











许多考生们也一样,考证的 初动机就是为了摆脱现在的岗位和不满意的薪水,在职场走的更高。但即便有这样的动机,许多人却没有相应的执行力将自己的决定变为现实。

执行力差这件事, 大的坏处是会损害自信。一次计划未能成功执行,往往会导致对于自己能力的怀疑,次数多了之后,就更不敢再制定计划了,“随缘”“佛系”考生,就诞生了。




在ACCA复习上流行一句话,客观题考的是点,主观题考的是面。ACCA考到 后会发现,如何形成这个面才是问题关键所在。而历年高分通过ACCA的那些考生们都有自己的总结归纳法宝。







下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) With specific reference to Hugh Co, discuss the objective of a review engagement and contrast the level of

assurance provided with that provided in an audit of financial statements. (6 marks)

(c) The objective of a review engagement is to enable the auditor to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework. This is defined in ISRE 2400
Engagements to Review Financial Statements.
In order to obtain this assurance, it is necessary to gather evidence using analytical procedures and enquiries with
management. Detailed substantive procedures will not be performed unless the auditor has reason to believe that the
information may be materially misstated.
The auditor should approach the engagement with a high degree of professional scepticism, looking for circumstances that
may cause the financial statements to be misstated. For example, in Hugh Co, the fact that the preparer of the financial
statements is part-qualified may lead the auditor to believe that there is a high inherent risk that the figures are misstated.
As a result of procedures performed, the auditor’s objective is to provide a clear written expression of negative assurance on
the financial statements. In a review engagement the auditor would state that ‘we are not aware of any material modifications
that should be made to the financial statements….’
This is normally referred to as an opinion of ‘negative assurance’.
Negative assurance means that the auditor has performed limited procedures and has concluded that the financial statements
appear reasonable. The user of the financial statements gains some comfort that the figures have been subject to review, but
only a moderate level of assurance is provided. The user may need to carry out additional procedures of their own if they
want to rely on the financial statements. For example, if Hugh Co were to use the financial statements as a means to raise
further bank finance, the bank would presumably perform, or require Hugh Co to perform, additional procedures to provide
a higher level of assurance as to the validity of the figures contained in the financial statements.
In comparison, in an audit, a high level of assurance is provided. The auditors provide an opinion of positive, but not absolute
assurance. The user is assured that the figures are free from material misstatement and that the auditor has based the opinion
on detailed procedures.

(c) Identify and evaluate other strategic options ONA could consider to address the airline’s current financial and

operational weaknesses.

Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks (10 marks)


(c) Within the strategy clock, ONA might consider both differentiation and focus. A differentiation strategy seeks to provide
products or services that offer different benefits from those offered by competitors. These benefits are valued by customers
and so can lead to increased market share and, in the context of ONA, higher seat utilisation. Differentiation is particularly
attractive when it provides the opportunity of providing a price premium. In other words, margins are enhanced through
differentiation. Air travellers may be willing to pay more to travel with an airline that offers seat allocation and free in-flight
food and drinks.
However, such a broad-based differentiation strategy may be inappropriate for ONA because of the need to service both
business and leisure travellers. Consequently, the potential strategy also has to be considered in the context of the two sectors
that the company perceives that it services. In the regional sector a focused differentiation strategy looks particularly attractive.
Here, the strategy focuses on a selected niche or market segment. The most obvious focus is on business travel and building
the company’s strengths in this sector. This focus on the business traveller might be achieved through:
– Ensuring that flight times are appropriate for the business working day. This is already a perceived strength of the
company. This needs to be built on.
– Providing more space in the aircraft by changing the seating configuration – and the balance between business and
standard class. ONA currently has a low seat occupancy rate and a reduction in seat capacity could be borne.
– Fewer passengers in the aircraft may also lead to improved throughput times. Loading and unloading aircraft is quicker,
minimising the delays encountered by the traveller.
– Providing supporting business services – lounges with fax and internet facilities.
– Speeding the process of booking and embarkation (through electronic check-in), so making the process of booking and
embarkation easier and faster.
– Providing loyalty schemes that are aimed at the business traveller.
Although this focused differentiation is aimed at the business customer it is also likely that particular aspects of it will be
valued by certain leisure travellers. Given the strong regional brand (people from Oceania are likely to travel ONA) and the
nature of the leisure travel in this sector (families visiting relatives) it seems unlikely that there will be a significant fall off in
leisure travel in the regional sector.
In the international sector, the strategic customer is less clear. This sector is serving both the leisure and business market and
is also competing with strong ‘no frills’ competitors. The nature of customer and competition is different. A strategy of
differentiation could still be pursued, although perhaps general differentiation (without a price premium) may be more effective
with the aim of increasing seat occupancy rate. This sector would also benefit from most of the suggested improvements of
the regional sector – providing more space in aircraft, faster passenger throughput, electronic check-in etc. However, these
small changes will not address the relatively low flight frequency in this sector. This could be addressed through seeking
alliances with established airlines in the continental countries that it services. Simple code share agreements could double
ONA’s frequencies overnight. Obviously, ONA would be seeking a good cultural fit – the ‘no frills’ low-cost budget airlineswould not be candidates for code shares.

