneD.Propanolamine is compatible with allyl alcohol but must be segregated from benzene

考题 Every existing product carriers of 40,000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks and shall comply with the specified requirements,or,alternatively,operate with ______ in accordance with the convention.A.crude oil washingB.dedicated clean ballast tanksC.cargo tank cleaning systemD.oil record book

考题 Existing crude oil tankers may,______ being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with the specified provision of the Regulation.A.As perB.In the consequence ofC.In accordance withD.In lieu of

考题 In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,including the conditions consisting of lightweight plus segregated ballast only,the ship's draughts and trim can meet the necessary requirements.A.At leastB.At mostC.So big asD.As large as

考题 The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast except as provided otherwise.A.SuchB.AsC.SoD.Well

考题 The discharge into sea of substances in Category A as defined or of those provisionally assessed as such or ballast water,tank washings,or other residues or mixtures containing such substances shall be ______.A.MotivatedB.InnovatedC.ProhibitedD.Provided

考题 材料:Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing.The Administration shall undertake to ensure that the system fully complies with the requirements of MARPOL within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oil or by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oil suitable for crude oil washing,whichever occurs later.Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing,the oil tanker shall operate the system in accordance with the requirements of that Regulation.Every existing crude oil tanker of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks,operate with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing unless the crude oil tanker is intended to carry crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with the provision of Regulation 13A of this Annex for the following period:for crude oil tankers of 70 000 tons deadweight and above,until two years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention;and for crude oil tankers of 40000 tons deadweight and above but below 70 000 tons deadweight,until four years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention.问题:A new crude oil tanker of 30000 tons deadweight shall ________.A.be fitted with crude oil washing systemB.operate dedicated clean ballast tanksC.be fitted with segregated ballast tanksD.be fitted with washing system other than crude oil washing systemExcept________,the existing crude oil tankers may operate with any of the following installations.A.segregated ballast tanksB.cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washingC.operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.protection positionThe latest date for an existing crude oil tanker of 60000 tons deadweight to install dedicated clean ballast tanks is ________.A.until two years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionB.until four years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionC.within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oilD.by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oilIt is inferred that ________.A.all oil tankers,both the newly built and existing ones,shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washingB.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with segregated ballast tanksC.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above shall not be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing immediately after her entry in the trade of carrying crude oil请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks.The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be so determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast.In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be at least such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,including the conditions consisting of lightweight plus segregated ballast only,the ship’s draughts and trim can meet each of the following requirements:(a)The moulded draught amidships(dm)meters(without taking into account any ships deformation)shall not be less than dm = 2.0 + 0.02L;(b)The draughts at the forward and after perpendiculars shall correspond to those determined by the draught amidships(dm)as specified in sub-paragraph(a)of this paragraph,in association with the trim by the stern of not greater than 0.015L;and(c)In any case the draught at the after perpendicular shall not be less than that which is necessary to obtain full immersion of the propeller.In no case shall ballast water be carried in cargo tanks,except on those rare voyages when weather conditions are so severe that,in the opinion of the master,it is necessary to carry additional ballast water in cargo tanks for the safety of the ship,or,in exceptional cases where the particular character of the operation of an oil tanker renders it necessary to carry ballast water in excess of the quantity required,provided that such operation of the oil tanker falls under the category of exceptional cases as established by the Organization.问题:According to this passage,it is inferred that ________.A.the crude oil is more pollutive than the productB.the crude oil is less pollutive than the productC.the crude oil and the product are equally pollutiveD.it can not tell whether the crude oil or the product is more pollutiveBallast water ________ carried in cargo tanks on board of oil tankers.A.can beB.can not beC.can not,absolutely,beD.can,only in rare or exceptional cases,beThis passage is most likely extracted from ________.A.Guide to Port EntryB.Notices to MarinersC.SOLASD.MARPOLAssuming the length of a crude oil tanker is 200m,her max aft draft corresponding to her displacement of lightweight plus segregated ballast only should be ________.A.3mB.4.5mC.6mD.7.5m请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 Is this a ()(淡水) tank?A、bilge waterB、ballast waterC、fresh waterD、sea water

考题 It is a ()(压载水) tank.A、bilge waterB、ballast waterC、fresh waterD、sea water

考题 Fuel tank capacity油箱容积

考题 单选题Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above and every new product carrier of 30000 tons deadweight and above shall be()with segregated ballast tanks.A compliedB providedC dividedD supplied

考题 单选题A segregated ballast system is a system where ()A all ballast is processed through the oily water separatorB ballast is taken on and discharged through a separate main deck riserC ballast and cargo tanks are separated by cofferdamsD all ballast lines, tanks, and pumps are independent of those used for oil

考题 单选题Every oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be()with a Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual detailing the system and specifying operational procedures.A compliedB repliedC dividedD provided

考题 单选题Ballast water can only be()in cargo tanks in exceptional cases where the particular character of the operation of an oil tanker renders it necessary to carry ballast water in excess of the quantity required,provided that such operation of the oil tanker falls under the category of exceptional cases as established by the Organization.A carriedB containedC filledD stuffed

考题 单选题The term "load on top" is used on many crude oil carriers, is to provide a method for ().A calculating the ullage in the cargo tanksB loading ballast by gravityC the loading of new cargo into the slop tank as a procedure to minimize pollutionD calculating the ratio of cargo expansion in a cargo tank

考题 单选题Every existing product carriers of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks and shall comply with the specified requirements,or,alternatively,operate with()in accordance with the convention.A Crude Oil WashingB dedicated clean ballast tanksC cargo tank cleaning systemD Oil Record Book

考题 单选题Pump out No.2 port ballast tank to().A keep vessel afloatingB refloat vessel listing to starboardC make vessel all-rightD bring vessel upright

考题 单选题() system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the sea as required to trim the vessel.A The domestic waterB Bilge waterC Oil transferD The ballast

考题 单选题Existing crude oil tankers may,()being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with the specified provision of the Regulation.A as perB in the consequence ofC in accordance withD in lieu of

考题 单选题Any oil tanker which is not required to be provided with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with this paragraph may,however,be qualified as a segregated ballast tanker ()it complies with the other requirements of paragraphs of this Convention.A provided thatB on the part ofC neverthelessD notwithstanding

考题 单选题A vessel loads edible oil in a deep tank through a manhole at the midlength of the tank. In order to fill the tank to maximum capacity,what trim should the vessel have?()A Down by the bowB Down by the sternC Down by either the bow or sternD In level trim

考题 单选题Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast () must be fitted in the pipe so that only the ballast main or the oil transfer main connected to the tank.A a sea water chestB a change-over chestC a buffer tankD a three-way valve

考题 单选题An oil tanker with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall have adequate tank capacity dedicated solely to the carriage of()as defined.A clean ballastB crude oilC fresh waterD fuel oil

考题 单选题Notwithstanding the provisions of this Regulation,the segregated ballast conditions for oil tankers less than 150 meters in length shall be to the()of the Administration.A contractB charter partyC satisfactionD agreement