


一、科目关联(Relation Diagram)

Management Accounting(MA)《管理会计》课程中的相关知识首先与Performance Management(PM)《业绩管理》和Advanced Performance Management(APM)《高级业绩管理》这两门科目中的知识有所关联。此外,还会涉及到一定的Strategic Business Leader(SBL)《战略商业报告》。

而在MA课程中学到的知识,将会运用到学员后续高阶课程的PMAPM科目的学习中。MA课程中的Part B最后一章节Alternative costing methods会出现在PMPart APart E有关Performance management的部分会出现在PM以及APM课程里。


二、新课程框架和新考纲(New Framework and Syllabus)

整体变化是增加了一个版块,这个版块整合了关于Date analysis and statistical techniques的内容,同时又新增了一些这个内容的其他知识点。


新增版块Data analysis and statistical techniques成为了Part B部分。但是其他版块内容不变,以此往后顺延。由原来的Part A-Part E 5Part的内容;变成了现在Part A-Part F 6Part的内容。


将原来考纲Part C Budgeting中的Statistical techniques这个知识点放在了新考纲Part B Data analysis and statistical techniquesForecasting techniques中。


新增了一部分的知识点。一个是Big data and analysis,放在了Part A The nature,source and purpose ofmanagement informationSources of data;一个是Summarising and analysing data,放在了Part B Date analysis and statistical technique

对于此次考纲的调整,可以看出对Date analysis and statistical techniques进行了一个整合。内容基本不变,我们主要看的就是新增的知识点。

三、新增知识点1Big data and analysis

考纲要求的是Describe the main uses of big data andanalytics for organisations。那也就是需要大家知道和分析大数据在企业中的用途。考试依然最多是以选择题形式进行考察。

四、新增知识点2Summarising and analysing data


a)Calculate the mean,mode and median forungrouped data and the mean for groupeddata.

b)Calculate measures of dispersion including thevariance,standard deviation and coefficient ofvariation both grouped and ungrouped data.

c)Calculate expected values for use in decisionmaking.

d)Explain the properties of a normaldistribution.

e)Interpret normal distribution graphs and tables




Section A是352分的填空选择,一共70;Section B3道大题,每题10分,各来自Part CDE,也是填空选择的形式。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

5 Gagarin wishes to persuade a number of wealthy individuals who are business contacts to invest in his company,

Vostok Ltd. He also requires advice on the recoverability of input tax relating to the purchase of new premises.

The following information has been obtained from a meeting with Gagarin.

Vostok Ltd:

– An unquoted UK resident company.

– Gagarin owns 100% of the company’s ordinary share capital.

– Has 18 employees.

– Provides computer based services to commercial companies.

– Requires additional funds to finance its expansion.

Funds required by Vostok Ltd:

– Vostok Ltd needs to raise £420,000.

– Vostok Ltd will issue 20,000 shares at £21 per share on 31 August 2008.

– The new shareholder(s) will own 40% of the company.

– Part of the money raised will contribute towards the purchase of new premises for use by Vostok Ltd.

Gagarin’s initial thoughts:

– The minimum investment will be 5,000 shares and payment will be made in full on subscription.

– Gagarin has a number of wealthy business contacts who may be interested in investing.

– Gagarin has heard that it may be possible to obtain tax relief for up to 60% of the investment via the enterprise

investment scheme.

Wealthy business contacts:

– Are all UK resident higher rate taxpayers.

– May wish to borrow the funds to invest in Vostok Ltd if there is a tax incentive to do so.

New premises:

– Will cost £446,500 including value added tax (VAT).

– Will be used in connection with all aspects of Vostok Ltd’s business.

– Will be sold for £600,000 plus VAT in six years time.

– Vostok Ltd will waive the VAT exemption on the sale of the building.

The VAT position of Vostok Ltd:

– In the year ending 31 March 2009, 28% of Vostok Ltd’s supplies will be exempt for the purposes of VAT.

– This percentage is expected to reduce over the next few years.

– Irrecoverable input tax due to the company’s partially exempt status exceeds the de minimis limits.


(a) Prepare notes for Gagarin to use when speaking to potential investors. The notes should include:

(i) The tax incentives immediately available in respect of the amount invested in shares issued in

accordance with the enterprise investment scheme; (5 marks)

(a) (i) The tax incentives immediately available
Income tax
– The investor’s income tax liability for 2008/09 will be reduced by 20% of the amount subscribed for the shares.
– Up to half of the amount invested can be treated as if paid in 2007/08 rather than 2008/09. This is subject to a
maximum carryback of £50,000.
This ability to carryback relief to the previous year is useful where the investor’s income in 2008/09 is insufficient
to absorb all of the relief available.
Tutorial note
There would be no change to the income tax liability of 2007/08 where an amount is treated as if paid in that year.
This ensures that such a claim does not affect payments on account under the self assessment system. Instead, the
tax refund due is calculated by reference to 2007/08 but is deducted from the next payment of tax due from the
taxpayer or is repaid to the taxpayer.
Capital gains tax deferral
– For every £1 invested in Vostok Ltd, an investor can defer £1 of capital gain and thus, potentially, 40 pence of
capital gains tax.
– The gain deferred can be in respect of the disposal of any asset.
– The shares must be subscribed for within the four year period starting one year prior to the date on which the
disposal giving rise to the gain took place.

