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更多 “名词解释题休克(shock)” 相关考题
考题 Being overweight can increase the risks of . () A. heart diseasesB. cancerC. deathD. shock

考题 脊髓休克(spinal shock)时,不会出现的是A、骨骼肌紧张性降低或消失B、外周血管扩张、血压下降C、发汗反射消失D、尿潴留及直肠内粪积聚E、腱反射活跃

考题 with them. The first man got over his shock and politely said to 67.

考题 Supply Shock 供给冲击

考题 The event()in tomorrow's newspapers will shock the whole nation. A、reportedB、being reportedC、to be reportedD、to report

考题 After an accident the victim may go into shock and die. What should be done to help prevent shock?A.Slightly elevate the head and feetB.Keep the person awakeC.Keep the person lying down and at a comfortable temperatureD.Give the person a stimulant to increase blood flow

考题 电击(electric shock)

考题 为了避免震动,用低速控制钮减低移动舱盖的速度。()A、To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover by inching control.B、To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover by control levers.C、To avoid shock, reduce the position of moving hatch cover by inching control.D、To avoid shock, reduce the course of moving hatch cover by control levers.

考题 简述休克(Shock)的定义和分类。

考题 休克(shock)

考题 单选题为了避免震动,用低速控制钮减低移动舱盖的速度。()A To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover by inching control.B To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover by control levers.C To avoid shock, reduce the position of moving hatch cover by inching control.D To avoid shock, reduce the course of moving hatch cover by control levers.

考题 名词解释题休克淤血性缺氧期(stagnant anoxia phase of shock)

考题 单选题After an accident the victim may go into shock and die. What should be done to help prevent shock? ()A Slightly elevate the head andB Keep the person awakeC Keep the person lying down and at a comfortable temperatureD Give the person a stimulant to increase blood flow

考题 名词解释题感染性休克(infectious shock)

考题 名词解释题暖休克(worm shock)

考题 名词解释题低血容量性休克(hypovolemic shock)

考题 名词解释题电击(electric shock)

考题 单选题Cast irons weakness in tension and under shock loading limits its use to low pressure steam, air, oil and low speed water fittingsThe above sentence, most probably means ().A cast iron has weaknessB cast iron can stand up shock loadingC cast iron fittings are only suitable in low pressure situationD east iron fittings are not suitable in low pressure situation

考题 单选题It()as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room.A cameB appearedC arrivedD reached

考题 名词解释题heat shock protein (HSP)

考题 名词解释题休克(shock)

考题 单选题准备电除颤前,当除颤器充满电发出蜂鸣声后,操作者应当:()。A 立即将除颤手柄紧贴病人皮肤,双手按Shock键放电B 放电前确认仍为室颤,提醒周围人员离床避开导电体,将除颤手柄贴紧病人胸部,双手同时按Shock键放电。C 立即双手同时按Shock键放电。D 选择同步按钮后再放电

考题 单选题If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to ().A the tiller armsB the swivel blocksC hunting gearsD the rams

考题 单选题Do not express shock for what you hear() matter how shocking it might seem.A notB neverC noD none

考题 单选题The MOST important element in administering CPR is().A having the proper equipment for the processB starting the treatment quicklyC administering of oxygenD treating for traumatic shock

考题 单选题Which is NOT a symptom of traumatic shock?()A Slow,deep breathingB Pale,cold skinC Weak,rapid pulseD Restlessness and anxiety

考题 名词解释题心源性休克(cardiogenic shock)

考题 名词解释题休克缺血性缺氧期(ischemic anoxia phase of shock)