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  • A、lsdev–P–H
  • B、lsdev–C
  • C、lsdev–M
  • D、lsattr–EH


更多 “在AIX系统中,下面()命令用于显示系统支持的设备名。A、lsdev–P–HB、lsdev–CC、lsdev–MD、lsattr–EH” 相关考题
考题 Theadministratorwouldliketoverifythathdisk2hasthecorrectreservepolicyset.WhatIOScommandshouldtheadministratorrun?() A.lspv-pvhdisk2B.lsattr-Elhdisk2C.lsdev-devhdisk2-attrD.lspath-devhdisk2-attr

考题 WhichofthefollowingcommandcanbeusedtoidentifyallPCIhotplugslotsonaserverandtheircharacteristics() A.lsattr-lpciB.lscfg-vlpciC.lsdev-cslotD.lsslot-cpci-a

考题 Asystemadministratorisintheprocessofdocumentingthesystem.Whichofthefollowingcommandswillprovidealistofthedevicesdefinedonthesystem?() A.lsdev-CB.lslpp-CC.lsattr-CD.odmget-C

考题 WhichofthefollowingcommandswillNOTdeterminetheslotlocationofanEthernetadapterinasystem?() A.lsattr-ElB.lsdev-CC.prtconfD.lscfg-l

考题 WhichofthefollowingcommandsshouldanAIXsystemadministratorinvoketocheckiftherequireddevice-dependentsoftwareismissing?() A.dbxB.cfgmgrC.telinitqD.lsdev-Ccadapter

考题 Which of the following commands can be used to show all disks configured on the system?() A. lsdev -C diskB. lsdev -P diskC. lsdev -Cc diskD. lsdev -Pc disk

考题 AcustomerhasraisedaquestionaboutarecentlyinstalledLPAR.Whatcommandwouldtheadministratorruntoobtaininformationabouttheprocessorentitlement?() A.lscfg-vpsB.prtconf-cC.lparstat-iD.lsdev-C-cprocessor

考题 Which of the following commands will show how many physical partitions are available on active hdisk1?() A. lspv hdisk1B. lsvg -p hdisk1C. lsattr -p hdisk1D. lsdev -E -l hdisk1

考题 AserverisexperiencingperformanceissuesandtheSANcouldbeapotentialbottleneck.Whichcommandwillshowthequeuedepthofhdisk1?() A.lspvhdisk1B.lscfghdisk1lscfg?hdisk1C.lsdevchdisk1lsdev?chdisk1D.lsattrlhdisk1lsattr?lhdisk1

考题 Howcantheadministratorusefile’a’containing’-Elsys0’toviewtheattributesofadevice()? A.lsdev-fvaB.lsattr-faC.lsattr`cata`D.lsdev-Cccata

考题 AfterrebuildingthelistofvirtualdevicesusedbytheVIOserverusingthe"cfgdev"command,whichcommandwouldberuntoverifythatanewlyconfiguredvirtualSCSIadapterisavailable?() A.lsdev-virtualB.lsdev-CsscsiC.lscfg-vlD.lsdev-adapter

考题 Which of the following commands can be used to show all disks configured on the system?()A、lsdev -C diskB、lsdev -P diskC、lsdev -Cc diskD、lsdev -Pc disk

考题 Which command will allow an administrator to view the primary and secondary dump devices?()A、sysdumpdev -lB、dumpmgr -ALLC、lsdev -Cc dumpD、diag -dump=show

考题 Which of the following commands will NOT determine the slot location of an Ethernet adapter in a system?()A、lsattr -ElB、lsdev -CC、prtconfD、lscfg -l

考题 在AIX系统中,()命令能显示出系统中处理器的个数。A、lsdev-CcprocessorB、lsdev-cprocessorC、lsdevD、lsdev-Cccpu

考题 AIX中的哪个命令用于列出当前系统中定义的设备?()A、lsdev/prtconfB、lsattrC、lscfgD、cfgmgr

考题 A system administrator is in the process of documenting the system. Which of the following commands will provide a list of the devices defined on the system?()A、lsdev -CB、lslpp -CC、lsattr -CD、odmget -C

考题 After rebuilding the list of virtual devices used by the VIO server using the "cfgdev" command, which command would be run to verify that a newly configured virtual SCSI adapter is available?()A、lsdev -virtualB、lsdev -Cs scsiC、lscfg -vlD、lsdev -adapter

考题 Which command can be used to display information from the PvDv object class in the ODM?()  A、odmlistB、odmshowC、lsdev -PD、lsattr -El

考题 A server is experiencing performance issues and the SAN could be a potential bottleneck. Which command will show the queue depth of hdisk1?()A、lspv hdisk1B、lscfghdisk1lscfg ? hdisk1C、lsdev c hdisk1lsdev ?c hdisk1D、lsattr l hdisk1lsattr ?l hdisk1

考题 Which of the following commands should an AIX system administrator invoke to check if the required device-dependent software is missing?()A、dbxB、cfgmgrC、telinit qD、lsdev -Cc adapter

考题 Which of the following command can be used to identify all PCI hot plug slots on a server and their characteristics()A、lsattr -l pciB、lscfg -vl pciC、lsdev -c slotD、lsslot -c pci -a

考题 Which of the following commands will show how many physical partitions are available on active hdisk1?()A、lspv hdisk1B、lsvg -p hdisk1C、lsattr -p hdisk1D、lsdev -E -l hdisk1

考题 Which command will enable the administrator toquery the current network adapter configuration?()A、netstat -vB、entstat -dC、lsattr -ElD、lsdev -C -attr

考题 A server is experiencing performance issues and the SAN could be a potential bottleneck.  Which command will show the queue depth of hdisk1?()  A、lspv hdisk1B、lscfg  hdisk1lscfg ? hdisk1C、lsdev c hdisk1lsdev ?c hdisk1D、lsattr l hdisk1lsattr ?l hdisk1

考题 Which of the following commands will list vital product data for all hardware components on a server?()A、lsdev -CB、lsslot -aC、lscfg -vpD、lsattr -El

考题 How can the administrator use file ’a’ containing ’-El sys0’ to view the attributes of a device()?  A、lsdev -fv aB、lsattr -f aC、lsattr`cat a`D、lsdev -Cccat a