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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(c) (i) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) implications of a takeover where the consideration is in the form. of
shares (a ‘paper for paper’ transaction) stating any conditions that need to be satisfied. (4 marks)
(c) (i) Paper for paper rules
The proposed transaction broadly falls under the ‘paper for paper’ rules. Where this is the case, chargeable gains do not
arise. Instead, the new holding stands in the shoes (and inherits the base cost) of the original holding.
The company issuing the new shares must:
(i) end up with more than 25% of the ordinary share capital (or a majority of the voting power) of the old company,
(ii) make a general offer to shareholders in the other company with a condition that, if satisfied, would give the
acquiring company control of the other company.
The exchange must be for bona fide commercial reasons and must not have as its main purpose (or one of its main
purposes) the avoidance of CGT or corporation tax. The acquiring company can obtain advance clearance from the
Inland Revenue that the conditions will be met.
If part of the offer consideration is in the form. of cash, a gain must be calculated using the part disposal rules. If the
cash received is not more than the higher of £3,000 or 5% of the total value on takeover, then the amount received in
cash can be deducted from the base cost of the securities under the small distribution rules.
(b) Examine how adopting a Six Sigma approach would help address the quality problems at UPC.
(10 marks)
(b) In many ways Six Sigma started out as a quality control methodology. It focused on measurement and the minimisation of
faults through pursuing Six Sigma as a statistical measure of some aspects of organisational performance. However, Six Sigma
has developed into something much more than a process control technique. It includes a problem-solving process called
DMAIC and a comprehensive toolkit ranging from brainstorming to balanced scorecards and process dashboards. It also has
defined team roles for managers and employees, often with martial arts names such as Black Belt, Green Belt and Master
Black Belt.
Six Sigma was first used in organisations in the early 1990s. However, it was its adoption and promotion by Jack Welch, the
CEO of GE that brought Six Sigma wider publicity. He announced that ‘Six Sigma is the most important initiative GE has ever
undertaken’. As Paul Harmon comments, ‘Welch’s popularity with the business press, and his dynamic style, guaranteed that
Six Sigma would become one of the hot management techniques of the late 1990s’.
Six Sigma uses an approach called DMAIC in its problem solving process. This stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve
and Control. Three aspects of this are considered below in the context of how they would address the problems at UPC.
Defining the problem
Part of defining the problem is the identification of the customer. It is important to understand what customers really want
and value and one of the main themes of Six Sigma is its focus on the customer. Six Sigma explicitly recognises the ‘voice of
the customer’ (VOC) in its approach. In the UPC situation quality requirements are currently defined by the physical condition
of the goods and by the alignment of the image. However, this may be a limiting view of quality because there is no evidence
of any systematic investigation of the requirements of the customer. Solving these problems may not lead to any significant
long-term gain; they may be quickly replaced by other ‘quality issues’. Furthermore, the customer is also perceived in a limited
way. These quality requirements are in the eye of the gift shop owner who is interested in saleable products. The end customer
– the consumer – who buys and uses the product may have other requirements which can also be addressed at this time.
By considering the VOC the problem and scope of the project becomes re-defined and the solution of the problems potentially
more valuable.
Measurement is fundamental to Six Sigma. This includes the gathering of data to validate and quantify the problem. The
creation of the inspection team was based on initial evidence about an increase in breakages. This needs to be quantified.
The inaccurate printing of the image had been quantified as 500 units per month, out of the 250,000 shipped out of the
company. This equates to a failure rate of 0·2%, so that 99·8% of items are shipped with a correctly aligned image. This
sounds quite reasonable but it still raises issues and complaints that have to be dealt with, as well as creating wastage costs
of $10,000 per month. The problem is that even a relatively low percentage of defects can lead to a lot of unhappy customers.
Aiming for Six Sigma would reduce defects down to about one faulty item per month, reducing the wastage cost to $20.
Analysis is concerned with understanding the process to find the root cause. Six Sigma focuses on processes and their
analysis. Analysis concerns methods, machines, materials, measures, Mother Nature and people. The alignment problem
needs investigation to find out what causes the imaging machine to irregularly produce misaligned images. Management
currently appear to blame the machine but it may be due to the way that certain people load the machine. The analysis of
the breakages is particularly important. It is unclear at present where these breakages occur (for example, are some of the
items broken before they leave UPC’s despatch facility) or are they all broken in transit? Neither is it understood why the
breakages occur. Management appear to blame the packers for packing incorrectly and not following the correct method.
However, it may be that the material is just not strong enough to withstand heavy handling by couriers who are outside the
control of UPC. Additionally, the breakages may be due to some manufacturing problem or raw material imperfection in the
items that break. Six Sigma stresses understanding the problem before solving it.
Although DMAIC has been selected as the framework for the sample answer, focusing on other aspects of Six Sigma would
be acceptable – as long as they are presented in the context of the UPC scenario.
