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英译中:Regional distribution center


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考题 配送中心 distribution center

考题 英译中:Regional distribution center

考题 英译中:Distribution center

考题 英译中:Distribution resource planning(DRP)

考题 计算机技术在饭店中的应用分为()系统((hotel management system)、CRS(center reservation system)中央预定系统和GDS(global distribution system)系统三个阶段。

考题 英译中:Direct distribution

考题 下列术语中与配送相关的是()A、Joint Distribution(共同配送)B、In bulk(散装化)C、Cross Docking(直接换装)D、Distribution Center(配送中心)

考题 英译中:Distribution

考题 下列术语中与配送相关的是()A、Joint distributionB、In bulkC、Cross dockingD、Distribution center

考题 英译中:Consumer physical distribution

考题 英译中:Deconsolidation center

考题 ()are used widely in the operation of warehouse and distribution center andform the basic handling device for a number of selection system.A、CranesB、ConveyorsC、ForklifttruckD、Pallets

考题 Which network management solution performs configuration, monitoring, and management of Cisco Firewall, VPN router, and IPS devices as well as maintains network device inventory and software distribution features?()A、 CiscoWorks Security Device Management Center (SD/MC)B、 Security Device Manager (SDM)C、 Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM)D、 CiscoWorks VMS/Management Center (VMS/MC)

考题 名词解释题英译中:Distribution

考题 单选题_____ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i.e., a word or a groups of words, which serves as a definable Center or Head.A ConstituentB EndocentricC ExocentricD Connective

考题 多选题下列术语中与配送相关的是()AJoint Distribution(共同配送)BIn bulk(散装化)CCross Docking(直接换装)DDistribution Center(配送中心)

考题 名词解释题英译中:Distribution resource planning(DRP)

考题 单选题Which network management solution performs configuration, monitoring, and management of Cisco Firewall, VPN router, and IPS devices as well as maintains network device inventory and software distribution features?()A  CiscoWorks Security Device Management Center (SD/MC)B  Security Device Manager (SDM)C  Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM)D  CiscoWorks VMS/Management Center (VMS/MC)

考题 单选题A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE?().A The vessel has negative GMB The center of gravity is on the centerlineC The list can be corrected by reducing KMD The vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution

考题 名词解释题英译中:Consumer physical distribution

考题 名词解释题英译中:Distribution center

考题 判断题RDC即为Regional Distribution Center意为前进物流中心。(  )A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题英译中:Distribution processing

考题 名词解释题英译中:Regional distribution center

考题 名词解释题英译中:Process center

考题 单选题FDC即为Forward Distribution Center,意为(  )。A 地域物流中心 B 区域物流中心 C 前进物流中心 D 前端物流中心

考题 名词解释题配送中心 distribution center

考题 单选题RDC即为Regional Distribution Center,意为(  )。A 地域物流中心 B 区域物流中心 C 前进物流中心 D 前端物流中心