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Astrology is based on the conviction that the patterns the heavenly bodies form can tell a person’s character or future.____


更多 “填空题Astrology is based on the conviction that the patterns the heavenly bodies form can tell a person’s character or future.____” 相关考题
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考题 共用题干 Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症)1 Multiple Sclerosis ( MS) is a disease in which the patient ' s immune(免疫的)system attacks the central nervous system.This can lead to numerous physical and mental symptoms,as the disease affects the transmission of electrical signals between the body and the brain.However,the human body,being a flexi-ble,adaptable system,can compensate for some level of damage,so a person with MS can look and feel fine even though the disease is present.2 MS patients can have one of two main varieties of the disease : the relapsing form(复发型)and theprimary progressive form.In the relapsing form,the disease progresses in a series of jumps;at times it is in remission(减轻),which means that a person's normal functions return for a period of time before the sys-tem goes into relapse and the disease again becomes more active.This is the most common form of MS; 80%~90% of people have this form of the disease when they are first diagnosed. The relapse-remission cycle can continue for many years.Eventually,however,loss of physical and cognitive functions starts to take place and the remissions become less frequent.3 In the primary progressive form of MS,there are no remissions and a continual but steady loss of physical and cognitive functions takes place.This condition affects about 10%~15% of sufferers atdiagnosis.4 The expected course of the disease,or prognosis(预后),depends on many variables:the subtype of the disease,the patient's individual characteristics and the initial symptoms.Life expectancy of patients, however,is often nearly the same as that of an unaffected person一provided that a reasonable standard of care is received.In some cases a near-normal life span is possible.5 The cause of the disease is unclear ; it seems that some people have a genetic susceptibility(易感 性),which is triggered by some unknown environmental factor. Onset(发作)of the disease usually occurs in young adults between the age of 20 and 40.It is more common in women than men;however,it has also been diagnosed in young children and in elderly people.Paragraph 4__________A:The Cause of MSB:The Relapsing Form of MSC:The Treatment for MSD:The Primary Progressive Form of MSE:The Definition of MSF: The Develonment of MS

考题 共用题干 第二篇Download Knowledge Directly to Your BrainFor the first time,researchers have been able to hack into the process of learning in the biain,using induced brain patterns to create a learned behavior. It's not quite as advanced as an instant Kung-fu down- load,and it's not as sleek as cognitive inception,but it's still an important finding that could lead to new teaching and rehabilitation techniques.Future therapies could decode the brain activity patterns of an athlete or a musician,and use them as a benchmark for teaching another person a new activity,according to the researchers.Scientists from Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto used functional magnetic resonance imaging,or fMRI,to study the learning process.They were examining the adult brain's aptitude for visual perceptual learning,or VPL,in which repetitive training improves a per- son's performance on a particular task.Whether adults can do this as well as young people has been an on- going debate in neuroscience.Led by BU neuroscientist Takeo Watanabe,researchers used a method called decoded fMRI neurofeed- back to stimulate the visual cortex.First they showed participants circles at different orientations.Then they used fMRI to watch the participants'brain activity.The researchers were then able to train the participants to recreate this visual cortex activity.The volunteers were again placed in MRI machines and asked to visualize shapes of certain colors.The participants were asked to"somehow regulate activity in the posterior part of the brain"to make a solid green disc as large as they could.They were told they would get a paid bonus proportional to the size of this disc, but they weren't told anything about what the disc meant.The researchers watched the participants'brain activity and monitored the activation patterns in their visual cortices."Participants can be trained to control the overall mean activation of an entire brain region,"the study authors write,"or the adtivation in one region relative to that in another region."This worked even when test subjects were not aware of what they were learning,the researchers said."The most surprising thing in this study is that mere inductions of neural activation patterns corresponding to a specific visual feature led to visual performance improvement on the visual feature,without presenting the fea- ture or subjects' awareness of what was to be learned,"Watanabe said in a statement.Watanabe and colleagues said this method can be a powerful tool."It can'incept' a person to acquire new learning, skills,or memory,or possibly to restore skills or knowledge that has been damaged through accident,disease,or aging,without a person's awareness of what is learned or memorized,"they write.What have researchers been able to do with the help of the study?A:Discover a person's learning process in the brain.B:Make a person know how to do something without learning.C:Set up different learning patterns for different people.D:Enable people to learn Kung fu instantly.

