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______lunch, the committee members discussed the problem.



Having served


Being served


Having been served


更多 “单选题______lunch, the committee members discussed the problem.A ServingB Having servedC Being servedD Having been served” 相关考题
考题 The ship, () to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable. A.being reducedB.reducingC.reducedD.having been reducing

考题 ()there, he found a great deal to interest him. A、This being his first visitB、Never having visitedC、This being his first time to visitD、Having never been before

考题 _____ , you need to give all you have and try your best.A.Being a winnerB.To buy a winnerC.Be a winnerD.Having been a winner

考题 Ryan always attempts to escape ( ) when he breaks traffic regulations. A、to have been finedB、to be finedC、having been finedD、being fined

考题 It's hard to believe that some old textbooks ( ) ten years ago ( ) in our university today. A、publishing/ are been usedB、published/ are usingC、published/ are being usedD、having been published/ are being used

考题 ( ) the house on fire, he dialed 91 A、SeenB、SeeingC、Having been seenD、Being seen

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考题 Mary got to the station in a hurry only _____ that the last train had gone. A: tellB: having been toldC: being toldD: to be told

考题 She ______ tea to customers in the teahouse when her boss walked in. A.is servingB.servedC.was servingD.was served

考题 Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ________ in a short period of time.[A] being created[B] to have been created[C] having been created[D] to be created

考题 Our civilization cannot be thought of as ______ in a short period of time.A.to have been createD.B.to be createD.C.having been created D.being createD.

考题 Thinking helps people control their own destinies. Those who avoid thinking run the risk of____________.A.victimizing B.being victimized C.having victimized D.having been victimized

考题 He was not asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,( )insufficiently popular with all members.A.being considered B.considering C.to be considered D.having considered

考题 The house was very quiet, ______ as itwas on the side of a mountain.A.isolated B.isolating C.being isolated D.having been isolated

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考题 He()lunch in the canteen right now.AhasBhaveCis having

考题 He()lunch with a customer now.AhasBhaveCis having

考题 He()lunch in the canteen right now.A、hasB、haveC、is having

考题 Having been served supper,().A、they continued bargaining.B、bargaining is continuedC、the bargain was continuedD、it is time to continue bargaining

考题 单选题A rogue loose called a hacker could take control of the entire system by implanting his own instructions in the software and then he could program the computer to erase any sign ______ .A of his being ever thereB he ever has been thereC of his having ever been thereD of him having ever been there

考题 单选题He()lunch in the canteen right now.A hasB haveC is having

考题 单选题Having been served supper,().A they continued bargaining.B bargaining is continuedC the bargain was continuedD it is time to continue bargaining

考题 单选题He()lunch with a customer now.A hasB haveC is having

考题 单选题_____ lunch, the committee members discussed the problem.A ServingB Having servedC Being servedD Having been served

考题 单选题_______, and members of the congregation having returned, this church too will start out with _______ effort in the work that lies before them, which will be taken up by the different departments.A The summer vacation is over; greatB The summer vacation being over; renewedC As the summer vacation over; refreshingD Had the summer vacation been over; sacred

考题 单选题Tony was very unhappy for _____ to the party.A having not been invitedB not having invitedC having not invitedD not having been invited

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