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The Great Salt Lake lies in northern ()









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更多 “单选题The Great Salt Lake lies in northern ()A IdahoB ArizonaC NevadaD Utah” 相关考题
考题 His interest _______ fishing. A. lies inB. lays inC. lies toD. lies

考题 What is the essay Once More to the Lake by E.B. White about? A.the writer and his son’s camping experience on the lakeB.the great changes that took place on the lakeC.the natural beauty of the lakeD.the writer’s pilgrimage back to a lakefront resort he visited as a child

考题 Passage ThreeA group of scientists rowing toward the center of a lake saw something shocking. They turned back as fast as they could. What had they seen.? The lake was boiling!The group was investigating a crater lake in the mountains of St. Vincent. A crater lake is the mouth of a volcano that has been dormant for some time and has filled with water.This particular crater was the tip of a volcano called Soufriere, which erupted last in 1902. Since that time, it had not shown any signs of action. But in the fall of 1971, mountain climbers who had hiked near the lake returned to the lowlands with strange stories. They said the water had turned yellow and was giving off a smell like burnt eggs. A seething fog was rising from the lake's surface.Local scientists rushed to Soufriere to see if this might be the beginning of a new volcanic explosion. They found a huge black mass in the middle of the water. It was a great blob 1,000 feet long and 300 feet wide. Lava had pushed up through the bottom of the lake and formed a new island.The investigators wanted to make sure that the volcano was safe, and that the lava would not over- flow into the surrounding countryside. But they could never reach the island to study it, because the lava was so hot that the water around it bubbled and boiled.44. This passage is about ______.A. mountain climbingB. a boiling lakeC. a new volcanic islandD. a mysterious blob

考题 The 19th Winter Games, held in Salt Lake City, ______ an Olympic. tradition which goes back almost 3,000 years.A. is the part ofB. are the part ofC. is part ofD. are part of

考题 Passage FiveThe Northern Pike is a very bad fish. It is a big, hungry fish, and swallows little fish such as trout and perch. Many Northern Pikes live in Lake Davis. They are killing all the smaller fish in the lake. The Northern Pike are a serious threat to the lake because they eat all the smaller fish. Soon, all other species of fish in the lake will be killed off. This is not healthy for the environment.Experts are afraid that the Northern Pike will swim out of Lake Davis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake. They could spread all over the country and damage many other water environments. If that happens, it would be too late to stop the Northern Pike.For ten years, officials have been trying to remove the Northern Pike from Lake Davis. They haw. tried using nets, explosives and poisons. However, the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis. Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish. They worry that the poi- sons are bad for humans who use the water. No trace of the poisons has ever been found in local wells, however.Scientists are going to try the poison again. This time, they will drain the lake before they add the poison to the water. A public hearing will be held to talk about the problem.52. Why are some people against the use of poisons to kill Northern Pike?A. Fishermen will be poisoned too.B. The poisons are expensive.C. They think that wells will be polluted.D. The lake will become unsafe.

考题 when referring to ireland,people mean either the republic of ireland or northern ireland,a province of great britain. ()

考题 northern ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions:that of republic of ireland and that of great britain. ()

考题 The story of the Scarlet Letter is set in___ A.New YorkB.EnglandC.BostonD.Salt lake City

考题 The real difference between plants and animals ____ what they do, and not in what they seem to be.A: lies inB: lies withC: lies downD: lies up

考题 共用题干 Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.The author is sure that the dissolved salt from the earth's surface is the only source of the huge quantity of salt found in oceans.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.If all the oceans were dried up,the salt thus obtained would be extremely great in size.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 She teaches in a remote area, where______ a lake.A.lies B.lays C.does lie D.does lay

考题 The largest lake in Britain is( ). A.the Lake Neagh B.Windermere Water C.Coniston Water D.the Lake District

考题 The two main islands of the British Isles are( ). A.Great Britain and Northern Ireland B.Great Britain and Northern Scotland C.Great Britain and Southern Wales D.Great Britain and Southern England

考题 Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Centre of Australia?()ABecause Uluru is located there.BBecause it is extremely hot and dry.CBecause it consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges.DBecause it lies in the tropics.

考题 The two large islands that make up the British Isles are().A、Scotland and IrelandB、Britain and ScotlandC、Great Britain and Northern IrelandD、Great Britain and Ireland

考题 The Great Salt Lake lies in northern ()A、IdahoB、ArizonaC、NevadaD、Utah

考题 单选题Northern Ireland ______.A has a relatively minor problem with unemployment.B is enduring great economic loss at the moment.C is receiving more aid from EU.D is economically better off than the eastern European countries.

