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Be sure to()your wife when you come here this evening.









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更多 “单选题Be sure to()your wife when you come here this evening.A bringB takeC getD carry” 相关考题
考题 –Can I borrow your textbook, Susan?–(). A、No, not reallyB、Sure, here you areC、Yes, bring it with youD、Never mind

考题 Husband: Did you come back very late last night?Wife: ________ Is that a problem? A. Of course!B. Sure, I am.C. No, I did.D. Sorry, I won't.

考题 ---- Could you please tell Jim that I will call him later?---- Sure. I’ll tell him when he __________.A. comes B. came C. has come D. will come

考题 “请您在这儿签字好吗?”用英语最恰当表述的是()。A.Sign your name here.B.Put your name here .C.Would you please sign your name here?D.Would you please write your name here?

考题 —Could I see your ticket please? —________________A.I am not sure yetB.I'd love oneC.I might be. Why?D.Here you are.

考题 --- ____?一Because I got a job here,A. How old are youB.When did you come hereC. WbydoyoucametoliveinChina

考题 I would rather()two weeks earlier.A. you should come hereB. you came hereC. you had come here

考题 —Can I borrow your camera for a week? —__________________. A.Yes,you can borrowB.Sure,here you areD.It doesn’t matterC.Yes,bring it with you

考题 Be sure to ______ your wife when you come here this evening. A、bringB、takeC、getD、carry

考题 You____ about your friends never coming to see you, but when they do come, you give them such a hard time that its hardly surprising they usually stay away. A、capitalB、complainC、temperatureD、passage

考题 Please come here as soon as you can.(改为同义句)Please come here_________ _________ _________ _________

考题 --Would you be back some time earlier, David? --Sure.___________. A.How come? B.What' s up? C.Take your time. D.It makes no difference.

考题 Send my regards to your wife when you__________home.A.wrote B.will write C.have written D.write

考题 Be sure to()your wife when you come here this evening.AbringBtakeCgetDcarry

考题 May I know your address? ()A、Sure. Here you are.B、I have no idea.C、It‘s far from here.D、Sorry, I‘ve forgotten

考题 Could I borrow your car for a few days?()A、Yes, you may borrow.B、Yes, go on.C、Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.D、It doesn't matter.

考题 Would you please show me your bankbook?()A、Sorry, I have no idea.B、Here you are.C、Come with me.D、Yes, I'd like to.

考题 Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?()A、Yes, you may not borrow.B、Yes, go on.C、Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.D、It doesn't matter

考题 --May I know your address? --()A、Sure. Here you areB、I have no ideaC、It’s far from here

考题 Could I borrow your car for a few days?()A、Yes, you may borrow.B、Yes, go on.C、Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey.D、It doesn't matter.

考题 _____ our representative calls on you next week, he will make you an offer ____ we feel sure will meet with your approval.A、When, whichB、Who, whichC、When, with thatD、Who, with that

考题 以下哪句英语表示为“直接刷卡出站就可以了”。()A、This is your card. Swipe it and then you can come out.B、Hold the card in your right hand and swipe it here.C、Please wait for the trainat the opposite platform.D、You can return the ticket at the Ticket Center.

考题 单选题Be sure to()your wife when you come here this evening.A bringB takeC getD carry

考题 单选题—When ______ you ______ here?—Two days ago.A did; comeB have; comeC will; comeD do; come

考题 单选题Louis: Hello, I’d like to join the video library.  Mr. Max: OK.______  Louis: Yes, let me do it.  Mr. Max: Now, please answer me a few questions.  Louis: Sure.A Can you come to our office right now?B Could you fill in the application form here?C Can you tell me the person who introduced you to us?D Are you sure you want to join us?

考题 单选题Birbal said, “Make your men ______ , My Lord. If you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here.A catchB discussC countD visit

考题 单选题—Good evening. How many of you are there?  — ______  —Sure, there’s one over there by the window.A Four. We would like to sit near the door.B Five. We’ll be there in half an hour.C Have you got a table for four, please?D Do you serve Italian food here?

考题 单选题Don’t worry. Your package ______ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.A will keepB has keptC will be keptD has been kept