ONA’s perception of market segmentation, reflected in splitting regional from international travel and distinguishing leisure
from business appears to be a sensible understanding of the marketplace. However, it might also be useful for them to
consider on-line customers and commission customers (travel agents) as different segments. Perceiving travel agents as the
strategic customer would lead to a different strategic focus, one in which the amount and structure of commission played an
important part.
Finally, whichever strategy ONA adopts, it must continue to review its operational efficiency. An important strategic capability
in any organisation is to ensure that attention is paid to cost-efficiency. It can be argued that a continual reduction in costs
is necessary for any organisation in a competitive market. Management of costs is a threshold competence for survival. ONA
needs to address some of the weaknesses identified earlier in the question. Specific points, not covered elsewhere, include:
– Improved employee productivity to address the downward decline in efficiency ratios.
– Progressive standardisation of the fleet to produce economies of scale in maintenance and training. This should reduce
the cost base.
– Careful monitoring of expenditure, particularly on wages and salaries, to ensure that these do not exceed revenue
Candidates may address this question in a number of ways. In the model answer given above, the strategy clock is used –
as it uses the term ‘no frills’ in its definition and so it seems appropriate to look at other options within this structure. However,
answers that use other frameworks (such as Ansoff’s product/market matrix) are perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, answerswhich focus on the suitability, acceptability and feasibility of certain options are also acceptable.

(b) Describe with suitable calculations how the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Briars will be dealt with in

the group financial statements and how the loan to Briars should be treated in the financial statements of

Briars for the year ended 31 May 2006. (9 marks)


(b) IAS21 ‘The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates’ requires goodwill arising on the acquisition of a foreign operation
and fair value adjustments to acquired assets and liabilities to be treated as belonging to the foreign operation. They should
be expressed in the functional currency of the foreign operation and translated at the closing rate at each balance sheet date.
Effectively goodwill is treated as a foreign currency asset which is retranslated at the closing rate. In this case the goodwillarising on the acquisition of Briars would be treated as follows:

At 31 May 2006, the goodwill will be retranslated at 2·5 euros to the dollar to give a figure of $4·4 million. Therefore this
will be the figure for goodwill in the balance sheet and an exchange loss of $1·4 million recorded in equity (translation
reserve). The impairment of goodwill will be expensed in profit or loss to the value of $1·2 million. (The closing rate has been
used to translate the impairment; however, there may be an argument for using the average rate.)
The loan to Briars will effectively be classed as a financial liability measured at amortised cost. It is the default category for
financial liabilities that do not meet the definition of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. For most entities,
most financial liabilities will fall into this category. When a financial liability is recognised initially in the balance sheet, the
liability is measured at fair value. Fair value is the amount for which a liability can be settled, between knowledgeable, willing
parties in an arm’s length transaction. In other words, fair value is an actual or estimated transaction price on the reporting
date for a transaction taking place between unrelated parties that have adequate information about the asset or liability being
Since fair value is a market transaction price, on initial recognition fair value generally is assumed to equal the amount of
consideration paid or received for the financial asset or financial liability. Accordingly, IAS39 specifies that the best evidence
of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition generally is the transaction price. However for longer-term
receivables or payables that do not pay interest or pay a below-market interest, IAS39 does require measurement initially at
the present value of the cash flows to be received or paid.
Thus in Briars financial statements the following entries will be made:

2 (a) Discuss the nature of the financial objectives that may be set in a not-for-profit organisation such as a charity

or a hospital. (8 marks)


2 (a) In the case of a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation, the limit on the services that can be provided is the amount of funds that
are available in a given period. A key financial objective for an NFP organisation such as a charity is therefore to raise as
much funds as possible. The fund-raising efforts of a charity may be directed towards the public or to grant-making bodies.
In addition, a charity may have income from investments made from surplus funds from previous periods. In any period,
however, a charity is likely to know from previous experience the amount and timing of the funds available for use. The same
is true for an NFP organisation funded by the government, such as a hospital, since such an organisation will operate under
budget constraints or cash limits. Whether funded by the government or not, NFP organisations will therefore have the
financial objective of keeping spending within budget, and budgets will play an important role in controlling spending and in
specifying the level of services or programmes it is planned to provide.
Since the amount of funding available is limited, NFP organisations will seek to generate the maximum benefit from available
funds. They will obtain resources for use by the organisation as economically as possible: they will employ these resources
efficiently, minimising waste and cutting back on any activities that do not assist in achieving the organisation’s non-financial
objectives; and they will ensure that their operations are directed as effectively as possible towards meeting their objectives.
The goals of economy, efficiency and effectiveness are collectively referred to as value for money (VFM). Economy is
concerned with minimising the input costs for a given level of output. Efficiency is concerned with maximising the outputs
obtained from a given level of input resources, i.e. with the process of transforming economic resources into desires services.
Effectiveness is concerned with the extent to which non-financial organisational goals are achieved.
Measuring the achievement of the financial objective of VFM is difficult because the non-financial goals of NFP organisations
are not quantifiable and so not directly measurable. However, current performance can be compared to historic performance
to ascertain the extent to which positive change has occurred. The availability of the healthcare provided by a hospital, for
example, can be measured by the time that patients have to wait for treatment or for an operation, and waiting times can be
compared year on year to determine the extent to which improvements have been achieved or publicised targets have been

Lacking a profit motive, NFP organisations will have financial objectives that relate to the effective use of resources, such as
achieving a target return on capital employed. In an organisation funded by the government from finance raised through
taxation or public sector borrowing, this financial objective will be centrally imposed.

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