



判例法(case law)指可作为先例据以决案的法院判决,是法官造法,也就是我们说的司法者造法,这点通常与成文法 (statute law) 相对,成文法是由议会制定法律。判例法和成文法都是英国法系法律的两个重要渊源 (source of law) ,也是重要的法律类型之一(types of law)。此时这种分类是按照法律制定的主体来区分的。

根据判例法制度,某一判决中的法律规则不仅适用于该案,而且往往作为一种先例(precedent)而适用于以后该法院或下级法院所管辖的案件。只要案件的基本事实相同或相似,就必须以判例所定规则处理。这就是所谓“遵循先例” (stare decisis) 原则。

此外,我们又可以通过法律规范的主体是否平等,将法律分为私法 (private law) 和公法(public law)

私法 (private law) 主要是指调整普通公民,组织之间关系的法律,在社会层面上双方当事人的法律地位平等,私法关键在于调整公民个人的权利义务关系(right and obligation)

公法(public law)主要是指调整国家与普通公民、组织之间关系的法律,从定义中可以看出双方当事人中必须至少有一方是公权力机关。在我们生活中的tax lawconstituition law都是属于公法范畴的。

最后我们还可以依据法律规范的内容不同,将法律分为刑法(criminal law)和民法 (civil law)。民法属于私法的范畴,重点在于双方当事人之间权利与义务的分配,刑法属于公法的范畴,重点在于确定什么样的行为是犯罪行为,和对于犯罪行为给与怎么样的处罚(punishment),所以可以归纳为三个字罪与罚。考试中时常会考到两者的区别,需要同学们对该块内容加以重视。


1. Burden of proof 举证责任


2. Standard of proof 举证的标准

在民法中,举证的标准是看原告和被告谁的证据更占优势,即谁的证词可能性越高(balance of probabilities),谁胜诉的概率就越高。

在刑事案件中,举证的标准会明显提高,需要排除一切合理的怀疑(beyond reasonable doubt)。这是由于刑事案件的两方在法律地位上是不平等的,且刑事案件的判决结果对于被告人更为严重,所以公诉人想要胜诉,必须承担更高的举证标准,来证明被告有罪。

3. Decision 判决结果

在民事案件中,判决结果是被告是否有责任(liable / not liable),而在刑事案件中,判决结果往往是被告人是否有罪(guilty / not guilty)

4. Aim 法律目的

民法的目的是provide compensatory remedies,具有补偿性质,而并非惩罚。但在刑事案件中,法院对国家不允许或者不赞成的行为,给与惩罚(punishment)

5. Remedies 救济方式



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

5 Astrodome Sports Ltd was formed in December 2000 by seven engineers who comprise the board of directors of the

company. The seven engineers previously worked together for ‘Telstar’, a satellite navigation company.

In conjunction with one of the three largest construction companies within their country they constructed the ‘365

Sports Complex’ which has a roof that opens and uses revolutionary satellite technology to maintain grass surfaces

within the complex. The complex facilities, which are available for use on each day of the year, include two tennis

courts, a cricket pitch, an equestrian centre and six bowling greens. The tennis courts and cricket pitch are suitable

for use as venues for national competitions. The equestrian centre offers horse-riding lessons to the general public and

is also a suitable venue for show-jumping competitions. The equestrian centre and bowling greens have increased in

popularity as a consequence of regular television coverage of equestrian and bowling events.

In spite of the high standard of the grass surfaces within the sports complex, the directors are concerned by reduced

profit levels as a consequence of both falling revenues and increasing costs. The area in which the ‘365 Sports

Complex’ is located has high unemployment but is served by all public transport services.

The directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd have different views about the course of action that should be taken to provide

a strategy for the future improvement in the performance of the complex. Each director’s view is based on his/her

individual perception as to the interpretation of the information contained in the performance measurement system of

the complex. These are as follows:


(a) ‘There is no point whatsoever in encouraging staff to focus on interaction with customers in efforts to create a

‘user friendly’ environment. What we need is to maintain the quality of our grass surfaces at all costs since that

is the distinguishing feature of our business.’

