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With reference to an axial piston pump, which one of the following statements is true?()

The cylindrical barrel is coupled to the motor


The cylindrical barrel has an odd number of bores


The bores end in sockets


The sockets fit in the swash plate


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更多 “单选题With reference to an axial piston pump, which one of the following statements is true?()A The cylindrical barrel is coupled to the motorB The cylindrical barrel has an odd number of boresC The bores end in socketsD The sockets fit in the swash plate” 相关考题
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考题 材料:A typical example of a hydraulic governor is the Woodward. This has adjustable droop for parallel operation and it is fitted with a speed-adjusting control . If required it can be fitted with a synchronizing motor to provide remote control from a switchboard.A gear pump driven from the engine supplies oil under pressure to accumulator pistons under which is a by-pass to regulate maximum pressure. One branch supplies oil which acts on top of the power piston, the pressure always tending to turn the terminal shaft to shut off fuel, while the other branch supplies oil to the pilot valve which is operated by the linkage from the fly weights above.Should the speed of the engine decrease due to increased load the flyweights will move towards their center of rotation and lower the position of the pilot valve plunger, admitting oil pressure from the bottom of the power piston. Since, however, the area on the bottom is much greater than the top the net resultant force causes the piston to move upwards. This operates the power lever turning the terminal shaft which varies the cut-off point in the fuel pump through linkage, but as the power piston moves up, the actuating compensating piston moves down.Oil under this piston is now forced through the needle valve to the receiving compensating piston, raising the outer end of the floating lever and the pilot valve plunger until it has returned to its normal position. This stops further movement of the terminal shaft so that the fuel control is now set in a position corresponding to the increased fuel required to run the engine at normal speed under the increased load.问题:This passage is mainly about ___.A.what type of governor should be provided when the engine is used for electric power generationB.why the speed of the engine fluctuatesC.how the governor worksD.how the fuel pumps workThe oil from the gear pump will ___. ① be supplied to the accumulator ② act on the power piston ③ be supplied to the pilot valveA.①B.①②C.②③D.①②③Which of the following is true about the Woodward discussed?A.It is a kind of mechanical governor.B.It can not be used for parallel operation.C.It has speed droop.D.It may only be manually controlled from a switch boarE.When the speed of the engine decreases due to increased load, which of the following will NOT happen?A.The flyweights move towards their centerB.The pilot valve plunger moves towards its normal positionC.The power piston moves downwards until it returns to its normal positionD.The terminal shaft moves to a new position请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

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考题 单选题The delivery rate of an axial-piston hydraulic pump is controlled by varying the position of the ().A sliding blockB pintleC reaction ringD tilting box or swash plate

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考题 单选题A gudgeon pin in a trunk piston may be free to float and rotate, with () to limit axial movement.A split pinsB crankpinsC dipsticksD circlips

考题 单选题The usual number of single-acting pistons used in a variable stroke axial-piston pump is ().A 3 or 5B 5 or 7C 7 or 9D 9 or 11