考题 共用题干 第三篇How We Form First ImpressionWe all have first impression of someone、just met.But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits?The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be~of the world.Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits,Even very minor difference in how a person'5 eyes,ears,nose,or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different.In fact,your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information-the sights and sounds of your world.These incoming signals are compared against a host of "memories"stored in the brain areas called the cortex(皮质)system to determine what these new signals"mean".If you see someone you know and like at school,your brain says"familiar and safe".If you see someone new it says,"new and potentially threatening".Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other"known"memories.The height,weight,dress,ethnicity,gestures,and tone of voice are all matched up.The more unfamiliar the characteristics are,the more your brain may say,"This is new.I don ' t like this person ".Or else , " I'm intrigued(好奇的)".Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes,ethnicity,gestures-like your other friends;so your brain says,"I like this person".But these preliminary"impressions"can be dead wrong.When we stereotype people,we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people-their history,interestvalues,strengths,and true character-we categorize them as jocks(骗子),peeks(反常的人),or freaks(怪人).However,if we resist initial stereotypical impressions,we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like.If we spend time with a person,hear about his or her life,hopes,dreams,and become aware of the person's character,we use a different,more mature style of thinking-and the most complex areas of our cortex,which allow us to be humane。Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?A:One's physical appearance can influence our first impression.B:Our first impression is influenced by the sensitivity of our brain.C:Stereotypical impressions can be dead wrong.D:We should adopt mature thinking when getting to know people.

考题 共用题干 How We Form First Impression1 We all have first impression of someone we just met.But why?Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her-aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.2 The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world.Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits,even very minor difference in how a person's eyes,ears,nose,or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different.In fact,your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information-the sights and sounds of your world.These incoming"signals"are compared against a host of"memories"stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals"mean".3 if you see someone you know and like at school,your brain says"familiar and safe".If you see someone new,it says,"new-potentially threatening".Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other "known" memories.The height,weight,dress,ethnicity,gestures,and tone of voice are all matched up.The more unfamiliar the characteristics are,the more your brain may say,"This is new.I don't like this person".Or else, "I'm intrigued".Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes,ethnicity,gestures-like your other Friends;so your brain says,"I like this person".But these preliminary"impressions"can be dead wrong.4 When we stereotype people,we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people-their history,interest,values,strengths,and true character-we categorize them as jocks,geeks,or freaks.5 However,if we resist initial stereotypical impressions,we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like.If we spend time with a person,hear about his or her life,hopes,dreams,and become aware of the person's character,we use a different,more mature style of thinking-and the most complex areas of our cortex,which allow us to be humane.We can use our more mature style of thinking thanks to______.A:a stranger's less mature type of thinkingB:the most complex areas of our cortexC:the immature form of,thinking of a very young childD:the meaning of incoming sensory informationE:the sights and sounds of the worldF:an opportunity to analyze different forms of thinking

考题 共用题干 How We Form First Impression1 We all have first impression of someone we just met.But why?Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her-aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.2 The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world.Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits,even very minor difference in how a person's eyes,ears,nose,or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different.In fact,your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information-the sights and sounds of your world.These incoming"signals"are compared against a host of"memories"stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals"mean".3 if you see someone you know and like at school,your brain says"familiar and safe".If you see someone new,it says,"new-potentially threatening".Then your brain starts to match features of this stranger with other "known" memories.The height,weight,dress,ethnicity,gestures,and tone of voice are all matched up.The more unfamiliar the characteristics are,the more your brain may say,"This is new.I don't like this person".Or else, "I'm intrigued".Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes,ethnicity,gestures-like your other Friends;so your brain says,"I like this person".But these preliminary"impressions"can be dead wrong.4 When we stereotype people,we use a less mature form of thinking(not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child)that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others.Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people-their history,interest,values,strengths,and true character-we categorize them as jocks,geeks,or freaks.5 However,if we resist initial stereotypical impressions,we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like.If we spend time with a person,hear about his or her life,hopes,dreams,and become aware of the person's character,we use a different,more mature style of thinking-and the most complex areas of our cortex,which allow us to be humane.The way we stereotype people is a less mature form of thinking,which is similar to______.A:a stranger's less mature type of thinkingB:the most complex areas of our cortexC:the immature form of,thinking of a very young childD:the meaning of incoming sensory informationE:the sights and sounds of the worldF:an opportunity to analyze different forms of thinking

