有效身份证件指的是:身份证、护照、军官证、港澳通行证、台胞证等证件,证件需与报名时CCMS中填写的姓名拼音、证件号码一致, 且证件需在颁发机关规定的有效期内,以上证件携带其一即可。
建议考生可打印一份由Pearson VUE发送的预约成功的邮件(即预约确认函)。
1、考试需输入真实的姓名、证件类型、证件号码。证件号中包括数字的,只能输入半角数字(例如:1234567890),不能输入全角数字(例如:1234567890);包括英文字母的,请输入其大写字母(例如:A B C D)。
CIA 考试采用中文和英文两种试卷,考生可以在报名时任选一种。如果英文程度不错的话,建议选择英文试卷,因为中文试卷有时会存在语法翻译不当的问题。
下面小编为大家准备了 国际内部审计师(CIA考试) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?
W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.
Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?
A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.
B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.
C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.
D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.
解析:录音原文中男士说:I've lost my credit card issued by your bank,即他丢失了信用卡,来银行想知道该怎么办。
听力原文:A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.
A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.
B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.
C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.
D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.
解析:单句的意思为“银行和保险公司发行单据以保证出口商按照规定的标准提供货物和服务。”performance bond履约保函。advance payment bond预付款保函。tender bond投标保证金。maintenance bond保修协议。
How can the seller receive immediate payment if the draft is made payable on a future date?
A.He can send the draft to the correspondent bank for immediate payment.
B.He can present it to the bank against which it is drawn for payment.
C.He can ask the buyer to pay the money.
D.He can discount the draft at his bank and get money immediately.
解析:第六句指出This draft can be discounted at the seller's bank so that the seller receives immediate payment,意即卖方可以给予银行折扣来获得远期汇票的即期付款。
听力原文:Under the general rules, once the documents are passed to the remitting bank by the drawer, the bank has an absolute right over the goods through the title documents.
A.Once the title documents are entrusted, the goods are at the disposal of the collecting bank.
B.The title documents enable the remitting bank to dispose the goods according to the instruction given in the collection order.
C.The title documents are usually issued by the drawee.
D.In spite of the possession of the title documents, the bank can not deal with the goods without the allowance of the drawer.
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