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By check.


In cash.


By credit card.


By mail.


该题问的是支付方式的选择。根据关键词“pay check”以及接待者的肯定回答可确定,可用支票支付,故选A。
W: We’d like to take a trip for a long weekend holiday, please.
M: Where would you like to go, Madam?
W: Dalian.
M: And where do you want to stay in Dalian?
W: We’re not sure. Which hotel would you suggest?
M: The Holiday Inn is very good. And it’s quite cheap. I’d recommend that you stay there.
W: OK. That’s what we’ll do.
M: Would you complete this form, please?
W: Is it all right if we pay by check?
M: Of course, it is quite all right.
Q6: What’s the woman talking about with the man?
Q7: How will the woman make the payment?
更多 “单选题_____A By check.B In cash.C By credit card.D By mail.” 相关考题
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