考题 Which of the following is TRUE about the ping  -f command?()A、 It is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems by filling the packet with the byte pattern following the "f" in the command line. B、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "." for each packet sent in fast mode. C、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "."       for each packet sent and a backspace on returned in fast mode. D、 The command can only be run by root.

考题 单选题It was from the earliest time _____ men began to study the natural phenomena and heavenly bodies.A whenB whereC thatD how

考题 填空题During the 1700’s in England astrology gained less popularity than before.____

考题 单选题Certain words or songs can change a person’s moods mainly because of his ______.A lifestyleB personalityC experiencesD hobbies

考题 填空题The discoveries of heavenly bodies that were against the principles of astrology revealed great differences between astrology and astronomy in their methods and purposes.____

考题 单选题—Would you please tell me ______?—Yes. There’s a bank over there.A when can I exchange moneyB where can I exchange moneyC when I can exchange moneyD where I can exchange money

考题 填空题Astrology is based on the conviction that the patterns the heavenly bodies form can tell a person’s character or future.____

考题 单选题We can't help you ____ you tell us what' s wrong.A sinceB unlessC ifD when

考题 填空题Astrologers hold the belief that the planets exert more influence on a person than other heavenly bodies.____

考题 单选题Good Communication for Making Friends As a communication skills trainer, I've met a wide range of people. Some people have trouble associating with others and have difficulty making friends. So I would like to discuss two key points to making good friends. The first is to show respect and love for your friends through your words. Try to say things to others that would feel good to you if you heard them. For example, say things like, "Thanks for the great time" and "It was really nice to get to know you."If you are not good at speaking, then smiling and using body language to express your sincerity is also an effective way to communicate. Additionally, I recommend that when you meet someone new send them an e-mail or letter before the day is over to express how nice it was to meet them. The goal of good communication is to reach another person's heart and form a comfortable relationship. It is, therefore, based the premise that you get rid of your worries and become a bright and positive person. When there is static noise over the phone line, you can't hear the other person clearly, right? In the same way, when your mind is full of worries and you try to communicate with another person, you cannot give or receive messages accurately. For example, let's say you are still tied to a past wound of being betrayed by a friend and feeling hurts .Even if you meet someone new and he or she tells you, "Let's be good friends," you may not be able to accept it because you will hear a negative inner voice saying something like "I might be betrayed again" or "the person might have a hidden agenda."With this worry in your mind, you will not be able to make friends. If you can be refreshed and get rid of your worries, you should be able to sense others' thoughts and feelings without prejudice and build a relationship of trust. If you really can't let go of your painful past experience, then try to change your perspective on the experience. For example, try to think that it was a necessary lesson for you to understand others' pain. If you can think of the positive intention behind the event, then you will be able to view the experience favourably and feel better. The example in paragraph 2 is intended to show that( )A the goal of good communication is to reach another person's heartB the goal of good communication is to form a comfortable relationshipC good communication is based on the premise that you get rid of your worries and become a bright and positive personD it does take time for someone to forget all about the painful past

考题 单选题We can't help you_______ you tell us what's wrong.A sinceB unlessC ifD when

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE about the ping  -f command?()A  It is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems by filling the packet with the byte pattern following the f in the command line. B  It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot . for each packet sent in fast mode. C  It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot .       for each packet sent and a backspace on returned in fast mode. D  The command can only be run by root.