

2020已经快要过去两个周啦,报名了2020年3月份ACCA考试的同学们快看过来,51题库考试学习网提醒各位同学:考前两周即可登录ACCA官网打印准考证了,那究竟操作流程是怎么样的呢? 且随51题库考试学习网继续往下看吧~



一.登录 MYACCA, 点击 Docket ,进入下一步

二.之后进入到第二个界面,点击 Access your docket

三. 进入第三个界面,财华学员选择第三个选项 Distance/Online learning,之后的 Learning Provider 下 拉 选 择 Beijing Caihuahongyuan International Education Co.LId(Distance Learning)


Full time -face to face(classroom):全职-面对面(课堂)

Full time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)

Distance/online learning blended learning:远程/在线学习混合学习

revision course self-study:自学

四.之后点击 SAVE&CONFIRM 进行下载即可。



1.在‘Method of Study"选项选择"Part time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)


3.在‘’Learning provider‘’选择“Shanghai Golden Finance”,别忘了在最后的小方框上点一个“√”

点击SAVE & CONFIRM,系统就就会自动跳转下载准考证啦!(远程网课学员或其他分校学员请按自身情况自行选择learning provider~)


*Full time -face to face(classroom):全职-面对面(课堂)

*Part time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)

*Distance/online learning blended learning:远程/在线学习混合学习

*revision course self-study:自学






以上信息就是关于ACCA国际注册会计师考试的准考证的打印相关流程,51题库考试学习网最后提醒一下大家,准考证必须有照片,准考证上面没有照片的学员请尽快与ACCA 英国方联系。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iii) Lateral or horizontal. (3 marks)

(iii) Lateral or horizontal. Traditional communication assumes a hierarchical structure with only vertical communication,however horizontal communication has become important and necessary in less formal organisations. It takes the form. of coordination with departmental managers or supervisors meeting regularly, problem solving with department members meeting to resolve an issue or information sharing and it also describes interdepartmental sharing of ideas or conflict resolution where there is a need to resolve interdepartmental friction.

1 Alvaro Pelorus is 47 years old and married to Maria. The couple have two children, Vito and Sophie, aged 22 and

19 years respectively. Alvaro and Maria have lived in the country of Koruba since 1982. On 1 July 2005 the family

moved to the UK to be near Alvaro’s father, Ray, who was very ill. Alvaro and Maria are UK resident, but not ordinarily

resident in the tax years 2005/06 and 2006/07. They are both domiciled in the country of Koruba.

On 1 February 2007 Ray Pelorus died. He was UK domiciled, having lived in the UK for the whole of his life. For the

purposes of inheritance tax, his death estate consisted of UK assets, valued at £870,000 after deduction of all

available reliefs, and a house in the country of Pacifica valued at £94,000. The executors of Ray’s estate have paid

Pacifican inheritance tax of £1,800 and legal fees of £7,700 in respect of the sale of the Pacifican house. Ray left

the whole of his estate to Alvaro.

Ray had made two gifts during his lifetime:

(i) 1 May 2003: He gave Alvaro 95 acres of farm land situated in the UK. The market value of the land was

£245,000, although its agricultural value was only £120,000. Ray had acquired the land on

1 January 1996 and granted an agricultural tenancy on that date. Alvaro continues to own the

land as at today’s date and it is still subject to the agricultural tenancy.

(ii) 1 August 2005: He gave Alvaro 6,000 shares valued at £183,000 in Pinger Ltd, a UK resident trading

company. Gift relief was claimed in respect of this gift. Ray had acquired 14,000 shares in

Pinger Ltd on 1 April 1997 for £54,600.

You may assume that Alvaro is a higher rate taxpayer for the tax years 2005/06 and 2006/07. In 2006/07 he made

the following disposals of assets:

(i) On 1 July 2006 he sold the 6,000 shares in Pinger Ltd for £228,000.

(ii) On 1 September 2006 he sold 2,350 shares in Lapis Inc, a company resident in Koruba, for £8,270. Alvaro

had purchased 5,500 shares in the company on 1 September 2002 for £25,950.

(iii) On 1 December 2006 he transferred shares with a market value of £74,000 in Quad plc, a UK quoted company,

to a UK resident discretionary trust for the benefit of Vito and Sophie. Alvaro had purchased these shares on

1 January 2006 for £59,500.

Alvaro has not made any other transfers of value for the purposes of UK inheritance tax. He owns the family house

in the UK as well as shares in UK and Koruban companies and commercial rental property in the country of Koruba.

