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benefited from


involved with


compared with


resulted from


benefit from受益于。involve with与……有关。compare with与……比较。result from由……产生。很显然,本句用卡洛拉女性与占全国人口百分之四十的女性人口实行计划生育做一个比较,故C项为正确答案。
更多 “单选题____A benefited fromB involved withC compared withD resulted from” 相关考题
考题 I am ______ the same old breakfast every morning. A.bored ofB.bored withC.tired withD.tired from

考题 The manage is good at () difficult customers. A、work withB、handle withC、tackle withD、deal with

考题 Her eyes have shone with pride, _______ tears of bitterness and burned from lack of sleep. A. filling withB. to fill withC. having filled withD. filled with

考题 The city has decided to ________ all the old buildings. A.break away fromB.get rid ofC.come up withD.knock down

考题 ________learning merely from the text,this approach has many benefits for thestudents.A. Comparing toB. Compared toC. Comparing withD. Compared with

考题 31_______A. kept up withB. caught up withC. came up withD. put up with

考题 18.A.start withB.agree withC.deal withD.come up with

考题 In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant________.A.to deal withB.dealing withC.to be dealt withD.dealt with

考题 No doctor could cure the baby _______ her heart disease. A.fromB.withC.ofD.About

考题 Additionally, make sure that your password is long enough to()easily being hacked.A、 prevent your account fromB、 provide your account withC、 do away with

考题 Kaufman describes his sports as a total isolation from anything that can ________ his own personal sense of self. A.deal withB.get along withC.interfere withD.go with

考题 Quite often I've gone to a man who didn't tell me _____ Adam.A:fromB:withC:toD:of

考题 WE regret that we have suffered heavy loss()your improper packing. A、resulted fromB、resulted inC、resulting fromD、resulting in

考题 She said her family ()themselves() the army during the war.A、has hidden, fromB、had hidden, fromC、has hidden, withD、had hidden, with

考题 Itisusefultobeabletopredicttheextent______whichapricechangewillaffectsupplyanddemand.A)fromB)withC)toD)for

考题 The art show was ( )being a failure; it was a great success.A. far fromB. along withC. next toD. regardless of

考题 1.I don't have a partner __________volleyball __________.A. to practice;/B. practice; withC. to practice; withD. practice;/

考题 The Sellers hereby undertake to ______ the Buyers against all claims of whatever nature made against the Vessel in respect of liabilities incurred prior to the time of delivery.A.claim fromB.setoff withC.indemnifyD.recover from

考题 It is useful to be able to predict the extent ___________ which a price change will affect supply and demand.A.from B.with C.to D.for

考题 It was the doctor's carelessness that__________ the serious accident.A.resulted from B.resulted in C.brought up D.brought in

考题 You must ___________the rubbish before you leave the office.A.dispose of B.deal with C.cope with D.treat with

考题 ______the farm subsidies, the built-in costs of growing crops have a bigger impact on the price of staples.A.Comparing with B.Compared with C.Compare with D.Compare within

考题 Our school________new facilities.A.is equipped with B.equips with C.will be equip with D.has equip with

考题 A lot of spots haven’t been ()(覆盖) paint.A、satisfied withB、collision withC、covered withD、removed with

考题 Two birds escaped () their cage.A、fromB、withC、out

考题 It is not always easy to tell the right()the wrong.A、fromB、withC、thanD、to

考题 In stowage, keep nylon rope away ()heat and strong chemicals.A、fromB、toC、withD、at

考题 单选题73. A involved in B stemmed from C related to D resulted inA AB BC CD D