ACCA是国际注册会计师 ,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。ACCA资格被认为是国际财会界的通行证。很多考生想知道13门ACCA考试科目一定要按照顺序考吗?今天就来看一下吧。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) During the inventory count on 31 December, some goods which had cost $80,000 were found to be damaged.
In February 2005 the damaged goods were sold for $85,000 by an agent who received a 10% commission out
of the sale proceeds. (2 marks)
Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard which
justifies your answer in each case.
NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters.
(b) The inventories should be valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is $80,000, net realisable value is
$85,000 less 10%, or $76,500. The net realisable value of $76,500 should therefore be taken (IAS2 Inventories)
(d) Evaluate the circumstances in which a government can act as an aid to business performance. (5 marks)
(d) Governments may act as an aid to business performance in the following ways:
– A government can increase aggregate demand for goods and services by increased government spending and/or by
reducing taxation so that firms (and individuals) have more after tax income available to spend.
– Government policy may encourage firms to locate to particular areas. This is particularly the case where there is high
unemployment in such areas.
– Government policy via the use of quotas and import tariffs might make it more difficult for overseas firms to compete in
domestic markets.
– A government can regulate monopolies in particular with regard to the prices they charge and the quality of their goods
and services.
– Government policy can regulate the activities of those firms which do not act in the best interests of the environment.
(Alternative relevant discussion would be acceptable)
6 Proposed ISA 600 (Revised and Redrafted) The Audit of Group Financial Statements is likely to substantially increase
the formal requirements in the area of group audits.
(a) Outline the significant issues that are being addressed in the IAASB’s project on group audits. (5 marks)
Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will be
given suitable credit.
(a) Significant issues
Tutorial note: The objective of the IAASB’s project on the audit of group financial statements (‘group audits’) was to deal
with special considerations in group audits and, in particular, the involvement of other auditors. The re-exposure of ISA 600
(Revised and Redrafted) in March 2006 (following initial publication of a proposed revised ISA in December 2003 and an
exposure draft in March 2005) reflects the significance of the issues that the IAASB has sought to address.
Sole vs divided responsibility
The IAASB has concluded that the group auditor has sole responsibility for the group audit opinion. Thus the exposure drafts
eliminate the distinction between sole and divided responsibility. Therefore no reference to another auditor (e.g. of significant
components) should be made in the group auditor’s report. The practice of referring to another auditor may, arguably, be more
transparent to users of group financial statements. However, it may also mislead users to believe that the group auditor does
not have sole responsibility.
Definition of group auditor
The group auditor is the auditor who signs the auditor’s report on the group financial statements. The project has sought to
clarify whether, for example, an auditor from another office of the group engagement partner’s firm is a member of the group
engagement team or an ‘other auditor’.
‘Related’ vs ‘unrelated’ auditors
IAASB recognises that the nature, timing and extent of procedures performed by the group auditor, including the review of
the other auditor’s audit documentation, are affected by the group auditor’s relationship with the other audit. (For example,
if the other auditor operates under the quality control policies and procedures of the group auditor.) However, IAASB
acknowledges that a consistent distinction between ‘related’ and ‘unrelated’ auditors cannot be made due to the varying
structures of audit firms and their networks. Consequently, the only distinction that is made is between the ‘group’ and ‘other’
Acceptance/continuance as group auditor
A group auditor should only accept or continue an engagement if sufficient appropriate evidence is expected to be obtained
on which to base the group audit opinion. Acceptance and continuance as group auditors therefore requires an assessment
of the risk of misstatement in components. IAASB has therefore proposed guidance on the benchmarks that might be used
in identifying significant components.
Access to information
IAASB has concluded that a group audit engagement should be refused (or resigned from) if the group engagement partner
concludes that it will not be possible to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the result of which would be a disclaimer.
However, if the group engagement partner is prohibited from refusing or resigning an engagement, the group audit opinion
must be disclaimed.
Aggregation of components
Sufficient appropriate audit evidence must be obtained in respect of components that are not individually significant (but
significant in aggregate). This requires that components be selected for audit procedures (e.g. on specified account balances).
Analytical procedures are required to be performed on components that are not selected. IAASB has therefore identified factors
to be considered in selecting components that are not individually significant.
Responsibilities of other auditors
Historically, other auditors, knowing the context in which their work will be used by the group auditor, have been required to
cooperate with the group auditor. However, the project did not address guidance for other auditors. Therefore, in providing
guidance on the group audit, the IAASB requires the group auditor to obtain an understanding of the requirements for other
auditors to cooperate with the group auditor and provide access to relevant documentation.
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