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更多 “单选题______A attractivenessB beautyC figureD shape” 相关考题
考题 () , it is always possible to find out its volume. A.Whatever the shape of a body may beB.The shape of a body may be whateverC.May whatever the shape of a body beD.Whatever may the shape of a body be

考题 The president knows that his personal ________ is his greatest political asset. A.featureB.imageC.figureD.identity

考题 He didn ’t la ugh because he did not get the _________. A. scoreB. jokeC. figureD. profit

考题 ( 32 )下面是类 Shape 的定义:class Shape{public:virtual void Draw()=0;};下列关于 Shape 类的描述中,正确的是A )类 Shape 是虚基类B )类 Shape 是抽象类C )类 Shape 中的 Draw 函数声明有误D )语句 “ Shape s; ” 能够建立 Shape 的一个对象 s

考题 下面是类Shape的定义: class Shape{ public: virtual void Draw()=0; } 下列关于Shape类的描述中,正确的是( )。A.类Shape是虚基类B.类Shape是抽象类C.类Shape中的Draw函数声明有误D.语句“Shape s;”能够建立Shape的一个对象s

考题 The doctor ________ prescriptions for me.A、figured outB、wrote outC、took outD、gave out

考题 下列选项中的接口声明正确的是______。A.interface Shape{...}B.abstract private interface Shape extends Area{...}C.private interface Shape{...}D.protected privated interface;

考题 若有如下类定义:class Shape {public:virtual void Draw()=0;};则下列关于Shape类的叙述中,正确的是( )。 A. 类Shape是虚基类B.类Shape是抽象类C.类Shape中的Draw函数声明有误D.“Shape s;”能建立Shape的对象s

考题 下面是类Shape的定义: classShape{ public: virtualvoidDraw( )=0; } 下列关于Shape类的描述中,正确的是( )。A.类Shape是虚基类B.类Shape是抽象类C.类Shape中的Draw函数声明有误D.语句“ShapeS;”能够建立Shape的一个对象S

考题 编译以下代码,将出现什么情况?()abstract class Shape{ abstract void draw();}Class Square extends Shape{ }A. Square类和Shape类都可以成功编译B. Square类无法编译,但Shape类可以编译C. 类无法编译,但Square类可以编译D. Square类和Shape类都无法编译

考题 在Java语言中,如果你有下面的类定义:  Abstract class Shape{ Abstract void draw(); }  class Square extendeds Shape{} 如果你试图编译上面的代码会发生()。 A、一切成功编译B、Shape可以编译,Square不能编译C、Square可以编译,Shape不能编译D、Shape,Square都不能编译

考题 public abstract class Shape {  int x;  int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  and a class Circle that extends and fully implements the Shape class. Which is correct?() A、 Shape s = new Shape(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();B、 Circle c = new Shape(); c.setAnchor(10,10); c.draw();C、 Shape s = new Circle(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();D、 Shape s = new Circle(); s-setAnchor(10,10); s-draw();E、 Circle c = new Circle(); c.Shape.setAnchor(10,10); c.Shape.draw();

考题 ()样条曲线的总称,可以在放样对象中任意插入需要的截面,包括()和()。A、shape型,界面型,路径型B、路径型,shape型,界面型C、界面型,shape型,路径型D、路径型,界面型,shape型

考题 Dynamic Shape是()。

考题 public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()A、 public class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }B、 public abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }C、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }D、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }E、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }F、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true about body shape?A There exists no perfect body shape in reality.B It is relatively easy to find out the right body shape for you.C Body shape differs a lot from person to person.D People with broader body shapes look heavier than those with smaller bones.

考题 单选题Shape组件位于()组件板上。A standardB additionalC datacontrolsD systemE samples

考题 单选题在Java语言中,如果你有下面的类定义:   abstract class Shape {  abstract void draw();    }    Class Square extends Shape {}  如果你试图编译上面的代码会发生()。A 一切成功编译B Shape可以编译,Square不能编译C Square可以编译,Shape不能编译D Shape,Square都不能编译

考题 单选题These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.A thatB whichC whomD whose

考题 单选题The Earth has the shape of a(n) ().A sphereB oblate spheroidC spheroid of revolutionD oblate eggoid

考题 单选题()样条曲线的总称,可以在放样对象中任意插入需要的截面,包括()和()。A shape型,界面型,路径型B 路径型,shape型,界面型C 界面型,shape型,路径型D 路径型,界面型,shape型

考题 单选题()is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape.A ThereB ItC ThisD That

考题 单选题当对DrawWidth进行设置后,将影响()。A Line、Circle、Pset和Line、Shape控件B Line、Circle、PsetC Line、Circle、Poine方法D Line、Shape控件

考题 单选题在表单Form1中有一个矩形框形状的形状控件Shape1,而Form1的Init事件代码如下:FORIX=0TO99THISFORM.SHAPE1.CURVATURE=IXTHISFORM.SHAPE1.BACKCOLOR=RGB(2*IX+57,0,0)ENDFOR该表单运行后,形状控件Shape1的状态是()。A 蓝色矩形B 红色矩形C 蓝色椭圆D 红色椭圆

考题 单选题“You will certainly see people of every age, size and shape.”“Shape here refers to people being _____.A old and young .B fat and thinC tall and shortD beautiful and ugly

考题 问答题On a much general level, it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our culture.

考题 单选题下列程序的运行结果是(  )。class Shape{ public Shape(){ System.out.print("Shape"); }}class Circle extends Shape{ public Circle(){ System.out.print("Circle"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String[]args){ Shape d=new Circle(); }}A ShapeB CircleC ShapeCircleD 程序有错误

考题 单选题public abstract class Shape {  int x;  int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  and a class Circle that extends and fully implements the Shape class. Which is correct?()A  Shape s = new Shape(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();B  Circle c = new Shape(); c.setAnchor(10,10); c.draw();C  Shape s = new Circle(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();D  Shape s = new Circle(); s-setAnchor(10,10); s-draw();E  Circle c = new Circle(); c.Shape.setAnchor(10,10); c.Shape.draw();