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We learn from the text that ______.

Canadians have easy access to any type of medical care they want.


the Canadian government compensates every citizen for medical expenses.


a medical care is issued once a citizen seeks medical care.


the principle of demand and supply does not apply in the Canadian system.


更多 “单选题We learn from the text that ______.A Canadians have easy access to any type of medical care they want.B the Canadian government compensates every citizen for medical expenses.C a medical care is issued once a citizen seeks medical care.D the principle of demand and supply does not apply in the Canadian system.” 相关考题
考题 From the text we learn that Stephen Cooper isA. a well-known humanist.B. a medical practitioner.C. an enthusiast in animal rights.D. a supporter of animal research.

考题 According to the NAS's report, one of the problems in end-of-life care is ______.A) prolonged medical proceduresB) inadequate treatment of painC) systematic drug abuseD) insufficient hospital care

考题 Text 4 The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide canrry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of "double effect, "a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects--a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen--is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients' pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who "until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. "It's like surgery, "he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients, although they risked their death. If you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modem medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the National Academy of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report, Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of "ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. "Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering, " to the extent that it constitutes "systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards "must make it clear...that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."第56题:From the first three paragraphs, we learn thatA doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients'pain.B it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.C the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide.D patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide.

考题 It can be known that the medical ID theft is______.A.a civil matterB.a medical caseC.a political issueD.a domestic event

考题 In medical training standards,seafarers are not required to demonstrate their ability ______.A.to provide medical first aid on boardB.to take charge of medical care on board shipsC.to take immediate effective action in the case of accidents or illness likely to occur on board shipD.to improve cardiac function after transplantation of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

考题 共用题干 第二篇As we have seen,the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease一especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors,such as poor eating habits,smoking,and failure to exercise.The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight , but does not eat very nutritious(有营养的)foods , who feels OK but exercises only occasionally , who goes to work every day , but is not an outstanding worker,who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts,but sleeps a lot and often feels tired.This person is not ill.He may not even be at risk for any particular disease.But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely "not ill" and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs.Both types have simply been called "well".In recent years,however,some health specialists have begun to apply the terms "well" and "weilness" only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their body's condition.Most importantly,perhaps,people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health.Even people who have a physical disease or handicap(缺陷)may be "well" ,in this new sense,if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations."Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve,but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes.And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living,the concept of weilness can have a beneficial impact on the way in which people face the challenges of daily life.What is the author's purpose in writing this article?A: To criticize the traditional view of the medical care.B:To compare the differences between the modern medical care and the traditional medical care.C:To tell us the change of the focus of medical care.D:To tell us the importance of the medical care.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Double EffectThe Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medi- cine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects一a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen一is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control termi-nally ill patients' pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to con- trol their pain if that might hasten death."George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston University,maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the pa- tient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides be- cause the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.If you're a physician, you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician-assisted suicide,the National Academy of Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.Itidentifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse."He says medical li- censing boards"must make it clear…that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently man- aged and should result in license suspension."According to the NAS's report,one of the problems in end-of-life care is________.A:prolonged medical proceduresB:inadequate treatment of painC:systematic drug abuseD:insufficient hospital care

考题 共用题干 Double EffectThe Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide,the Court in effect supported the medical principle of"double effect",a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects-a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen-is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients'pain,even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.Nancy Dubler,director of Montefiore Medical Center,contends that the principle will shield doctors who"until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."George Annas,chair of the health law department at Boston Univeisity,maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimale medical purpose,the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death."It's like surgery,"he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend to kill their patients,although they risked their death.if you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend their suicide."On another level,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician一assisted suicide,the National Academy of Science(NAS)released a two-volume report,Approaching Death:Improving Care at the End of Life.It identifies the under-treatment of pain and the aggressive use of"ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices,to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies,to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care,and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care."Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,"to the extent that it constitutes"systematic patient abuse." He says medical licensing boards"must make it clear that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."According to the NAS's report,one of the problems in end-of-life care is______.A:prolonged medical procedures B:inadequate treatment of painC:systematic drug abuse D:insufficient hospital care

考题 Provision of medical care is classified into primary, secondary, and ______ care categories.A.third B.three C.tertiary D.the third

考题 “The key to __________ the medical problems is health care reform,” said the minister.A.solve B.solving C.being solved D.be solved

考题 NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.Aworking classBelderlyCeducatedDbetter-off

考题 药学服务的英文是()A、medical careB、pharmacy careC、home careD、pharmaceeutical careE、pharmacological care

考题 NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.A、working classB、elderlyC、educatedD、better-off

考题 单选题The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care.A whichB thatC in whichD why

考题 单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for _____.A people living in the countryB non-government officialsC people with insuranceD the poor and the old

考题 单选题Other medical technology groups are working on______telemedicine to rural care.A applyingB supplyingC replyingD implying

考题 单选题The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care.A whichB at whichC in whichD why

考题 单选题The superiority of the Canadian health care system is seen in ______.A its low medical cost and better public health.B the immediate compensations form insurance companies.C its prompt application of advanced technological innovations.D the low charges made by medical personnel.

考题 单选题NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.A working classB elderlyC educatedD better-off

考题 单选题The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care.A whichB for whichC in whichD for why

考题 单选题According to the NAS’s report, one of the problems in end-of-life care is ______.A prolonged medical proceduresB inadequate treatment of painC systematic drug abuseD insufficient hospital care

考题 单选题We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.A Americans enjoy the medical care of their choice.B most Canadians deem their health care system to be flawless.C Canadians do not benefit from all new medical achievements.D most Americans are proud of their health care system.

考题 问答题Practice 5  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s), use quotation marks (“ ”).  You should write 160—200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.  Smoking influences citizen’s health and also pollutes our living environment. Recently, Chen Zhu, minister of Health, said that the government should gradually include anti-addiction counseling and drugs in basic medical insurance coverage. Should anti-addiction be covered in medical insurance? The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions.  Supporters:  Smoking is now the biggest threat to human health. Through medical insurance to pay for their anti-addition drugs, smokers are more likely to have a try to quit smoking.  It is hardly possible for smokers to quit smoking by their own efforts. If anti-addiction counseling and drugs are included in basic medical insurance coverage, smokers are more than willing to seek professional doctor for help and thus increase the chance of success.  Helping smokers keep away from addiction not only benefits the smokers themselves, but also those around them, which is of great potential public health significance. In addition, the cost of using medical insurance to pay for anti-addiction is much lower than that to treat chronic diseases in the future.  Opponents:  Looking at the number of people who are smokers versus the great majority who aren't, it's much fairer to put the costs on the backs of those who cause them rather than on the backs of the great majority who don't smoke.  Anti-addiction drugs are used to prevent diseases, which is supposed to be paid from the public health or disease control, but not from medical insurance fund.  If anti-addition is covered in medical insurance, with 270 million smokers in China, how can the insurance bear it? In terms of 3000 RMB per person, we need 810 billion for medical insurance fund, while in 2010, the total income of urban basic medical insurance fund is only 430.9 billion.

考题 单选题It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _____ free medical care.A entitled toB associated withC assigned toD involved in

考题 单选题Medical treatment aboard a ship should not go beyond examination and emergency care without first consulting().A the designated medic aboardB the shore based superintendentC a medical doctorD the approved company medical manual

考题 单选题We learn from Para. 8 and Para. 9 that _____.A diabetes patients must take medication upon diagnosis.B medication is the first line of defense against Type 2 diabetes.C both lifestyle and medication are important for diabetes patients.D diabetes patients have no difficulties accepting medical cure.

考题 单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for ______.A people living in the countryB non government officialsC people with insuranceD the poor and the old