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大陆架(continental shelf)


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更多 “名词解释题大陆架(continental shelf)” 相关考题
考题 ( )on the shelf was missing. A. One of the booksB. One of the bookC. None of bookD. One of book

考题 It has()to change your life with sound decision.A.potentialB.possibleC.probableD.continental

考题 shelf life

考题 On July 4, 1776, _____ adopted the Declaration of Independence. A.the First Continental CongressB.the Second Continental CongressC.the Third Continental CongressD.the Constitutional Convention

考题 He put the books in the box __________ the shelf. ( ) A、insteadB、instead ofC、instead of onD、instead on

考题 WhichthreetimingmodesaresupportedontheONS15454shelf?() A.linetimingB.looptimingC.internaltimingD.throughtimingE.externaltiming

考题 A mobile offshore drilling unit must display obstruction lights when it is on the waters over the Outer Continental Shelf and is ______.A.under towB.fixed to the seabedC.underwayD.All of the above

考题 A jack-up drilling unit elevated on the Outer Continental Shelf must have a fog horn that will sound ______.A.a 2-second blast every 20 secondsB.a 4-second blast every 20 secondsC.an 8-second blast every 30 secondsD.a 10-second blast every 30 seconds

考题 当USP中shelf互连时使用了ICCM( Inter-CAM Communication Medium ),表明USP的shelf配置最少为()A、1个B、2个C、3个D、4个

考题 请问,现在销售的林肯Continental产品,是(①)年上市,为第(②)代Continental产品?()A、①2010、②五B、①2012、②七C、①2014、②八D、①2016、②十

考题 在开店以前,部门员工必须跟踪部门的()的变动情况。A、价格牌B、Shelf-labelC、Shelf-talkD、电子称

考题 大陆基(continental rise)

考题 大陆冰川(continental glacier)

考题 什么是大陆架?大陆架最显著的特点?

考题 大陆架(continental shelf)

考题 网管数据中的机框号与拨码开关中的SHELF-ID相同。

考题 下列关于大陆架的说法错误的是( )A、大陆架不属于沿海国的领土B、沿海国有权勘探大陆架和开发其自然资源C、大陆架属于沿海国管辖范围之内的海底区域D、国家对大陆架及其资源、上覆水域享有主权

考题 英译中:Goods shelf

考题 单选题A mobile offshore drilling unit must display obstruction lights when it is on the waters over the Outer Continental Shelf and is().A under towB fixed to the seabedC underwayD All of the above

考题 单选题Different foods are to be found on three shelves in a fridge. Butter is kept below the eggs while cheese is kept above the milk. The butter is also above the milk, but the eggs are on the same shelf as the yoghurt. The ice cream is above the cheese. What is on the bottom shelf?A Butter.B Eggs.C Cheese.D Milk.

考题 名词解释题大陆边缘(continental margin)

考题 名词解释题英译中:Goods shelf

考题 单选题The First Continental Congress was held in ()in September, 1774.A PhiladelphiaB BostonC New York

考题 名词解释题大陆坡(continental slope)

考题 单选题Particular care is needed when navigating in the vicinity of()as very few of these features have been fully surveyed to modern standards to determine their correct position,full extent,or the least depth over them.A SW of Cocos IslandsB oceanic dangers or seamountsC undiscovered dangersD the continental shelf

考题 单选题中国目前与个别相邻或相向国家在大陆架的划界问题上存在的争议主要涉及()A 东海和南海大陆架B 东海和黄海大陆架C 黄海和南海大陆架D 南海和渤海大陆架

考题 问答题什么是大陆架?大陆架最显著的特点?