Section A 15*2(选择题,共30分)
Section B 3*5*2(选择题,共30分)
Section C 2*20(我们俗称的“大题”,有计算和文字,共40分)
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(c) State the specific inquiries you should make of Robson Construction Co’s management relevant to its
accounting for construction contracts. (6 marks)
(c) Specific inquiries – accounting for construction contracts
Tutorial note: This answer is illustrative of the types of inquiry that should be made. Other relevant answer points will be
awarded similar credit. For each full mark to be earned an inquiry should address the specifics of Robson (e.g. that its
accounting policies are ‘generally less prudent’). The identification of asset overstatement/liability understatement may
reduce the purchase price offered by Prescott.
■ Are any constructions being undertaken without signed contracts?
Tutorial note: Any expenditure on constructions without contracts (e.g. of a speculative nature, perhaps to keep the
workforce employed) must be accounted for under IAS ‘Inventories’; revenue cannot be recognised nor profit taken.
■ Is full provision made for future losses foreseen on loss-making contracts?
Tutorial note: The information in the brief is that ‘provisions are made’. The level of provision is not indicated and
could be less than full.
■ Which contracts started during the year are likely to be/have been identified as loss-making (for which no provision has
yet been made)?
Tutorial note: Profits and losses are only determined by contract at each financial year end.
■ What are management’s assumptions and judgments on the likely future outcome on the Sarwar contract (and other
actual and contingent liabilities)?
Tutorial note: Robson would be imprudent if it underestimates the probability of an unfavourable outcome (or
overestimates the likelihood of successful recourse).
■ What claims history has Robson experienced? (What proportion of contracts have been subject to claims? What
proportion of claims brought have been successful? How have they been settled? Under insurance? Out-of-court
settlement?) How effective are the penalty clauses? (Is Robson having to pay penalties for overrunning on contracts?)
■ What are the actual useful lives of assets used in construction? What level of losses are made on disposal?
Tutorial note: If such assets are depreciated over useful lives that are estimated to be too long, depreciation costs
incurred to date (and estimated depreciation to be included in costs to completion) will be understated. This will result
in too much profit/too little loss being calculated on contracts.
■ What is the cause of losses on contracts? For example, if due to theft of building supplies Robson’s management is not
exercising sufficient control over the company’s assets.
2 (a) Explain the term ‘backflush accounting’ and the circumstances in which its use would be appropriate.
(6 marks)
(a) Backflush accounting focuses upon output of an organisation and then works backwards when allocating costs between cost
of goods sold and inventories. It can be argued that backflush accounting simplifies costing since it ignores both labour
variances and work-in-progress. Whilst in a perfect just-in-time environment there would be no work-in-progress at all, there
will in practice be a small amount of work-in-progress in the system at any point in time. This amount, however, is likely to
be negligible in quantity and therefore not significant in terms of value. Thus, a backflush accounting system simplifies the
accounting records by avoiding the need to follow the movement of materials and work-in-progress through the manufacturing
process within the organisation.
The backflush accounting system is likely to involve the maintenance of a raw materials and work-in–progress account
together with a finished goods account. The use of standard costs and variances is likely to be incorporated into the
accounting entries. Transfers from raw materials and work-in-progress account to finished goods (or cost of sales) will probably
be made at standard cost. The difference between the actual inputs and the standard charges from the raw materials and
work-in-progress account will be recorded as a residual variance, which will be recorded in the profit and loss account. Thus,
it is essential that standard costs are a good surrogate for actual costs if large variances are to be avoided. Backflush
accounting is ideally suited to a just-in-time philosophy and is employed where the overall cycle time is relatively short and
inventory levels are low. Naturally, management will still be eager to ascertain the cause of any variances that arise from the
inefficient usage of materials, labour and overhead. However investigations are far more likely to be undertaken using nonfinancial
performance indicators as opposed to detailed cost variances.
(c) the deferred tax implications (with suitable calculations) for the company which arise from the recognition
of a remuneration expense for the directors’ share options. (7 marks)
(c) At a recent meeting of the board of directors, the managing director of Envico Ltd said that he considered it
essential to be able to assess the ‘value for money’ of each seminar. He suggested that the quality of the speakers
and the comfort of the seminar rooms were two assessment criteria that should be used in order to assess the
‘value for money’ of each seminar.
Discuss SIX separate and distinct assessment criteria (including those suggested by the managing director),
that would enable the management of Envico Ltd to assess the ‘value for money’ of each seminar.
(6 marks)
(c) The following are six separate and distinct assessment criteria (including those suggested by the managing director), that
would enable the management of Envico Ltd to assess the ‘value for money’ of each seminar. The assessment criteria are
presented as questions that would comprise the contents of a questionnaire but other presentations would have been equally
(1) Did the course meet your objectives?
‘Value for money’ may, in part, be assessed by reference to the ‘effectiveness’ of the service provision. Effectiveness may
be viewed in this context as meeting the objectives of attendees. All attendees have similar but varying objectives and
hence it is vital that Envico Ltd meets the objectives of all attendees if seminars are to constitute ‘value for money’.
(2) How would you rate the quality of the speakers?
A primary resource of Envico Ltd is its speakers and thus it is important to gauge how they were perceived to perform
by the attendees.
(3) How would you rate comfort, cleanliness and facilities of the seminar rooms?
Again, a principal resource, which is consumed when providing the service, is the seminar room and the facilities
contained within it. Attendees will find a clean and ergonomically designed room more conducive for education and
training activities.
(4) How would you assess the quality of the course materials?
Since Envico Ltd undertakes the provision of educational and training seminars then the quality of course materials
provided assumes critical significance as they represent the ‘raison d’être’ of Envico Ltd. If they are perceived to be of
high quality they may act as a good advertisement for the company. Conversely, poor quality course materials will cause
Envico Ltd to be perceived poorly.
(5) How strongly would you recommend Envico courses to friends and colleagues?
This is a very important consideration since ‘word of mouth’ may represent the best means of advertising the services
provided by Envico Ltd and is indicative of whether attendees consider that they have received ‘value for money’ from
Envico Ltd.
(6) Do you consider that you could have achieved your objectives in attending the course in a more expedient manner? If
so, please detail below.
This question acknowledges that the time of attendees is a scarce resource and hence there may well be an opportunity
cost in attending seminars in addition to the explicit costs such as course fees, travel and subsistence costs etc. It is
essential that Envico Ltd is flexible in its approach to meeting the needs of clients where attendance at seminars is either
impracticable or undesirable. Perhaps a series of interactive CDs and/or video tuition may be more appropriate in certain
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