2 It was the final day of a two-week-long audit of Van Buren Company, a longstanding client of Fillmore Pierce Auditors.

In the afternoon, Anne Hayes, a recently qualified accountant and member of the audit team, was following an audit

trail on some cash payments when she discovered what she described to the audit partner, Zachary Lincoln, as an

‘irregularity’. A large and material cash payment had been recorded with no recipient named. The corresponding

invoice was handwritten on a scrap of paper and the signature was illegible.

Zachary, the audit partner, was under pressure to finish the audit that afternoon. He advised Anne to seek an

explanation from Frank Monroe, the client’s finance director. Zachary told her that Van Buren was a longstanding client

of Fillmore Pierce and he would be surprised if there was anything unethical or illegal about the payment. He said

that he had personally been involved in the Van Buren audit for the last eight years and that it had always been

without incident. He also said that Frank Monroe was an old friend of his from university days and that he was certain

that he wouldn’t approve anything unethical or illegal. Zachary said that Fillmore Pierce had also done some

consultancy for Van Buren so it was a very important client that he didn’t want Anne to upset with unwelcome and

uncomfortable questioning.

When Anne sought an explanation from Mr Monroe, she was told that nobody could remember what the payment

was for but that she had to recognise that ‘real’ audits were sometimes a bit messy and that not all audit trails would

end as she might like them to. He also reminded her that it was the final day and both he and the audit firm were

under time pressure to conclude business and get the audit signed off.

When Anne told Zachary what Frank had said, Zachary agreed not to get the audit signed off without Anne’s support,

but warned her that she should be very certain that the irregularity was worth delaying the signoff for. It was therefore

now Anne’s decision whether to extend the audit or have it signed off by the end of Friday afternoon.


(a) Explain why ‘auditor independence’ is necessary in auditor-client relationships and describe THREE threats

to auditor independence in the case. (9 marks)

(a) Importance of independence
The auditor must be materially independent of the client for the following reasons:
To increase credibility and to underpin confidence in the process. In an external audit, this will primarily be for the benefit of
the shareholders and in an internal audit, it will often be for the audit committee that is, in turn, the recipient of the internal
audit report.
To ensure the reliability of the audit report. Any evidence of lack of independence (or ‘capture’) has the potential to undermine
all or part of the audit report thus rendering the exercise flawed.
To ensure the effectiveness of the investigation of the process being audited. An audit, by definition, is only effective as a
means of interrogation if the parties are independent of each other.
Three threats to independence
There are three threats to independence described in the case.
The same audit partner (Zachary) was assigned to Van Buren in eight consecutive years. This is an association threat and is
a contravention of some corporate governance codes. Both Sarbanes-Oxley and the Smith Guidance (contained in the UK
Combined Code), for example, specify auditor rotation to avoid association threat.
Fillmore Pierce provides more than one service to the same client. One of the threats to independence identified between
Arthur Andersen and Enron after the Enron collapse was an over-dependence on Enron by Andersen arising from the provision
of several services to the same client. Good practice is not to offer additional services to audit clients to avoid the appearance
of compromised independence. Some corporate governance codes formally prohibit this.
The audit partner (Zachary) is an old friend of the financial director of Van Buren (Frank). This ‘familiarity’ threat should be
declared to Fillmore Pierce at the outset and it may disqualify Zachary from acting as audit partner on the Van Buren account.

(c) Discuss the usefulness of the managerial grid in assessing the attributes of managers. (5 marks)

Part (c):
This all assumes that leadership styles can be categorised into the two dimensions and that the results can be plotted on the grid.
The position of team management is accepted as the best form. of leadership. This may not be practical or indeed advisable. In
many industries, concern for the task may be more important than concern for people, and vice versa. It will always depend on
the individual situation; behaving in a way which is alien to one’s attitudes will be seen as inconsistent and confusing.
However, if the grid has relevance to leadership skills, it can provide the basis for training and for management development. One
way in which it could be useful is (for example) to support a 9,1 leader with a 1,9 subordinate.
The managerial grid also links in to the motivational ideas of Douglas Macgregor. Theory X assumes that the average person has
an inherent dislike of work. The approach is likely to be task driven, and thus managers will have a high score on the x axis.
Theory Y is based on the idea that the goals of the individual and the organisation can be integrated. In this case, the approach
is likely to be concerned with the individual and thus managers will have a high score on the y axis.

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