(ii) An evaluation of the environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project; (8 marks)
(ii) Environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project
In our preparation for the bid to act as principal contractor for the Giant Dam Project, we established that there were
two prominent negative implications of the project but these are, in our view, more than offset by two major
environmental positives.
The environmental arguments against the Giant Dam Project both concern the flooding of the valley behind the dam.
Regrettably, it seems that there will be some loss of important habitats. This, in turn, may mean the removal of balanced
environmental conditions for certain animal and plant species. In addition, the flooding of the valley will result in the
loss of productive farmland. This will mean reduced capacity for the host country to grow food and thus support citizens
such as the members of First Nation. From our point of view, as the board of R&M, however, we would remind
shareholders and other observers that the decisions involving the size and positioning of the Giant Dam were taken by
the client, the government. It is R&M’s job, having won the contract as principal contractor, to now carry out the plans,
regardless of our own views.
Happily, however, there are two very powerful environmental arguments in favour of the Giant Dam Project. It will create
a large source of clean energy for economic development that will be sustainable, as it will create no carbon emissions
nor will it consume any non-renewable resources as it does so (compared to, for example, fossil fuels).
At a time when people are becoming very concerned about greenhouse gases produced from conventional power
generation, the Giant Dam Project will contribute to the East Asian country’s internationally agreed carbon reduction
targets. This, in turn, will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in the environment.
It is clear that the construction of the Giant Dam Project is an environmental conundrum with strong arguments on both
sides. The deciding factor may be the opinion that we each have of the desirability of economic growth in the East Asian
country (which the energy from the dam is intended to support). It seems that Stop-the-dam values the preservation of
the original environment more than the economic growth that the energy from the dam would support. The client does
not agree with this assessment and we are happy to be involved with a project that will create such a useful source of
renewable and non-polluting energy.
3 Susan Paullaos was recently appointed as a non-executive member of the internal audit committee of Gluck and
Goodman, a public listed company producing complex engineering products. Barney Chester, the executive finance
director who chairs the committee, has always viewed the purpose of internal audit as primarily financial in nature
and as long as financial controls are seen to be fully in place, he is less concerned with other aspects of internal
control. When Susan asked about operational controls in the production facility Barney said that these were not the
concern of the internal audit committee. This, he said, was because as long as the accounting systems and financial
controls were fully functional, all other systems may be assumed to be working correctly.
Susan, however, was concerned with the operational and quality controls in the production facility. She spoke to
production director Aaron Hardanger, and asked if he would be prepared to produce regular reports for the internal
audit committee on levels of specification compliance and other control issues. Mr Hardanger said that the internal
audit committee had always trusted him because his reputation as a manager was very good. He said that he had
never been asked to provide compliance evidence to the internal audit committee and saw no reason as to why he
should start doing so now.
At board level, the non-executive chairman, George Allejandra, said that he only instituted the internal audit committee
in the first place in order to be seen to be in compliance with the stock market’s requirement that Gluck and Goodman
should have one. He believed that internal audit committees didn’t add materially to the company. They were, he
believed, one of those ‘outrageous demands’ that regulatory authorities made without considering the consequences
in smaller companies nor the individual needs of different companies. He also complained about the need to have an
internal auditor. He said that Gluck and Goodman used to have a full time internal auditor but when he left a year
ago, he wasn’t replaced. The audit committee didn’t feel it needed an internal auditor because Barney Chester believed
that only financial control information was important and he could get that information from his management
Susan asked Mr Allejandra if he recognised that the company was exposing itself to increased market risks by failing
to have an effective audit committee. Mr Allejandra said he didn’t know what a market risk was.
(a) Internal control and audit are considered to be important parts of sound corporate governance.
(i) Describe FIVE general objectives of internal control. (5 marks)
3 (a) (i) FIVE general objectives of internal control
An internal control system comprises the whole network of systems established in an organisation to provide reasonable
assurance that organisational objectives will be achieved.
Specifically, the general objectives of internal control are as follows:
To ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of business in respect of systems being in place and fully implemented.
Controls mean that business processes and transactions take place without disruption with less risk or disturbance and
this, in turn, adds value and creates shareholder value.
To safeguard the assets of the business. Assets include tangibles and intangibles, and controls are necessary to ensure
they are optimally utilised and protected from misuse, fraud, misappropriation or theft.
To prevent and detect fraud. Controls are necessary to show up any operational or financial disagreements that might
be the result of theft or fraud. This might include off-balance sheet financing or the use of unauthorised accounting
policies, inventory controls, use of company property and similar.
To ensure the completeness and accuracy of accounting records. Ensuring that all accounting transactions are fully and
accurately recorded, that assets and liabilities are correctly identified and valued, and that all costs and revenues can be
fully accounted for.
To ensure the timely preparation of financial information which applies to statutory reporting (of year end accounts, for
example) and also management accounts, if appropriate, for the facilitation of effective management decision-making.
[Tutorial note: candidates may address these general objectives using different wordings based on analyses of different
study manuals. Allow latitude]
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