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更多 “单选题____A excludedB eliminatedC includedD eluded” 相关考题
考题 单选题How()you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A canB mustC needD may

考题 问答题白求恩奖章

考题 问答题歧视性政策

考题 单选题— Is this the motel you mentioned? —()A It looks comfortableB Yes, it’s as quiet as we expectedC You’re so considerateD No, the price’s reasonable

考题 问答题阳气

考题 问答题史前时代

考题 单选题____A deliverB carryC performD apply

考题 单选题Can you show me how()?A use the washing machineB to use the washing machineC using the washing machine

考题 单选题____A projectB planC promiseD propose

考题 单选题I usually go to the office()trainA withB byC on

考题 单选题()the factory doesn't smell terrible.A AmazingB AmazedC AmazinglyD Amazedly

考题 单选题As a master’s candidate, he was always diligent in his study and research.A instructiveB industriousC intelligentD intense

考题 单选题If you take a bus in a big city in China, you should sit _____.A on the left side in the busB on the right side in the busC in the middle of the busD at the back of the bus

考题 单选题I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. --()A The appointment is put offB You look sick and weakC Please wait for minute. He is busy nowD Tell me your ID number

考题 问答题武德

考题 单选题She()pages of the book today.A has already readB already readsC already readD was already read

考题 单选题I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. ()A You can tell me.B I wonder if you can.C I‘ll tell you.D I wonder if you could.

考题 单选题____A thinnerB stablerC lighterD dimmer

考题 问答题隶书

考题 单选题()people are coming for the party?A How littleB How muchC How many

考题 问答题玄想

考题 问答题中亚

考题 单选题Now about half of the women who work in social welfare are part-time, as compared to 38% in the private sector.A guaranteeB farewellC well-offD well-being

考题 单选题We must make a difference between()language and()language.A spoken;writtenB speaking;writtenC speaking;writingD speak;write

考题 单选题The girl sometimes has difficulty()what the teacher says in class.A understandB understandingC to understandD understood

考题 单选题As a result of the epidemic of AIDS in Africa, _____.A the life span for most of the people has been reduced by 40 yearsB most young people have been infected with human immunodeficiency virusC people will have to learn to live with the disease for over 50 yearsD the achievements made in preserving people’s health in the past will be wiped off

考题 单选题Economists and government officials are trying to get at the cause of the current inflation.A discoverB eliminateC inaugurateD devise

考题 单选题The reason why man differs from the animals is that _____.A man has education but animal notB man is higher animal than any othersC man is more susceptible to the environment than animalsD after education, man will change permanently in the habits of behavior, thought and attitude