Maria has not made any transfers of value for the purposes of UK inheritance tax. Her only significant asset is the

family home in the country of Koruba.

Alvaro and his family expect to return to their home in the country of Koruba in October 2007 once Ray’s affairs have

been settled. There is no double taxation agreement between the UK and Koruba.


(a) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) payable as a result of the death of Ray Pelorus. Explain the availability

or otherwise of agricultural property relief and business property relief on the two lifetime gifts made by Ray.

(8 marks)



(a) Kayte operates in the shipping industry and owns vessels for transportation. In June 2014, Kayte acquired Ceemone whose assets were entirely investments in small companies. The small companies each owned and operated one or two shipping vessels. There were no employees in Ceemone or the small companies. At the acquisition date, there were only limited activities related to managing the small companies as most activities were outsourced. All the personnel in Ceemone were employed by a separate management company. The companies owning the vessels had an agreement with the management company concerning assistance with chartering, purchase and sale of vessels and any technical management. The management company used a shipbroker to assist with some of these tasks.

Kayte accounted for the investment in Ceemone as an asset acquisition. The consideration paid and related transaction costs were recognised as the acquisition price of the vessels. Kayte argued that the vessels were only passive investments and that Ceemone did not own a business consisting of processes, since all activities regarding commercial and technical management were outsourced to the management company. As a result, the acquisition was accounted for as if the vessels were acquired on a stand-alone basis.

Additionally, Kayte had borrowed heavily to purchase some vessels and was struggling to meet its debt obligations. Kayte had sold some of these vessels but in some cases, the bank did not wish Kayte to sell the vessel. In these cases, the vessel was transferred to a new entity, in which the bank retained a variable interest based upon the level of the indebtedness. Kayte’s directors felt that the entity was a subsidiary of the bank and are uncertain as to whether they have complied with the requirements of IFRS 3 Business Combinations and IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements as regards the above transactions. (12 marks)

(b) Kayte’s vessels constitute a material part of its total assets. The economic life of the vessels is estimated to be 30 years, but the useful life of some of the vessels is only 10 years because Kayte’s policy is to sell these vessels when they are 10 years old. Kayte estimated the residual value of these vessels at sale to be half of acquisition cost and this value was assumed to be constant during their useful life. Kayte argued that the estimates of residual value used were conservative in view of an immature market with a high degree of uncertainty and presented documentation which indicated some vessels were being sold for a price considerably above carrying value. Broker valuations of the residual value were considerably higher than those used by Kayte. Kayte argued against broker valuations on the grounds that it would result in greater volatility in reporting.

Kayte keeps some of the vessels for the whole 30 years and these vessels are required to undergo an engine overhaul in dry dock every 10 years to restore their service potential, hence the reason why some of the vessels are sold. The residual value of the vessels kept for 30 years is based upon the steel value of the vessel at the end of its economic life. At the time of purchase, the service potential which will be required to be restored by the engine overhaul is measured based on the cost as if it had been performed at the time of the purchase of the vessel. In the current period, one of the vessels had to have its engine totally replaced after only eight years. Normally, engines last for the 30-year economic life if overhauled every 10 years. Additionally, one type of vessel was having its funnels replaced after 15 years but the funnels had not been depreciated separately. (11 marks)


Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in the financial statements of Kayte.

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the elements above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)


(a) The accounting for the transaction as an asset acquisition does not comply with the requirements of IFRS 3 Business Combinations and should have been accounted as a business combination. This would mean that transaction costs would be expensed, the vessels recognised at fair value, any deferred tax recognised at nominal value and the difference between these amounts and the consideration paid to be recognised as goodwill.

In accordance with IFRS 3, an entity should determine whether a transaction is a business combination by applying the definition of a business in IFRS 3. A business is an integrated set of activities and assets which is capable of being conducted and managed for the purpose of providing a return in the form. of dividends, lower costs or other economic benefits directly to investors or other owners, members or participants. A business consists of inputs and processes applied to those inputs which have the ability to create outputs. Although businesses usually have outputs, outputs are not required to qualify as a business.

When analysing the transaction, the following elements are relevant:

(i) Inputs: Shares in vessel owning companies, charter arrangements, outsourcing arrangements with a management company, and relationships with a shipping broker.