考题 单选题The water of the Great Salt Lake is _____ seawater.A saltier than that ofB as salty as that ofC saltier thanD so salty as

考题 单选题By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”, the writer means the libraryA use dogs to attract childrenB accepts the idea put forward by ITAC has opened a children’s departmentD has decided to train some dogs

考题 单选题Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Centre of Australia?()A Because Uluru is located there.B Because it is extremely hot and dry.C Because it consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges.D Because it lies in the tropics.

考题 单选题In northern _____ there is a long, deep lake called Loch Ness.A ScotlandB Hong KongC RomeD Paris

考题 单选题The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?A There are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past.B Commercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time.C The line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation.D The pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1These days,many large city buildings are equipped with their own air-conditioning systems.These systems help keep the buildings cool,but they can also damage the environment.Since they use a lot of electricity,for instance,they contribute indirectly to global warming.In addition,the water that flows through the systems is often cooled using chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons,or CFCs,that are believed to damage the Earth's ozone layer.Recently,though,a system has been built in the city of Toronto,Canada,that cools buildings with little damage to the environment. In the traditional air-conditioning systems found in most large buildings,water is pumped through the building in a continuous cycle.The water is first cooled to a temperature of 4℃ in machines called chillers.It is then sent to individual units that cool the air in each room.As the water flows through the building,it gradually becomes warmer.Finally,it reaches the roof ,where it is left to cool down naturally in a water tower.After that it is returned to the chillers,where the cycle begins again.Toronto lies on the shore of Lake Ontario,one of North America's Great Lakes,and the new system makes use of cold water taken from about 80 meters below the surface of the lake.At this depth,the water in the lake remains at 4℃ all year round.This is exactly the temperature to which the water in air-conditioning systems is cooled.However,the water from the lake is not pumped directly into the air-conditioning systems.Instead,it is used to cool the water that is already inside the air-conditioning systems.After that,the lake water is added to the city's ordinary water supply.Enwave,the company that developed this deep-lake cooling system,says that it uses 75 percent less energy than traditional air conditioning.And since no CFCs are used,no damage can be caused to the ozone layer.Not every city is located next to a large lake,but experts believe that systems like the one being used in Toronto could be built elsewhere by using other natural sources of cold water.What happens in the end to the water from Lake Ontario?A It is used by the residents of Toronto.B It is returned to a place deep in the lake.C It is cooled down before being used again.D It is added to the water inside air-conditioning systems.

考题 单选题How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”?A Guilty.B Offended.C Disappointed.D Discouraged.

考题 单选题Great Salt Pond on Block Island is().A entered through a dredged cutB not accessible in easterly galesC available for vessels up to a maximum draft of 8 feet (2.4m)D not affected by the tide

考题 单选题The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is reigned over by _____, but ruled by _____.A the government/the MonarchB the Monarch/the governmentC the parliament/Constitutional monarchD the Cabinet/Queen Elizabeth

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1These days,many large city buildings are equipped with their own air-conditioning systems.These systems help keep the buildings cool,but they can also damage the environment.Since they use a lot of electricity,for instance,they contribute indirectly to global warming.In addition,the water that flows through the systems is often cooled using chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons,or CFCs,that are believed to damage the Earth's ozone layer.Recently,though,a system has been built in the city of Toronto,Canada,that cools buildings with little damage to the environment. In the traditional air-conditioning systems found in most large buildings,water is pumped through the building in a continuous cycle.The water is first cooled to a temperature of 4℃ in machines called chillers.It is then sent to individual units that cool the air in each room.As the water flows through the building,it gradually becomes warmer.Finally,it reaches the roof ,where it is left to cool down naturally in a water tower.After that it is returned to the chillers,where the cycle begins again.Toronto lies on the shore of Lake Ontario,one of North America's Great Lakes,and the new system makes use of cold water taken from about 80 meters below the surface of the lake.At this depth,the water in the lake remains at 4℃ all year round.This is exactly the temperature to which the water in air-conditioning systems is cooled.However,the water from the lake is not pumped directly into the air-conditioning systems.Instead,it is used to cool the water that is already inside the air-conditioning systems.After that,the lake water is added to the city's ordinary water supply.Enwave,the company that developed this deep-lake cooling system,says that it uses 75 percent less energy than traditional air conditioning.And since no CFCs are used,no damage can be caused to the ozone layer.Not every city is located next to a large lake,but experts believe that systems like the one being used in Toronto could be built elsewhere by using other natural sources of cold water.Which of the following is true?A Enwave's system is said to work only in cities located near the Great Lakes.B The water deep in Lake Ontario always remains at the same temperature.C Experts warn that the use of CFCs in Enwave' s system will add to global warming.D Toronto is now searching for new natural sources of water to use in its water supply.