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更多 “单选题_____A forB inC toD by” 相关考题
考题 I’m ready to decide, but I can’t () my colleagues. A、speak forB、talk toC、speak toD、talk with

考题 People were ______ the idea of a well-balanced life. A. interested forB. interesting inC. interested inD. interesting for

考题 Neither their parents nor their friends have approved () their marriage yet. A.forB.ofC.toD.with

考题 Some people find it hard to _________ help. A.ask forB.believe inC.find outD.run into

考题 We ______ thrifty and simple life. A. call forB. call inC. call onD. call to

考题 The child has no understanding of problems, according ____ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to

考题 Out classroom is selected ______ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on

考题 Pass the knife ___your father. A.forB.intoC.toD.from

考题 What _________ his serious illness? A.contributes forB.contributed atC.contributed toD.contribute to

考题 This rule only applies __ people above 60. A、forB、inC、toD、at

考题 Tens of thousands died _____ diseases during the war. A、forB、inC、ofD、at

考题 Mark is responsible ()the international market. A.forB.inC.of

考题 Please inform. us ()the tendency of your market.A、forB、inC、ofD、with

考题 A few years ago all of them were classed ____ plants.A: forB: asC: toD: into

考题 The goods are excellent()quality. A、forB、withC、toD、in

考题 I believe it is a meaningful career to pursue because I can ( ) the education of next generation. A、contribute forB、contribute inC、contribute toD、contribute from

考题 He is internationally known _____ a score of books.A、forB、asC、toD、with

考题 A) forB) toC) according toD) with

考题 By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ________ 选择 By1929,MickeyMousewasaspopular________childrenasCoca-Cola.A)forB)inC)toD)with

考题 14.A.forB.inC.at "D.with

考题 Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me.A.forB.withC.toD.of

考题 ______ my knowledge the figure at the loading port is not quite accurate.A.AtB.InC.ToD.With

考题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。A.for B.with C.to D.from

考题 Contrary ( ) the popular opinion, higher taxes end up benefiting the citizens more than lower ones.A.for B.in C.to D.with

考题 __________A.at B.in C.to D.on

考题 My father is leaving()Shanghai tomorrow.A、forB、inC、intoD、to

考题 The seller should guarantee that the commodity complies ()the quality, specification and performance as stipulated in the contract。A、forB、inC、toD、with

考题 The bosun is satisfied ()your work.A、forB、withC、toD、at