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更多 “名词解释题遗传(heredity)” 相关考题
考题 Heredity is not the only thing that 1influences our color.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 线粒体遗传属于()。 A.显性遗传B.隐性遗传C.多基因遗传D.非孟德尔遗传E.体细胞遗传

考题 存在交叉遗传和隔代遗传的遗传病为 () A、染色体显性遗传B、常染色体隐性遗传C、X 连锁显性遗传D、X 连锁隐性遗传E、Y 连锁遗传

考题 白癜风属于A、多基因遗传B、单基因遗传C、X连锁显性遗传D、性连锁隐性遗传E、与遗传无关

考题 遗传性寻常型鱼鳞病的遗传方式是A、性连锁隐性遗传B、常染色体显性遗传C、常染色体隐性遗传D、性连锁显性遗传E、多基因遗传

考题 ●Computers will become more advanced and they will also become easier to use.Improved speed recognition will make the operation of a computer easier. Virtual reality(虚拟现实), the technology of (71) with a computer using all of the human senses, will also contribute to better human and computer (72). Other, exotic (奇异的) models of computation are being developed, including biological computing that uses living organisms, molecular computing that uses molecules with particular (73), and computing that uses DNA, the basic unit of heredity(遗传), to store data and carry out operations. These are examples of possible future computational platforms that, so far, are limited in abilities or are strictly (74) . Scientists investigate them because of the physical limitations of miniaturizing circuits embedded in silicon. There are also (75) related to heat generated by even the tiniest of transistors.(71) A.interactB.interactingC.communicateD.using( 72) A .interfacesB.behaviorC.similaritiesD.comparison(73) A.softwareB.propertiesC.programsD.hardware( 74) A.empiricalB.realC. practicalD. theoretical( 75) A. developmentsB.advantagesC. limitationsD. improvements

考题 A dictionary may define genetics()simply”the science of the study of heredity”A. withB. toC. As

考题 按照我国《人类遗传资源管理条例》,人类遗传资源除了人类遗传资源材料外,还包括( )。 A、人类遗传物质B、人类遗传密码C、人类遗传数据D、人类遗传资源信息

考题 Computers will become more advanced and they will also become easier to use.Improved speed recognition will make the operation of a computer easier.Virtual reality(虚拟现实),the technology of( )with a computer using all of the human senses,will also contribute to better human and computer( ).Other,exotic(奇异的)models of computation are being developed,including biological computing that uses living organisms,molecular computing that uses molecules with particular( ),and computing that uses DNA,the basic unit of heredity(遗传),to store data and carry out operations.These are examples of possible future computational platforms that,so far,are limited in abilities or are strictly(请作答此空).Scientists investigate them because of the physical limitations of miniaturizing circuits embedded in silicon.There are also( )related to heat generated by even the tiniest of transistors.A.empirical B.real C.practical D.theoretical

考题 单基因遗传病按其遗传方式分为()A常染色体显性遗传B常染色体隐性遗传C家族性遗传D伴性遗传E从性遗传

考题 遗传资源分类()。A、人工假设的遗传资源B、本地遗传资源C、外地遗传资源D、人工创造的遗传资源

考题 根据遗传方式和遗传物质的关系,眼遗传病分为()A、单基因遗传B、多因子遗传C、染色体遗传D、遗传易感E、遗传异质性

考题 儿科遗传性疾病一般分类为A、染色体病、常染色体显性遗传病、多基因遗传病B、常染色体隐性遗传病、伴性X连锁显性遗传病、多基因遗传病C、单基因遗传病、常染色体显性遗传病、伴性X连锁显性遗传病D、常染色体显性遗传病、Y连锁遗传病、多基因遗传病E、染色体病、单基因遗传病、多基因遗传病、线粒体遗传病

考题 遗传性肾炎:()A、常染色体显性遗传B、性连锁隐性遗传C、常染色体隐性遗传D、性连锁显性遗传E、多基因遗传

考题 遗传(heredity)

考题 线粒体遗传属于()A、显性遗传B、隐性遗传C、多基因遗传D、非孟德尔遗传E、体细胞遗传

考题 高血压病的遗传方式是()A、单基因遗传B、常染色体显性遗传C、多基因遗传D、常染色体隐性遗传E、伴性遗传

考题 芦花鸡毛色遗传属于()A、限性遗传B、伴性遗传C、从性遗传D、性影响遗传

考题 单选题What can be inferred from the example of the ant-lion in the first paragraph?A Instincts of animals can lead to unreasonable reactions in strange situations.B When it is engaged in a chain actions it cannot be interrupted.C Environment and heredity are two supplementary factors in the evolution of insects.D Along the lines of evolution heredity becomes less and environment more important.

考题 单选题存在交叉遗传和隔代遗传的遗传病为()。A 常染色体显性遗传B 常染色体隐性遗传C X连锁显性遗传D X连锁隐性遗传E Y连锁遗传

考题 单选题线粒体遗传属于()A 显性遗传B 隐性遗传C 多基因遗传D 非孟德尔遗传E 体细胞遗传

考题 问答题Heredity(遗传) is not the only thing that infliuences our color.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?A The Evolution of Insects.B Environment and Heredity.C Education: The Influence of the Environment.D The Instincts of Animals.