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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Briefly describe three advantages to Bailey’s of counselling. (3 marks)

(c) For Bailey’s the advantages of counselling as a means of understanding and addressing the problems are that it provides a confidential service to the employee to discuss problems away from and not involving management or supervision. There is no obvious human resources policy at Bailey’s and counselling provides an opportunity to develop an appropriate policy from understanding individual problems.
This in turn will demonstrate organisational commitment to the employees that has been lacking in the past at Bailey’s and begin the process of better performance and increase in commitment.
At another level, counselling can provide a link to other external agencies to assist with personal problems that may be deemed too specific for resolution within Bailey’s.

(c) Risk committee members can be either executive or non-executive.


(i) Distinguish between executive and non-executive directors. (2 marks)

(c) Risk committee members can be either executive on non-executive.
(i) Distinguish between executive and non-executive directors
Executive directors are full time members of staff, have management positions in the organisation, are part of the
executive structure and typically have industry or activity-relevant knowledge or expertise, which is the basis of their
value to the organisation.
Non-executive directors are engaged part time by the organisation, bring relevant independent, external input and
scrutiny to the board, and typically occupy positions in the committee structure.

20 IAS 2 Inventories defines the extent to which overheads are included in the cost of inventories of finished goods.

Which of the following statements about the IAS 2 requirements in this area are correct?

1 Finished goods inventories may be valued on the basis of labour and materials cost only, without including overheads.

2 Carriage inwards, but not carriage outwards, should be included in overheads when valuing inventories of finished goods.

3 Factory management costs should be included in fixed overheads allocated to inventories of finished goods.

A All three statements are correct

B 1 and 2 only

C 1 and 3 only

D 2 and 3 only


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