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凝汽器热负荷(condenser duty condenser loAd)


更多 “凝汽器热负荷(condenser duty condenser loAd)” 相关考题
考题 ()throttlestheliquidrefrigerantandmaintainsthepressuredifferencebetweenthecondenserandtheevaporator。 A、TheexpansionvalveB、CompressorC、EvaporatorD、Condenser

考题 Which of the following problems could cause the high pressure cutout switch to shut down the compressor in a refrigeration system?A.A shortage of liquid refrigerant.B.Excessive frost on the evaporator.C.Excessive condenser cooling water.D.Insufficient condenser cooling water flow.

考题 什么是凝汽器的热负荷?

考题 凝汽器热负荷

考题 凝汽器热负荷(condenserduty;condenserload)

考题 凝汽器热负荷是指凝汽器内凝结水传给冷却水的热量。

考题 单选题Low compressor head pressure in a refrigeration system can be caused by().A insufficient condenser cooling waterB excessive condenser cooling waterC air in the refrigeration systemD excessive refrigerant in the system

考题 单选题Which of the conditions listed will cause a refrigeration compressor to run constantly without simultaneously decreasing the temperature in the refrigerated space?()A Shortage of refrigerant oilB Slight shortage of refrigerantC Excessive condenser cooling water flowD Faulty expansion valve

考题 单选题Refrigerant enters the condenser as a ().A high pressure liquidB low pressure vaporC high pressure vaporD low pressure liquid

考题 单选题Air that may enter a refrigeration plant tends to collect in the ().A upper part of the receiverB upper part of the condenserC down stream end of the cooling coilD outlet end of the condenser

考题 单选题Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in ().A loss of second stage vacuumB contamination of the distillateC lower feed inlet temperatureD contamination of the second stage condenser

考题 单选题If a refrigeration compressor is running continuously without lowering the temperature in the refrigerated space, the trouble may be ().A a shortage of compressor oilB warm food in the refrigeratorC excessive condenser cooling waterD a shortage of refrigerant

考题 单选题Which of the following problems could cause the high pressure cutout switch to shut down the compressor in a refrigeration system?()A A shortage of liquid refrigerantB Excessive frost on the evaporatorC Excessive condenser cooling waterD Insufficient condenser cooling water flow

考题 单选题If the temperature in the icebox is too high, the trouble could be()A a clogged scale trapB air in the systemC automatic controls not functioning properlyD insufficient cooling water to the condenser

考题 单选题For a flash type evaporator, a demister is located the condenser()A AfterB beforeC insideD outside

考题 单选题Excessively warm water leaving condenser may be caused by()A fouled tubes in shell and tube condenserB too little or too warm condenser waterC air or non-condensable gas in systemD overcharge of refrigerant

考题 单选题() is used for sensing the temperature of the room in the air condition system.A An expansion valveB An evaporatorC A thermostatD A condenser

考题 单选题Early models of the flash-type evaporators used a separate shell-and-tube heat exchanger as the air ejector condenser.More recent models use a combined air ejector condenser with the()A distilling condenserB salt water feed heaterC distillate coolerD flash chamber

考题 单选题The inner part of the condenser should be cleaned with ().A gas oilB diesel oilC chemical compoundD Freon-12

考题 单选题In a refrigeration system, if the cooling water to the condenser fails, the().A box temperature solenoid valve will closeB expansion valve will closeC compressor will shutdownD king valve will open

考题 单选题Which of the listed components is considered to separate the high pressure side of a refrigeration cycle from the low pressure side of the cycle?()A The condenser and the expansion valveB The king valve and the solenoid valveC The compressor and the expansion valveD The condenser and the solenoid valve