(b) ‘Buy more equipment which can be hired out to users of our facilities. This will improve our utilisation ratios

which will lead to increased profits.’

(c) ‘We should focus our attention on maximising the opening hours of our facilities. Everything else will take care

of itself.’

(d) ‘Recent analysis of customer feedback forms indicates that most of our customers are satisfied with the facilities.

In fact, the only complaints are from three customers – the LCA University which uses the cricket pitch for

matches, the National Youth Training Academy which held training sessions on the tennis courts, and a local

bowling team.’

(e) ‘We should reduce the buildings maintenance budget by 25% and spend the money on increased advertising of

our facilities which will surely attract more customers.’

(f) ‘We should hold back on our efforts to overcome the shortage of bowling equipment for hire. Recent rumours are

that the National Bowling Association is likely to offer large financial grants next year to sports complexes who

can show they have a demand for the sport but have deficiencies in availability of equipment.’

(g) ‘Why change our performance management system? Our current areas of focus provide us with all the

information we need to ensure that we remain a profitable and effective business.’

As management accountant of Astrodome Sports Ltd you have recently read an article which discussed the following

performance measurement problems:

(i) Tunnel vision

(ii) Sub-optimisation

(iii) Misinterpretation

(iv) Myopia

(v) Measure fixation

(vi) Misrepresentation

(vii) Gaming

(viii) Ossification.


(a) Explain FOUR of the above-mentioned performance measurement problems (i-viii) and discuss which of the

views of the directors (a-g) illustrate its application in each case. (12 marks)

(a) Candidates may choose FOUR problems with performance measures from those listed below:
Tunnel vision may be seen as undue focus on performance measures to the detriment of other areas. For example ‘There is
no point whatsoever in encouraging staff to focus on interaction with customers in efforts to create a ‘user friendly’
environment. What we need is to maintain the quality of our grass surfaces at all costs since that is the distinguishing feature
of our business.’
Sub-optimisation may occur where undue focus on some objectives will leave others not achieved. For example, ‘We should
focus our attention upon maximising the opening hours of our facilities. Everything else will take care of itself.’ This strategy
ignores the importance of a number of other issues, such as the possible need to increase the availability of horse-riding and
bowling equipment for hire.
Misinterpretation involves failure to recognise the complexity of the environment in which the organisation operates.
Management views have focused on a number of performance measures such as ‘spend the money on increased advertising
of our facilities which will surely attract more customers.’ This fails to recognise the more complex problems that exist. The
town is suffering from high unemployment which may cause population drift and economic decline. This will negate many
of the initiatives that are being suggested by management. This may to some extent be offset by the good transport links to
the ‘365 sports complex’.
Myopia refers to short-sightedness leading to the neglect of longer-term objectives. An example would be ‘We should reduce
the buildings maintenance budget by 25% and spend the money on increased advertising of our facilities which will surely
attract more customers.’
Measure fixation implies behaviour and activities in order to achieve specific performance indicators which may not be
effective. For example, ‘Buy more equipment which can be hired out to users of our facilities. This will improve our utilisation
ratios which will lead to increased profits.’ Problems of unemployment and lack of complaints from customers may mean that
more equipment will not improve profit levels.
Misrepresentation refers to the tendency to indulge in ‘creative’ reporting in order to suggest that a performance measure
result is acceptable. For example ‘Recent analysis of customer feedback forms indicate that most of our customers are satisfied
with the facilities. In fact, the only complaints are from three customers – the LCA University who use the cricket pitch for
matches, the National Youth Training Academy who hold training sessions on the tennis courts, and a local bowling team.’
This ignores the likely size of capacity share occupied by these three customers. In this regard it should be acknowledged
that complaints represent a significant threat to the business since ‘bad news often travels fast’ and other customers may then
‘vote with their feet’.
Gaming is where there is a deliberate distortion of the measure in order to secure some strategic advantage. This may involve
deliberately under performing in order to achieve some objective. For example, ‘We should hold back on our efforts to
overcome the shortage of bowling equipment for hire. Recent rumours are that the National Bowling Association are likely to
offer large financial grants next year to sports complexes who can show they have a demand for the sport but have deficiencies
in availability of equipment.’
Ossification which by definition means ‘a hardening’ refers to an unwillingness to change the performance measure scheme
once it has been set up. An example could be ‘Why change our performance management system? Our current areas of focus
provide us with all the information that we need to ensure that we remain a profitable and effective business.’ This ignores
issues/problems raised in the other comments provided in the question.