(ii) Processes: Activities regarding chartering and operating the vessels, financing the business, purchase and sales of vessels.

(iii) Outputs: Ceemone would generate revenue from charter agreements and has the ability to gain economic benefit from the vessels.

IFRS 3 states that whether a seller operated a set of assets and activities as a business or intends to operate it as a business is not relevant in evaluating whether it is a business. It is not relevant therefore that some activities were outsourced as Ceemone could chose to conduct and manage the integrated set of assets and activities as a business. As a result, the acquisition included all the elements which constitute a business, in accordance with IFRS 3.

IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements sets out the situation where an investor controls an investee. This is the case, if and only if, the investor has all of the following elements:

(i) power over the investee, that is, the investor has existing rights which give it the ability to direct the relevant activities (the activities which significantly affect the investee’s returns);

(ii) exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee;

(iii) the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns.

Where a party has all three elements, then it is a parent; where at least one element is missing, then it is not. In every case, IFRS 10 looks to the substance of the arrangement and not just to its legal form. Each situation needs to be assessed individually. The question arises in this case as to whether the entities created are subsidiaries of the bank. The bank is likely to have power over the investee, may be exposed to variable returns and certainly may have the power to affect the amount of the returns. Thus the bank is likely to have a measure of control but the extent will depend on the constitution of the entity.

(b) Kayte’s calculation of the residual value of the vessels with a 10-year useful life is unacceptable under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment because estimating residual value based on acquisition cost does not comply with the requirements of IAS 16. Kayte should prepare a new model to determine residual value which would take account of broker valuations at the end of each reporting period and which would produce zero depreciation charge when estimated residual value was higher than the carrying amount.

IAS 16 paragraph 6 defines residual value as the estimated amount which an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already at the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

IAS 16 requires the residual value to be reviewed at least at the end of each financial year end with the depreciable amount of an asset allocated on a systematic basis over its useful life. IAS 16 specifies that the depreciable amount of an asset is determined after deducting its residual value.

Kayte’s original model implied that the residual value was constant for the vessel’s entire useful life. The residual value has to be adjusted especially when an expected sale approaches, and the residual value has to come closer to disposal proceeds minus disposal costs at the end of the useful life. IAS 16 says that in cases when the residual value is greater than the asset’s carrying amount, the depreciation charge is zero unless and until its residual value subsequently decreases to an amount below the asset’s carrying amount. The residual value should be the value at the reporting date as if the vessel were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life. An increase in the expected residual value of an asset because of past events will affect the depreciable amount, while expectation of future changes in residual value other than the effects of expected wear and tear will not. There is no guidance in IAS 16 on how to estimate residual value when the useful life is considered to be shorter than the economic life. Undesirable volatility is not a convincing argument to support the accounting treatment, and broker valuations could be a useful starting point to estimate residual value.

As regards the vessels which are kept for the whole of their economic life, a residual value based upon the scrap value of steel is acceptable. Therefore the vessels should be depreciated based upon the cost less the scrap value of steel over the 30-year period. The engine need not be componentised as it will have the same 30-year life if maintained every 10 years. It is likely that the cost of major planned maintenance will increase over the life of a vessel due to inflation and the age of the vessel. This additional cost will be capitalised when incurred and therefore the depreciation charge on these components may be greater in the later stages of a vessel’s life.

When major planned maintenance work is to be undertaken, the cost should be capitalised. The engine overhaul will be capitalised as a new asset which will then be depreciated over the 10-year period to the next overhaul. The depreciation of the original capitalised amount will typically be calculated such that it had a net book value of nil when the overhaul is undertaken.

This is not the case with one vessel, because work was required earlier than expected. In this case, any remaining net book value of the old engine and overhaul cost should be expensed immediately.

The initial carve out of components should include all major maintenance events which are likely to occur over the economic life of the vessel. Sometimes, it may subsequently be found that the initial allocation was insufficiently detailed, in that not all components were identified. This is the case with the funnels. In this situation it is necessary to determine what the net book value of the component would currently be had it been initially identified. This will sometimes require the initial cost to be determined by reference to the replacement cost and the associated accumulated depreciation charge determined using the rate used for the vessel. This is likely to leave a significant net book value in the component being replaced, which will need to be written off at the time the replacement is capitalised.

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