一、科目关联(Relation Diagram)
Management Accounting(MA)《管理会计》课程中的相关知识首先与Performance Management(PM)《业绩管理》和Advanced
Performance Management(APM)《高级业绩管理》这两门科目中的知识有所关联。此外,还会涉及到一定的Strategic Business Leader(SBL)《战略商业报告》。
而在MA课程中学到的知识,将会运用到学员后续高阶课程的PM以APM科目的学习中。MA课程中的Part B最后一章节Alternative costing methods会出现在PM的Part A,Part E有关Performance management的部分会出现在PM以及APM课程里。
二、新课程框架和新考纲(New Framework and Syllabus)
整体变化是增加了一个版块,这个版块整合了关于Date analysis and
statistical techniques的内容,同时又新增了一些这个内容的其他知识点。
新增版块Data analysis and statistical techniques成为了Part B部分。但是其他版块内容不变,以此往后顺延。由原来的Part A-Part E
5个Part的内容;变成了现在Part A-Part F 6个Part的内容。
将原来考纲Part C Budgeting中的Statistical
techniques这个知识点放在了新考纲Part B Data analysis and
statistical techniques的Forecasting techniques中。
新增了一部分的知识点。一个是Big data and analysis,放在了Part A The nature,source and purpose ofmanagement information的Sources of data中;一个是Summarising
and analysing data,放在了Part B Date analysis and
statistical technique。
对于此次考纲的调整,可以看出对Date analysis and statistical
三、新增知识点1:Big data and analysis
考纲要求的是Describe the main uses of big data
andanalytics for organisations。那也就是需要大家知道和分析大数据在企业中的用途。考试依然最多是以选择题形式进行考察。
四、新增知识点2:Summarising and analysing data
a)Calculate the mean,mode and median
forungrouped data and the mean for groupeddata.
b)Calculate measures of dispersion
including thevariance,standard deviation and coefficient ofvariation both
grouped and ungrouped data.
c)Calculate expected values for use in
d)Explain the properties of a
e)Interpret normal distribution graphs and
Section A是35道2分的填空选择,一共70分;Section
B是3道大题,每题10分,各来自Part C、D、E,也是填空选择的形式。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
2 Alpha Division, which is part of the Delta Group, is considering an investment opportunity to which the following
estimated information relates:
(1) An initial investment of $45m in equipment at the beginning of year 1 will be depreciated on a straight-line basis
over a three-year period with a nil residual value at the end of year 3.
(2) Net operating cash inflows in each of years 1 to 3 will be $12·5m, $18·5m and $27m respectively.
(3) The management accountant of Alpha Division has estimated that the NPV of the investment would be
$1·937m using a cost of capital of 10%.
(4) A bonus scheme which is based on short-term performance evaluation is in operation in all divisions within the
Delta Group.
(a) (i) Calculate the residual income of the proposed investment and comment briefly (using ONLY the above
information) on the values obtained in reconciling the short-term and long-term decision views likely to
be adopted by divisional management regarding the viability of the proposed investment. (6 marks)
4 (a) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 March 2006.
Bill and Ben each own 50% of the ordinary share capital in Flower Limited, an unquoted UK trading company
that makes electronic toys. Flower Limited was incorporated on 1 August 2005 with 1,000 £1 ordinary shares,
and commenced trading on the same day. The business has been successful, and the company has accumulated
a large cash balance of £180,000, which is to be used to purchase a new factory. However, Bill and Ben have
received an offer from a rival company, which they are considering. The offer provides Bill and Ben with two
alternative methods of payment for the purchase of their shares:
(i) £480,000 for the company, inclusive of the £180,000 cash balance.
(ii) £300,000 for the company assuming the cash available for the factory purchase is extracted prior to sale.
Bill and Ben each currently receive a gross salary of £3,750 per month from Flower Limited. Part of the offer
terms is that Bill and Ben would be retained as employees of the company on the same salary.
Neither Bill nor Ben has used any of their capital gains tax annual exemption for the tax year 2005/06.
(i) Calculate which of the following means of extracting the £180,000 from Flower Limited on 31 March
2006 will result in the highest after tax cash amount for Bill and Ben:
(1) payment of a dividend, or
(2) payment of a salary bonus.
You are not required to consider the corporation tax (CT) implications for Flower Limited in your
answer. (5 marks)
As a result, Bill and Ben would each be better off by £15,005 (69,142 – 54,137). If the cash were extracted by way
of dividend.
Tutorial note: In this answer the employers’ national insurance liability on the salary has been ignored. Credit would be
given to a candidate who recognised this issue.
5 (a) ‘In the case of an assurance engagement it is in the public interest and, therefore, required by this Code of Ethics,
that members of assurance teams … be independent of assurance clients’.
IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Define the term ‘assurance team’. (3 marks)
(a) ‘Assurance team’
■ All members of the engagement team (for the assurance engagement);
■ All others within a firm who can directly influence the outcome of the assurance engagement, for example:
– those who recommend the compensation of, or who provide direct supervisory, management or other oversight of
the assurance engagement partner in connection with the performance of the assurance engagement;
– those who provide consultation regarding technical or industry specific issues, transactions or events for the
assurance engagement; and
– those who provide quality control for the assurance.
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