(d) Estimate by how much the bid might be increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth, and discuss whether or not the directors of Paxis should proceed with the bid. (5 marks)


(d) The current bid values the shares of Wragger at £19·07 million, compared to the current market value of £15·36 million, a premium of £3·71 million. The expected synergy is £15,570,000. If these data are accurate the bid could be substantially increased without the shareholders of Paxis suffering a fall in their expected wealth. In theory, the bid could be increased by an additional £11,860,000, or 148 pence for each existing Wragger share.
There might also be strategic reasons for undertaking the bid, and the acquisition of Wragger might lead to future options that are not valued by the above analysis.
The proposed acquisition is expected to result in substantial synergy, and to create wealth for the shareholders of both companies. The directors are recommended to proceed with the bid.

4 (a) Explain the auditor’s responsibilities for other information in documents containing audited financial

statements. (5 marks)

(a) Auditor’s responsibilities for ‘other information’
■ The auditor has a professional responsibility to read other information to identify material inconsistencies with the
audited financial statements (ISA 720 ‘Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements’).
■ A ‘material inconsistency’ arises when other information contradicts that which is contained in the audited financial
statements. It may give rise to doubts about:
– the auditor’s conclusions drawn from audit evidence; and
– the basis for the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements.
■ In certain circumstances, the auditor may have a statutory obligation (under national legislation) to report on other
information (e.g. Management Report).
■ Even where there is no such obligation (e.g. chairman’s statement), the auditor should consider it, as the credibility of
the financial statements may be undermined by any inconsistency.
■ The auditor must arrange to have access to the other information on a timely basis prior to dating the auditor’s report.
Material inconsistency
■ If a material inconsistency is identified, the auditor should determine whether it is the audited financial statements or
the other information which needs amending.
■ If an amendment to the audited financial statements is required but not made, there will be disagreement, resulting in
the expression of a qualified or adverse opinion. (Such a situation would be extremely rare.)
■ Where an amendment to other information is necessary, but refused, the auditor’s report may include an emphasis of
matter paragraph (since the audit opinion cannot be other than unqualified with respect to this matter).
Material misstatement of fact
■ A material misstatement of fact in other information exists when information which is not related to matters appearing
in the audited financial statements is incorrectly stated or presented in a misleading manner.
■ If management do not act on advice to correct a material misstatement the auditors should document their concerns to
those charged with corporate governance and obtain legal advice.
Tutorial note: Marks would be awarded here for the implications for the auditor’s report. However, such marks, which are
for the restatement of knowledge would NOT be awarded again if repeated in answers to (b).

(ii) How existing standards could be modified to meet the needs of SMEs. (6 marks

(ii) The development of IFRSs for SMEs as a modification of existing IFRSs
Most SMEs have a narrower range of users than listed entities. The main groups of users are likely to be the owners,
suppliers and lenders. In deciding upon the modifications to make to IFRS, the needs of the users will need to be taken
into account as well as the costs and other burdens imposed upon SMEs by the IFRS. There will have to be a relaxation
of some of the measurement and recognition criteria in IFRS in order to achieve the reduction in the costs and the
burdens. Some disclosure requirements, such as segmental reports and earnings per share, are intended to meet the
needs of listed entities, or to assist users in making forecasts of the future. Users of financial statements of SMEs often
do not make such kinds of forecasts. Thus these disclosures may not be relevant to SMEs, and a review of all of the
disclosure requirements in IFRS will be required to assess their appropriateness for SMEs.
The difficulty is determining which information is relevant to SMEs without making the information disclosed
meaningless or too narrow/restricted. It may mean that measurement requirements of a complex nature may have to be
There are, however, rational grounds for justifying different treatments because of the different nature of the entities and
the existence of established practices at the time of the issue of an IFRS.

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