银行招聘考试 问题列表
问题 货币制度主要由哪些要素构成?

问题 以动产作为抵押的,办理动产抵押时,向抵押人住所地的( )办理抵押登记。 A.工商行政管理部门 B.证券登记结算机构 C.信贷征信机构 D.财政管理部门

问题 资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the novelist Harriet Heyman, donated £75 million, or $115 million, to fund a new scholarship program aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration, education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations.   “I grew up in Cardiff, went to an ordinary comprehensive school, and was the only pupil in my year to go to Oxbridge,” Mr. Moritz explained. “My father was plucked as a teenager from Nazi Germany and was able to attend a very good school in London on a scholarship.” In an interview afterward, Mr. Moritz said that his father, Alfred, had grown up in Munich, where his father was a judge who lost his post when the Nazis came to power. Mr. Moritz’s mother, Doris, was part of the kindertransport, a rescue effort that took about 9,300 unaccompanied, mostly Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia to Britain shortly before the outbreak of World War Ⅱ. “ My father’s cousin, Fritz Ursell, was also rescued from terrible circumstances. When he came to Britain, he also benefited from scholarships, and grew up to become a member of the Royal Society,” said Mr. Moritz.   “It is all too easy not to remember, ” said Mr. Moritz, who has a history major and the editor of Isis, Oxford’s student literary magazine, as an undergraduate before completing an MBA at the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. In May, Mr. Moritz announced that he had been diagnosed with a rare medical condition which is incurable. But he preferred not to name the disease. “I felt I wanted to be my partners and with the public. But I didn’t want every ghoul on the internet following me.”   Charlotte Anderson, a second-year student studying German at Oxford and the first person in her family to go to a university, said that anxiety about taking on debt had nearly kept her from accepting the offer from the school. “it’s great to think that future students who follow me can do so without the fear that I went through.” She said while attending the news conference. Asked whether the university’s campaign to finance student scholarships through private donations rather than government funding meant that Oxford was giving up efforts to secure more public support, the university’s chancellor, Chris Patten, a former Conservative minister to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and John Major, joked that he was “ no longer allowed to have any political views.”   According to the passage, Mr. Moritz ( ). A.graduated from Oxford University with an MBA degree in 1986. B.wanted to do something to repay the help he had once received. C.showed his interest and talent in venture capitalism as a journalist. D.bought early stocks of Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn.

问题 已知某城市商品住宅平均销售价格2006年、2007年、2008年连续三年环比增长速度分别为1%、6%、9%,这三年该城市商品住宅平均销售价格的定基增长速度为(  )。A.(101%×106%×109%)-1 B.1%×6%×9% C.(1%×6%×9%)+1 D.101%×106%×109%

问题 凯恩斯学派认为货币政策传导过程中发挥重要作用的是(  )。A.利率 B.法定存款准备金 C.货币供应量 D.基础货币

问题 汇总记账凭证账务处理程序和科目汇总表账务处理程序都适用于经济业务较多的单位。(  )

问题 提高法定存款准备金率,会使商业银行的信用能力( )。 A.提高 B.下降 C.不受影响 D.变幻不定

问题 赵某因犯罪行为被判处管制1年的刑罚,在此期间,不属于赵某应当遵守的规定的 是( )。 A.未经批准,不得行使言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威自由的权利 B.未经批准,不得离开所居住的市、县或者迁居 C.遵守执行机关关于会客的规定 D.不得担任国有公司、企业、事业单位和人民团体领导职务

问题 某企业与工人签订了为期3年的劳动合同,约定在3年内按现行工资水平付给工人工资。此后3年内,企业所在国发生了通货膨胀,并且企业经常以各种借口缩短中午休息时间。企业在3年经营当中获取了超过同行业其他企业的更高的利润,那么该企业超出其他企业的利润的来源是(  )。A.一部分工人工资与绝对剩余价值 B.绝对剩余价值与相对剩余价值 C.一部分工人工资和相对剩余价值 D.一部分工人工资、绝对剩余价值与相对剩余价值

问题 The interplay between national and organizational culture has been subject to ______ debates in the literature on organizational theory.A.severe B.perpetual C.frequent D.continuous

问题 汇率政策中最基础、最核心的部分是( )。 A.选择相应的汇率制度 B.确定适当的汇率水平 C.促进国际收支平衡 D.以上说法都不正确

问题 应用复制一粘贴方法将数据从一个微软Office产品传输到另一个Office产品中时所传输的数据存储在临时文件中。()

问题 下列各项中,不在“营业税金及附加”科目核算的是( )。 A.城市维护建设税 B.资源税C.消费税 D.增值税

问题 计算机软件要运行必须有硬件基础。(  )

问题 激光器通常由( )组成。 A.工作物质、谐振腔、激光源 B.工作物质、谐振腔、光源 C.工作物质、激光源、发射器 D.谐振腔、激光源、发射器