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a required text必读教材,符合题意。desired渴望得到的;revised修订的;deserved理所当然的。
更多 “单选题_____A desiredB revisedC requiredD deserved” 相关考题
考题 I will not endlessly question whether I really ______ my title and my pay.A. reserveB. conserveC. deserveD. preserve

考题 In the case of Caesar Borgia, the author holds that[A] Machiavelli has been objective.[B] Machiavelli revealed his personality.[C] Caesar Borgia was a deserved model.[D] Machiavelli overvalued Caesar Borgia.

考题 Local dramas are a ( ) part of Chinese culture. A.necessaryB.needC.requiredD.inquired

考题 在HTML5中,哪个属性用于规定输入字段是必填的?() A.formvalidateB.validateC.requiredD.placeholder

考题 Local dramas are the()part of Chinese culture.A.necessaryB.needC.requiredD.inquired

考题 He ______ that he had been in prison twice before.A、revealedB、revisedC、rewroteD、returned

考题 AcustomerhasaWebTradeapplicationthatinitiallyusestheembeddedLDAPtoauthenticateusers.Toenhancesecurity,thecustomerdecidestouseOAMtoauthenticatesomeoftheusersagainstanexternalLDAPstore.Forthistowork,acustomerconfiguredanOAMAuthenticator,butwasnotsurewhattoselectfortheControlFlag.WhatControlFlagshouldthecustomerchoose?()A.OPTIONALB.REQUISITEC.REQUIREDD.SUFFICIENTE.MANDATORY

考题 如果要设置当前input元素为必填项,则以下横线处应填入( ) A.autofocusB.required="required"C.requiredD.autocomplete

考题 What is the first step that you would use Cisco Product Advisor for when selecting a router for an Edge solution?() A. determine types of protocols to be supportedB. determine the environment in which the router will be usedC. select the number of WAN ports requiredD. select the number of LAN ports required

考题 What is an advantage of diesel over steam turbine propulsion ________.A.Less fuel consumption per SHPB.Diesel fuel costs less than bunker C or its equivalentC.Less routine maintenance requiredD.Less weight per SHP

考题 Samuel Johnson Machines guarantees that any defective photocopy machine will be__________immediately with a new one.A.consumed B.revised C.prepared D.replaced

考题 It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.A:unforgettable B:unbelievable C:unfair D:unthinkable

考题 We are restricted to a speed of 30 miles an hour in built-up areas.A:deprived B:forbidden C:required D:limited

考题 When managing accounts and contracts in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, which of the following values are defined in the account instead of a contract?()A、How invoices are deliveredB、Whether a catalog filter should be specifiedC、Whether order approval is requiredD、Whether returns are permittedE、Whether the buyer organization has a credit line

考题 W3C XML Schema文档中,attribute元素的属性use值为()表示属性是可选的并且可以具有任何值。A、optionalB、prohibitedC、requiredD、fixed


考题 eNB给MME发送INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE消息后,MME通常会下发detach request,类型是如下的哪一类?()A、GPRS detachB、EPS detachC、re-attach requiredD、IMSI detach

考题 html5新增加的表单属性中,自动获取当前元素焦点的是()。A、placeholderB、autofocusC、requiredD、auto


考题 Which statement about PPPoA configuration is correct?()A、The dsl operating-mode auto command is required if the default mode has been changedB、The ip mtu 1496 command must be applied on the dialer interfaceC、The encapsulation ppp command is requiredD、The ip mtu 1492 command must be applied on the dialer interface

考题 在BSC之间切换过程中,()为MSC向目标BSC发起的切换请求信令,()为源BSC向MSC发起的切换请求信令。A、Handover RequestB、Handover commandC、Handover RequiredD、Handover complete

考题 A customer is considering a DS3500 to replace an installed DS3400. Which is a supporting reason for this change of the following?()A、A total of 48 drives are requiredB、iSCSI and FC are needed in the same unitsC、Remote mirroring is requiredD、Must attach to an installed EXP3000

考题 单选题HTTP错误状态码说明“当前请求需要用户验证”的是()。A 400 bad requestB 401 unauthorizedC 402 payment requiredD 404 firbidden

考题 问答题Practice 6  ● You are the line manager in a large company. You have been informed that your marketing manager had an outstanding performance and deserved a reward.  ● Write a memo to him:  ● informing him about the reward  ● explaining why the reward is given  ● saying what the reward is going to be  ● Write 40-50 words.

考题 单选题The result of deserved-punishment justice is .A the criminal’s winning of a true lifeB the criminal’s taking death penalty for the crime committed by himC the criminal’s denial of his true selfD the restoration of the criminal’s guilty self to the self before the crime

考题 单选题必须实现的协议方法使用()关键字声明A @propertyB @interfaceC @requiredD @protocol

考题 单选题The main difference between deserved-punishment and corrective justice is .A the latter is for non-punishment equalityB the latter hates “an eye for an eye” equality of punishmentC the latter places the criminal’s equal rights in life above everything elseD the latter focuses on both reforming the criminal and giving him new opportunities in society

考题 单选题What is the first step that you would use Cisco Product Advisor for when selecting a router for an Edge solution?()A  determine types of protocols to be supportedB  determine the environment in which the router will be usedC  select the number of WAN ports requiredD  select the number of LAN ports required