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  • A、CN
  • B、uniqueID
  • C、DN
  • D、OU


更多 “下列不属于user在LDAP中的命名标识的是()。A、CNB、uniqueIDC、DND、OU” 相关考题
考题 在命名Python标识符时,以下命名合理的是()A.listB.forC.usersD.type

考题 ()是用户在程序中使用的名字,它是一种用于命名一些具有特定含义的对象的符号,通常用来标识程序中的变量,常量,函数,语句块。 A.对象B.符号C.标识符D.命名规则

考题 在Delphi中,根据变量标识符命名规则,"st80"不能用一个变量命名。

考题 下列Java标识符,错误的是 ( )A._sys_varlB.$changeC.User_nameD.1_file

考题 按照Java的标识符命名规则,下列表示-个类的标识符正确的是( )。A.HelloworldB.HelloWorldC.helloworldD.helloWorld

考题 ● 标识符在高级语言源程序中的作用不包括(7) 。A.为变量命名B.为注释标记位置C.为函数命名D.为数据类型命名

考题 You are configuring an LDAP authentication server, and you want to configure role-mapping rules based on group membership. When you attempt to search for groups in the server catalog, no groups appear.Assuming the LDAP server is reachable and functioning properly, in the admin GUI. Which two parts of the configuration should you verify are correct?()A. Finding user entriesB. Authentication requiredC. LDAP Server TypeD. Determining group membership

考题 What is the correct command for creating a new user ID authenticated with LDAP?() A.mkuser -R LDAP new uidB.mkuser -L LDAP new uidC.mkuser -auth LDAP new uidD.mkuser -a auth1=LDAP new uid

考题 下列说法中错误的是______。A.$1_abc是合法的Java标识符B.void是合法的Java保留字C.局部变量必须先声明后使用D.在Java中,类不是用标识符命名的

考题 标识符在高级语言源程序中的作用不包括______。A.为变量命名 B.为注释标记位置 C.为函数命名 D.为数据类型命名

考题 Which two items does a user object in the UCS system contain?()A、Authentication and Authorization credentialsB、Microsoft Active Directory credentialsC、LDAP assignmentD、Role assignment

考题 在命名标识符中,大小写字母是不加区分的。

考题 在PowerScript语言中,下列命名正确的标识符包括()。A、2aB、a$C、_%D、if

考题 命名规范中,国际长途局的标识为()。

考题 下列选项中,符合Python命名规范的标识符是()。A、user-PasswdB、ifC、_nameD、setup.exe

考题 命名规范中,PSTN到C网的互联电路的业务类型标识是()。

考题 命名规范中,光纤光路的标识符是()。

考题 Which statement about WSA user authentication is true?() A、 a single WSA can have multiple LDAP realmsB、 WSA supports LDAP but not NTLMC、 WSA supports NTLM but not LDAPD、 a single WSA can have up to two authentication realms: one for LDAP and for NTLM

考题 What is the correct command for creating a new user ID authenticated with LDAP?()A、mkuser -R LDAP new uidB、mkuser -L LDAP new uidC、mkuser -auth LDAP new uidD、mkuser -a auth1=LDAP new uid

考题 What is the correct command for creating a new user ID authenticated with LDAP?()  A、mkuser -R LDAP B、mkuser -L LDAP C、mkuser -auth LDAP D、mkuser -a auth1=LDAP 

考题 You are configuring an LDAP authentication server, and you want to configure role-mapping rules based on group membership. When you attempt to search for groups in the server catalog, no groups appear.Assuming the LDAP server is reachable and functioning properly, in the admin GUI. Which two parts of the configuration should you verify are correct?()A、Finding user entriesB、Authentication requiredC、LDAP Server TypeD、Determining group membership

考题 填空题命名规范中,光纤光路的标识符是()。

考题 单选题Which remote access VPN addressing technique supports a static IP address to support a specific application?()A Use a staticip addresses based on incoming user policies.B Use DHCP to assign addresses based on incoming user policies.C Deploy a clientless model to assign a unique address to the user.D Deploy RADIUS or LDAP to assign the address to the user.

考题 填空题设备厂家是ECI,在命名规范中的简易标识是()。

考题 单选题When you access the Cisco CRS Administration page for the first time in a cluster, the system automatically initiates the cluster setup procedure. You perform this procedure one time for a cluster. Whatdo you accomplish in this procedure?()A identify your Cisco CRS license files and location, enter information about your LDAP, and designate a Cisco CRS administrator B identify CSQs and JTAPI user and designate a Cisco CRS administrator C identify resources and RM user and enter information about your LDAP D identify your Cisco CRS license files and location, enter information about your LDAP, and designate IPCC Express resources 

考题 单选题Which statement about WSA user authentication is true?()A  a single WSA can have multiple LDAP realmsB  WSA supports LDAP but not NTLMC  WSA supports NTLM but not LDAPD  a single WSA can have up to two authentication realms: one for LDAP and for NTLM

考题 单选题下列选项中,符合Python命名规范的标识符是()。A user-PasswdB ifC _nameD setup.exe